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Ex DC Mayor with alleged legal problems dates Steve Jobs rich wife

Staff Writer


.bugnews.bloggieblog.com .

Well, I am happy that Adrian Fenty can finally hold down a JOBS. If recall, Fenty was bouncing from job to job for a minute. Many were wondering about his work skills. Most thought that being a lawyer and politician that he spread the truth around with easy. In Fenty case, it was not easy. He in most cases was out the door in 3 months.

On the other hand, it appears that Fenty still has talents. After leaving his first meal ticket, his ex wife Michelle Fenty, he has upgraded to a different tax bracket. There is a rumor out that Fenty has used his Jamaican skills to bag a lonely traveler name Laurene Powell Jobs.

The story with Fenty's child being left abandon has not been cleared up along with alleged allegations of domestic abuse in his past.
