"Early Americas Digital Archive" from books.google.com
... Early Americas Digital Archive , 221 Eaves , Morris , IOI Ede , Lisa , 28 , 29–30 , 31 , 41n5 editorial work : vs. computerized searches , 142 ; history writing compared to , 230 ; interaction with readers in , 161 , 162 , 165 ; in Race ...
"Early Americas Digital Archive" from books.google.com
... Early Americas Digital Archive ( EADA ) ( University of Maryland ) is a collection of electronic texts and links to texts originally written in or about the Americas from 1492 to about 1820. Available to the public for research and ...
"Early Americas Digital Archive" from books.google.com
... Early Americas Digital Archive. http://mith.umd.edu/eada/html/display.php? docs=ashbridge_account.xml&action=show, and http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/pds/becomingamer/growth/text5/ashbridge.pdf. Axtell, James. Beyond 1492 ...
"Early Americas Digital Archive" from books.google.com
... Early Americas Digital Archive, which helps students and scholars discover connections among themes, genres, and authors. Lisa Voigt, a Hispanist, demonstrates how the circulation, trade, and even forced capture of information and ...
"Early Americas Digital Archive" from books.google.com
... Early Americas Digital Archive (EADA), provides a fruitful point of contact between nineteenth-century antiquarian practice and contemporary digitization efforts.4 This example of a digitally reborn Bradford underscores the fact that ...
"Early Americas Digital Archive" from books.google.com
... Early Americas digital archive . Ralph Bauer , general editor . College Park , Md .: Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities , 2003 . < http://www.mith2.umd.edu/eada/index.jsp > The Maryland Institute for Technol- ogy in the ...
"Early Americas Digital Archive" from books.google.com
... Early Americas Digital Archive www.mith2.umd.edu/eada Full texts of printed works related to the Americas from 1492 to 1820. Environmental History of Latin America www.stanford.edu/group/LAEH/index. html Online bibliography of academic ...
"Early Americas Digital Archive" from books.google.com
... Early Americas Digital Archive, to the Our Americas Archive Partnership, to the Mark Twain Project, American Authors on the Web, and the Walt Whitman Archive to name only a few. So plentiful and innovative have these endeavors ...
"Early Americas Digital Archive" from books.google.com
... Early Americas Digital Archive, proved that Rebecca was a dedicated researcher and an excellent collaborator. I also served as her adviser for the major. Over the years, as we mapped out her schedule during advising office hours, I ...
"Early Americas Digital Archive" from books.google.com
... Early Americas Digital Archive http://mith2.umd.edu/eada/ EADA consists of two basic components: a) the EADA Database and b) the Gateway to Early American Authors on the WEB. a) In the EADA Database, you can find texts that are housed ...