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3 Things The Presidential Race Can Teach Business About Digital Strategy

Updated Sep 16, 2016, 10:37am EDT

By Teresa Meek

Digital strategies being used by presidential candidates to win votes can be applied in business to engage customers and drive sales.

Here are three takeaways from this year’s race for president that might change the way your company approaches marketing.

1. Tweak The Message To Say The Same Thing

Candidates from both parties this year are relying heavily on microtargeting, which involves crunching enormous amounts of data to help them craft messages that appeal to highly specific bands of supporters.

“Obviously, the end goal is to influence someone to vote for you. But you have limited resources,” said Mike Gualtieri, an analyst at market research company Forrester Research. “So you have to do microtargeting to identify those people you have the greatest ability to influence.”

Where does the data come from? Much of it resides in traditional sources, such as voter registrations, the U.S. Census and licensing agencies. But campaigns are combining it with social media and consumer information to give them a better idea of who to target.

Republican nominee Ted Cruz hired statisticians and behavioral psychologists to analyze voters’ consumer habits and Facebook posts, as well as to tailor messages to specific personality types. To elicit support for gun ownership, people who were deemed “fearful” were sent a picture of a burglar breaking into a home, whereas “traditional” voters received a picture of a family on a hunting trip.

Businesses can use analytics to design specific messages. Many already do. They crunch data to target their marketing to “microsegments,” Gualtieri said. Like politicians, they mine data for common traits shared by a potential group of customers, for instance, and then craft messages designed to appeal specifically to them.

“A microsegment would be people who have visited Disney World and are retired and have grandkids,” Gualtieri said. “The more you know about that group, the more you can customize your message.”

2. Embrace The Spirit Of New Platforms

Presidential candidates aren’t just using digital platforms because that’s where their audience spends time. They’re using them to communicate in new ways to relate better to the voters they’re trying to reach.

Cruz made a slick, professionally produced Christmas ad parody that showed him on a sofa with his family, reading his kids tales like “How Obamacare Stole Christmas” and “The Grinch Who Lost Her Emails.”

Despite scorn from some pundits, the video scored a million views over the December weekend it was launched, and now has close to 2 million.

The Clinton campaign has delved into the nuances of using Snapchat versus Instagram, and the candidate actually let superstar Katy Perry take over her Instagram account for a day.

Companies that put out standard marketing messages and wonder why they don’t have a following should be paying close attention. To be effective, they need to embrace the platforms fully and dare to express themselves in fun, engaging and even edgy ways​ — whatever works best for their target audience.

3. Know What They Like (And What They Don’t)

Later in the election season, when the campaign narrows to two contenders, candidates will change their strategy, Gualtieri said, focusing less on supporters and more on swing voters.

“At that point, predictive analytics will become more useful,” he said. “The prescriptive model is, ‘How can I influence them to change their minds?’”

To do that, campaigns might seek information about voter sentiment and use software to handle the grunt work.

One such tool is the free online Election Tracker ’16 from OpenText. The tracker keeps a tally of how often the media is covering each candidate and in what context. It also measures tone, generating percentage breakdowns of how much coverage is positive, negative and neutral.

Candidates could use this kind of information to gauge reactions within voter groups to see whether a message is resonating or turning people off.

“We build algorithms that teach the computer where certain combinations of words imply emotion,” said Adam Howatson, chief marketing officer at OpenText. “The algorithms are refined over time to produce more precise results.”

What Election Data Science Can Do For Business

Businesses looking to convert customers who are on the fence can benefit from a similar tool, the OpenText Analytics Suite, which mines the trove of information a company has gathered about its customers and analyzes it for sentiment.

Social media activity, sales data and customer feedback from a variety of channels can all go into the mix. Trends that were previously hidden pop into view, enabling business leaders to make important decisions that could, for example, align products with what customers want. They can also create more effective marketing messages and adjust them on the fly.

And as the use of analytics expands throughout an enterprise, users need to better connect their efforts so they can collaborate more effectively.

OpenText responded to this need on April 12 with its launch of Suite 16 and Cloud 16. The release uses a single platform to manage everything from content and business processes to customer experience and analytics.

Making analytics part of ordinary business functions lets companies better understand customers and markets, allowing them to make better decisions about how to reach them and what new products to launch. It also lets them try out new approaches and quickly learn if they’re on the right track.

“Digital disruption is toppling market leaders and restructuring industries faster than ever before,” OpenText CEO and Chief Technology Officer Mark J. Barrenechea said in an announcement about the launch. “In a digital world, the winners will be the ones who find new customers, discover new markets and pursue new revenue streams using digital channels. These will be the digital leaders, and they will have the competitive advantage.”

Depending on the nature of the information and what’s best for the enterprise, the platform can be based on-premises, in the cloud or a mixture of both.

Whether you’re running for president or running an organization, having a knockout big data strategy has become critical to success.

And the more data that’s collected over time, the more accurate a predictive model becomes — whether it’s used in politics or in building the product your customers are dreaming about.

Teresa Meek lives and works in Seattle. With over 15 years of experience in communications, she has also written for the Miami Herald and Newsday.