Survey on Teachers' Beliefs concerning the Integration of Children's Literature in Mathematics Learning and Teaching
For pre-service and in-service teachers in Australia

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Firstly, thank you very much for kindly agreeing to complete the survey below :-)

This survey is part of an international study exploring in-service and pre-service teachers' beliefs concerning the integration of children’s literature in mathematics teaching and learning.

It is hoped that this survey will only take 15 minutes of your time. Moreover, as your identity will be anonymised, it is hoped that you will respond to these questions without fear of being judged.

By completing this survey, you confirm that:

- you have read the Information Sheet ( about the project and understand what the purpose of the project is and what is required of you;
- you consent to participating in this survey and to the use of anonymised quotes in future publications.

Thank you in anticipation of your kind assistance!
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