Sat Mar 8 2025 03:33:32 UTC
<tml__> what's the difference between OpenGLWrapper::isVCLOpenGLEnabled() and OpenGLHelper::isVCLOpenGLEnabled() ? <mst_> isn't that obvious? the helper makes the wrapper easier to access, and the wrapper wraps around the helper
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
86214 LibreOff Calc abhilash300singh RESO FIXE UI: User isn't warned that entering a cell address is not allowed as range name 2025-02-21
90794 LibreOff UI heiko.tietze RESO FIXE Fix the Linux HiDPI start screen 2017-11-30
105371 LibreOff UI heiko.tietze RESO FIXE Find & Replace Dialog: tune up 2017-02-08
104359 LibreOff Document libreoffice-bugs RESO WORK UI: Wrong page associated with HELP Button in dialog File Services 2021-05-06
105354 LibreOff Document libreoffice-bugs RESO FIXE LOCALHELP: Create documentation for Macro Selector window 2021-05-06
97977 LibreOff Calc winfrieddonkers RESO FIXE FILEOPEN: XSLX - MODE results in wrong calculation 2018-04-01
104154 LibreOff UI devoptmsoi VERI FIXE Add detailed list view to template manager 2022-08-08
103677 LibreOff Installa libreoffice-bugs VERI FIXE New Icon Ideas installer packaging 2021-09-12
104334 LibreOff Writer vmiklos VERI FIXE FILEOPEN: DOC: Incorrect StyleRef 2017-08-03
9 bugs found.


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