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Last Updated: Wednesday, 28 June 2006, 10:20 GMT 11:20 UK
'Designer baby' fund hits £10,000
Charlie and Charlotte Mariethoz
Charlotte needs treatment on her bone marrow
A Leicester couple who have permission for a "designer baby" to treat their daughter have reached a first fundraising milestone.

Charlie and Catherine Mariethoz have been granted a licence to have a child which is a genetic match for a stem cell transplant for daughter Charlotte.

The 22-month-old has the rare blood disorder diamond blackfan anaemia.

The couple said they were delighted with the speed £10,000 has been raised towards the £40,000 treatment cost.

Mrs Mariethoz said: "Everybody has been so generous. We had an auction night last week which raised £4,500.

"Some people who are running a marathon have said they will donate half of the money they raise.

"Everybody has been so kind, it really helps us to look forward to the future."

Couple hope 'designer baby' helps others
04 May 06 |  Leicestershire

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