Individual Submission Summary

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Painting and Drawing Rome: Views and Landscapes on the Spot around Palazzo Bonelli

Sat, April 1, 8:30 to 10:00am, Palmer House Hilton, Floor: Seventh Floor, Sandburg 7


The contribution examines the importance of drawings and paintings as a source for the reconsctruction of the urban landscape. The case that is proposed is that of the area of palazzo Bonelli in Rome. Built in one of the focal points of the City facing one side to the Forum and the Traian’s column and other side to the Santi Apostoli’s place and to the entrance of the Via Lata, the Bonelli palace was at the center of a deep interest for draftsmen and painters. Through the analysis of reliefs, plants and drawings my speech aims to analyze the topographical area around the palace both through the study of the drawings of the houses purchased by the increase the palace during the fifteenth and sixteenth century both the wide graphic production linked to the worship of the ancient ruins, from the Traian’s column, to the Forum until the slpoes of the Quirinal Hill.
