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258 pages, Kindle Edition
First published January 26, 2017
"Gods and their Monsters,battling it out until the very end"
“You will be mine to protect and mine to fight beside. We will carry each other when one’s burden is too heavy. And if your blood is ever spilled, I will be the one to avenge it.”
“Everything is changing. We are changing, and I wonder how that can possibly end with any of us remaining the same.”
“Don’t you see? You are our destruction – but for me, you will be my salvation.”
THANOS was a great finale in this dark & erotic vampire series! If you haven't already, you will so fall in love with those 9 darlings!
“It appears that even when the heart stops, it still recognizes the one that it was destined to beat for.”
“…I see every line, every jagged scar marring your otherwise perfect face. And it’s a glaring reminder that we were sent here to hurt you. That we are the true monsters in this equation, not you.”
“You are like the thorns on a rose, Thanos. A painful beauty. One I will always want to hold, no matter the blood it draws from me.”
“I am not the knight who will save you, Paris Antoniou. I am the night in your nightmares.”
“You and your friends…you are the fire. The flood. The plague. You are the end of all ends that we are helpless to resist or fight. And it has already started. Don’t you see? You are our destruction – but for me, you will also be my salvation.”
“I will always save you, Thanos. Even when it is from yourself.”
“Don’t you see? You are our destruction—but for me, you will also be my salvation.”