Deer Feed

That’s what we call this beautiful plant, …


So nennen wir diese wunderschöne Pflanze, …

“Deer Feed”

… just for now at least, because we still have to find the proper name and because the deer like it very much. It’s fresh green leaves, that is. Here’s now what the branches look like after the deer have been at them:

… zumindest für den Augenblick, weil wir den richtigen Namen erst noch herausfinden müssen und weil unsere Rehe sie so gerne mögen. Jedenfalls die frischen grünen Blätter. So sehen die Zweige nun aus, nachdem die Rehe sich daran gütlich getan haben:

Deer Damage

And here’s a few more pictures of the shrub:

Und hier nun noch ein paar mehr Bilder von diesem Busch:

But whatever, we love the deer in our garden.

Aber was auch immer, wir lieben die Rehe in unserem Garten.


    1. Ja, ist einerseits schon bloed, aber wenn’s den Rehen schmeckt?! 😉 🙁 Der Hibiskus steht an einer Stelle, wop ich leider keinen Zaun drum machen kann. 🙁

  1. Oh deer… This takes me back to a previous house and garden, where we’d spent plenty of $$ on shrubs and lots of effort planting them, only to wake up the next morning to headless hibiscus. Too late, we learned about wolf urine (an organic deterrent) and garlic spray. But then, you’re smelling wolf urine and garlic instead of flowers! We solved the issue by moving to a high-rise apartment 🙂 🙂 Be well!

    1. Well, we knew about the deer hereabouts before we bought the place and we like them so much around that we put up with the damage they do. We even attract them by putting out corn. And we try to find plants they don’t eat. Sometimes that even works. Wherever possible I put up fences, but with some trees I was too late. That was last autumn when a buck rubbed his horns at the stems and damaged the bark. Unfortunately to that extent with a wonderful Texas Redbud that it seems to be dying. Well, can’t be helped. I agree with you that I wouldn’t want to smell garlic or wolf-urine. Not at all.
      Stay well, too.
      P.S. on a completely different matter: did I see some pictures you took while kayaking on the North Sea either in your blog or a different one? I seem to remember I saw pictures, but can’t remember where.

      1. Hi, Pit. Thanks for the deer update. As for the North Sea, it’s still on our “bucket list”— must’ve been another kayakblogger. Let us know if you find it, sounds interesting! Jean & Alex

        1. Hi Jean & Alex,
          I’ll certainly let you know. And should you ever want to do some kayaking in Germany [rivers or (North) sea], let me know. I have good friends in Bonn who are absolutely into kayaking and always love to have guests.
          Have a great Sunday,

    1. With a few exceptions, our deer seem to like everything we plant. Even the stuff that the books say they don’t like. I suspect our deer can’t read! 😉 But we like them way too much and we can’t keep them out of our yard anyway. So, we’ll put up with whatever damage they do.

        1. We don’t have any veggies in our garden. So I don’t know if they’d eat tomatoes.

    1. Well, they don’t seem to eat the actual flowers/blossom, but the do like the leaves. Very much so.
      We’ll enjoy the weekend and the BBQ. Unless, as I said to Johanna, I mess up. 😉
      Habe a great Independence Day weekend yourself, too,

    1. Good morning, Johanna,
      It really seems to be a Hibiscus.
      And yep, the BBQ pit will be very active this weekend. We’ll have family here, and we’re planning pork&veggie kebabs on Sunday and fajitas and sausages on Monday, after the parade. Now does that sound mouth-watering? 😉
      Have a great Independence Day weekend yourself,

  2. Bin auch kein Pflanzenexperte, aber check mal die Hibiscus Arten, bzw Eibisch. Blüte und Blätter passen jedenfalls.

    LG Hans

    1. Hallo Hans,
      danke fuer den Tipp. Nachdem ich dem Link von Linda nachgegangen bin, bin ich mir sehr sicher, dass es ein Hibiskus ist.
      Hab’s fein,

  3. Das Rehfutter ist ein Hibiskus, Blätter und Blüte weisen daruf hin. Wird auch Roseneibisch genannt, Gattung der Rosiden, Familie der Malvengewächse. Gibt es in vieloen Farben und Formen. Wenn euch eure Rehe was dran lassen wurden, hätet ihr viele Wochen Blüten 😉 deine Gabi

    1. Hallo Gabi,
      herzlich willkommen unter den Kommentatoren und Kommentatorinnen hier in meinem Blog. freu Und danke für den Tipp. Mittlerweile habe ich, dem Link [s.o.] folgend, das auch herausgefunden. Mal sehen, was die Rehe uns dranlassen. Es scheint, als ob sie nur die Blätter abnibbeln, die Blüten aber in Frieden lassen. Hoffen wir mal da Beste.
      Liebe Grüße, auch an Klaus,
      Pit und Mary.
      P.S.: Ich würde mich freuen, noch häufiger Kommentare von Dir hier oder in meinem “Bilderbuchblog” [] zu finden.

  4. Das ist aber hübsches Rehfutter lieber Pit. Mit dem Namen kann ich auch nicht helfen, bin gespannt was Deine Recherche ergibt. Liebe Grüße, Leonie

    1. Hallo Leonie,
      wie andere hier gesagt haben, es ist wohl wirklich ein Hibiskus. Ich bin dem Link von Linda nachgegangen und die Bilder da passen. Aber “Rehfutter” passt ja auch. 😉
      Hab’s fein,

      1. Actually, I was thinking of how the deer used to strip the leaves off my young plum trees and as soon as the leaves grew back they would strip them again. Hopeless for the tree to survive, so I ended up building a fence around all the fruit trees, but that looked like a jail compound. In the end we had to fence the yard to keep the deer and other people’s dogs out of our yard. Hated to do it, but ran out of options.

        1. Hi Anneli,
          Here, the trees/shrubs the deer like to nibble at seem to survive. But a beautiful Texas Redbud in the front yard seems to be dying after, last fall, a buck rubbed his horns at the trunk and destroyed much of the bark. It looks to me like not enough sap can now get to the leaves. I was too late protecting the tree. 🙁
          As to fences: we cant’ have a deer fence around our property for a variety of reasons. And we wouldn’t want it even if we could. So I’ll just have to put up fences around the single trees. But this Hibiscus here [as well as a Crape Myrtle in the front yard] is too close to the house. And the walkway is too close to it on the other side. That makes fencing it in impossible. So we’ll just have to hope for the best there.
          Have a great day,

          1. I was against fencing for many, many years but the area finally got too built up. I also lost a nice (expensive) tree to buck rub. The bucks are very destructive when they’re thrashing away at the young trees. Now with the yard fenced, we have a hedge all around so we can’t see the fence, and I’m glad we have it, since everything else we tried didn’t work and the neighbourhood had changed so much. You’re lucky you can still manage without a fence. It’s nicer.

            1. Like I said before: not deer fence for us. I don’t even know if it would be allowed for us as we’re living within city limits.

                1. They certainly allow fences. What I don’t know is if they would allow high deer fences like I see them outside of the city limits. But we have a covenant with our property, from the original owner, who still live next door, that any type of fence between the properties has to be mutually agreed on. Not that we want a fence anyway, as we love the open space of about 6 acres total, but I don’t think they’d agree to a deer-proof one.

    1. Good morning, John,
      After checking Linda’s link, I’m pretty sure it”s a Hibiscus. And yes, maybe we need to rename it! 😉
      Have a great day,

  5. I could be wrong, but I think you have Hibiscus grandiflorus. Both the leaves and the flowers seem right. Apart from that, deer are known to adore hibiscus as much as they enjoy camillias, and you certainly have proof of that. In any event, you can read the description and see if it matches up.

    1. Hi LInda,
      Thanks for the link. I compared the pictures there and I think you’re right and it’s that Hibiscus. The deer left it alone for quite a while, but now they’re really at it. At the leaves only, though. They don’t touch the blossoms – luckily.
      Have a great day,

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