Nishaun Battle, Virginia State University
12:30 to 1:50pm
Hilton, Trafalgar, 3rd Level
In Roundtable Session: Roundtable: Intersectional Pedagogy in Criminology and Criminal Justice
2:00 to 3:20pm
Hilton, Grand Salon 4, 1st Level
In Complete Thematic Panel: Revolutionary Criminology: Shifting Toward a 21st Century Radical Paradigm
On Individual Paper: A Historical and Contemporary Analysis of Punishment Discourses: Neoliberal Penology in the Age of ColorblindnessCo-Author
8:00 to 9:20am
Hilton, Trafalgar, 3rd Level
In Roundtable Session: Roundtable: Multi-Racial Coalition Building Between Scholar Activists
On Roundtable Paper: Transformative Justice: Merging Theory and PracticeAuthor
9:30 to 10:50am
Hilton, Grand Ballroom B, 1st Level
In Complete Thematic Panel: Centering Black Women's Lives in the Matter of Justice: Where Do We Go From Here?
On Individual Paper: From Slavery to Jane Crow to Say Her NameAuthor
9:30 to 10:50am
Hilton, Grand Ballroom B, 1st Level
In Complete Thematic Panel: Centering Black Women's Lives in the Matter of Justice: Where Do We Go From Here?
12:30 to 1:50pm
Hilton, Quarterdeck B, Riverside Complex
In Complete Thematic Panel: Policy Panel: Peace by Piece NOLA: Youth Organising for Social Justice, Unity and Peace after Katrina
On Individual Paper: How Peace by Peace Aligns with the Research on Policy and PracticeAuthor