These Videos of a Devout Jehovah’s Witness Actually Show a Brainwashed Man Wasting His Life June 9, 2016

These Videos of a Devout Jehovah’s Witness Actually Show a Brainwashed Man Wasting His Life

In his latest video picking apart the messages coming out of this summer’s Jehovah’s Witnesses regional conferences, Lloyd Evans explains and analyzes “Sergei’s Story.” (There’s a corresponding article right here written by Covert Fade, the pen name for an undercover JW.)

What is this set of videos all about? Each one documents the life of a fictional man named “Sergei,” from childhood when his dreams of being a professional musician are dashed by a father who wants him to focus on Jehovah, to adulthood when a jailed Sergei refuses to renounce his faith in order to see his dying father, to his own deathbed when a dying Sergei refuses a blood transfusion that could save his life.

If you accept the cultish beliefs of the Witnesses, Sergei is a faithful model for all worshipers.

If you accept reality, these videos show a man who makes one bad decision after another due to his religious brainwashing.


These videos are so goddamn disturbing…

This is part 3 of 6 of Evans’ recaps of these conference videos. Part 1, about shunning a family member who dared to think for herself, is here. Part 2, about a group of people discussing their “sins” while sitting in an apocalyptic bunker, is here.

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