GLOBE US Air Quality Campaign Sign Up Form
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What is your name? *
What is your preferred email address? *
What is the name of your school or organization? *
What is your school or organization's street address?
For example: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
What city is your school or organization in?
For example: Hampton
What state or territory is your school or organization in? *
What is your school or organization's zip code?
For example: 12345
What grade(s) do you teach? *
Please check below to indicate that you've joined the GLOBE Team called "US Air Quality Campaign". *
You can join the GLOBE Team via the web HERETo find the US Air Quality Campaign team, click ‘Filter By’, type ‘Air Quality’ in the Team Name box that pops up, and click ‘Apply Filter’.
You can also join the GLOBE Team in the GLOBE Observer app. Just click on the Settings icon, then scroll down to the 'GLOBE Teams' section.
If you're not sure how to join a Team in GLOBE, please follow the directions HERE
How do you see yourself and your students participating in the GLOBE US Air Quality Campaign during the academic year?
(Check all that apply!)
What is your level of familiarity with GLOBE & GLOBE protocols? 
(Check all that apply!)
If you are GLOBE trained, what protocols are you trained in? (Check all that apply!) *
Do you have a PM2.5 small sensor at your school or in your area? *
If you do have a PM2.5 small sensor at your school or in your area, what is it?
For example: PurpleAir, Habitat Mapper, Wynd, etc
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