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Words of life and purpose that God is speaking to this generation via Prophecy, Presence and Modern Day Parables.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Chihuahua Parable

God has been speaking to me via parables alot lately. It's as if everything around me, at times, is speaking Him. An example: I'm out in the country doing some work last week and walking down this long gravel road comes this little black chihuahua. He couldn't have weighed much more than a bag of sugar, but he was just trotting along as if he were on a mission. I said to myself, "where does he think he's going?". The Lord spoke to me and said the following over the process of the next few minutes: "He doesn't know where he's going, but he knows that his master has been down this path. He's simply following 'the scent' of his master and is motivated by that alone. He doesn't need to know the end result or even what would happen to him along the way. His sole desire is to keep his nose to the ground and follow that path to find his master."

I was amazed at the simplicity of it all. The more I dwelled on it, the more I was able to take out of it. This dog was not some majestic, black lab with head held high as he went down the road - he was a puny little chihuahua with nothing "great" about him. Yet he knew his mission, his duty. I want to encourage you today to seek out the path that God has paved for you. He says that He will make your paths straight, if you acknowledge Him - no matter how "puny" or useless you may often feel. Get on that road, get your nose to the ground and get on the move towards the Master.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Fog Parable

Early in the morning, on my way out of an East Texas city recently, I noticed a thick layer of fog hovering over the ground. In many places it was smoke machine thick - only a foot or two off of the ground. The Lord spoke to me the following:

God began to show me that it was a metaphor of His presence "hovering" on the earth. Just a simple reminder that He is indeed here on His earth. As I pressed in to see what the Lord would show me about this parable, I noticed that in some areas the fog would be extremely dense. I thought to myself, "Ok, I'm no scientist, but I think You could allow me to understand this principle". I realized that the places where water was sitting, whether it was a large or small body of water, there was much more fog residing there. The "pooling" of the water "fuels" the fog. Just like His presence, where there's a "pool" of people seeking Him, the fog (His presence) will be so much thicker and stronger there. It will reside there. He will reside there. That dense fog will also become more noticeable and easier to see, the thicker that it is. Is this not His true desire for His church? For His glory and presence to rest in us and on us for the entire world to see? People are fed up with great programs and church politics. The only thing that will usher in true revival in this world is God's presence - noone can stand up under and deny the reality of His true presence.

Ask Him today to allow you to rest in that strong presence, to dwell there. His desire is not for us to walk in and out of it when it's convenient for us. He wants to blanket this earth with His presence - and He desires us, His true Church, to pool together and glorify Him alone - for the world to see.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Words for March 2006

In order to save time and get things rolling, I've included the "words from the Lord" from March 14-28 below. A "word", as I've recently been introduced to, is simply when God speaks directly as you're in prayer or silence with Him. Think that's kind of strange? Me too. :)

MARCH 28, 2006


I am pleased. I am pleased. You are seeking Me. You have my attention. You have my attention. I am here. I am alive. I am moving – moving in you. Do not be surprised at what you will see for it is by My hand. Do not be afraid – come. Follow. The prayers of a righteous man – they are heard in the Heavens. I send angels at their command. The prayers of a righteous man seeking whole–heartedly after me shake the Heavens. Will you shake the Heavens? Will you awaken the slumbering earth with your prayers? I long to move. I long to shake. I long to announce the coming Heaven. Who will announce My words? Who will announce My will? I have found you faithful, my son. My son. My son. Do you hear what I say? You are My son. Mine. All Mine now. You serve no other. Do not falter. Never grow faint. Stay in Me. Abide in Me. For I alone will sustain you in these coming days. Remain. Remain. Remain.


Be taught by no man. Be taught by Me alone. Who is your teacher? Who is your guide? My Son, Jesus Christ Himself is your Teacher. Let He and He alone be your guide. Humility. Love. Compassion. Peace. What man possesses these things? Who on this earth that I created is not misled by his flesh? Who walked where you walk with gentleness, love and humility? My Son – My Son alone. Look to Him as your guide. Who overcame His flesh and walked in My ways? Let He alone be your model. Model. Model. Model Him. Model His character and become as He was and is. Humility. Humility. True humility.

MARCH 27, 2006


New things. New things. I am about the new. I desire new prayers from you now. Ages of prayers of repetition. Ages of prayers of duty. Who will pray a new prayer? Who will sing a new song? Gone are the days of old. Gone are the days of death. Life. Life. I speak life – who will hear? I breathe life, who will breathe it in? How long must I tarry? How long must I wait? My eyes search for those who pray a new prayer. My eyes search for those who sing this new song. Will it be you? My attention is caught, the angels take notice. All Heaven is alive when one seeks Me as no other. Awaken. Awaken. No more slumber. Awaken. Speak to me as never before. You have my attention, your faithfulness I see. Your devotion I see. Nothing goes unnoticed with me. I see what no one else may ever see. I see. Do for me – do for no other. Do for Me. May I be all you see. See Me in you. See Me.

MARCH 26, 2006


Just as a train going down the tracks am I. My path never changes. My destiny is always in mind. Will you come? I sound the horn to announce My arrival. Will you hear? Even now, I am here. I am not as a faint light in the distance. I am here now. I am here now. I am moving and I do not stop. You must come. There is no time to waste. Come. Come. My Son's death provided this way, this path – for I am in the heavenlies. Yet through Him, I have come down to earth, on the earth. I have laid out My will, My plan on the earth. Who will follow? Will you follow? You must leave all baggage behind. Nothing is allowed onboard but Me in you, for I am holy. Embrace this way. Seek this way. For it is the only way.

MARCH 25, 2006


There's so much more to Me than what you can see from where you are on earth. No man can stop you or keep you from coming up to be with Me, except yourself. Your mind cannot fathom all that I am - will you come see? The flame is burning. Will you come and see? I dwell in the highest of places, yet you are invited. Come. Come up. Remember now the vision that I gave you of yourself as the temple - full of raging fire, burning off all impurities. That same fire is burning even now. It is never extinguished. You only know of fire that is there for a little while. My fire burns eternal. Eternal. Earthly fire needs fuel - it needs tended to by man's hands, day and night in order to burn. My fire needs no fuel for I am the fire. I have no end, I am now, I am always, I have always been. Follow the pillar of fire into my presence. Here you will find me, burning bright. No impurities can remain here, so come. Bring all of you, come.


No longer can you live on yesterdays food from Me. Who wants to eat stale bread? New. New. New. Refresh. Why do you tarry? Why do you put off? When will you take heed and listen without any thought or postponement? Your faithfulness is growing, your response is increasing, yet it is still not instantaneous. This is where I desire you to be - waiting. Ready to hear, ready to move, ready to follow at any moment I call. Even the simplest things bring me joy and glory. Will you be found ready in these moments? What you see as small may be My unfolding of the greatest plan of your lifetime. You do not know. You do not always know. Wait. Respond. React. Wait on Me, I am calling.

MARCH 23, 2006


Be as a blank canvas. Come to Me with a clean slate. I desire to paint My life upon you. I desire to paint My desires upon you. Why do you keep picking up the brush? Are you the artist or am I? Are you the creator or am I? Who created the heavens? Who created the earth? You do not even know what it is to create. All that you create is what I allow you to create, therefore what you create is what I have created in you. Do nothing by your own hands. Allow me to paint a beautiful landscape upon your heart – for all to see. When people look upon you, it is Me they will see. They will know that no brush made by man can create such beauty. Who on earth has seen the Heavens? Who has seen my radiance? I alone know of things you have only dreamed of. I will reveal them to you, however. Will you come and see? Will you lay down the brush and see? Will you come and taste of Me? Clean the slate. Clean the slate, for I am in control. No worries, no struggle. Rest. Rest. Rest in my hand, for it's there that you must reside. Why do you so easily doubt Me? Why do you so quickly falter? Reside in Me. The Creator. The Giver of true life. Not life as you know it, but life as you're just now beginning to see and experience. Yes, I am Judge. Yes, I am righteous. So also am I your Lover, your Provider, your Waymaker. Rest in me and your steps will be ordered of Heaven. Rest in Me and see my beauty unfold before your very eyes. Rest in Me. I am here. Come to Me.

MARCH 22, 2006

Be alert! The time has come when you will be given choices and your instantaneous decision will be your decision. No mulling it over, no contemplation, not even prayer time with Me. You will hear from Me and you must act without wavering and without faltering, by faith. Prepare now to hear My voice and take action. Grow, mature in Me, hear My voice. Advance. Advance. My Kingdom truly is coming and there is no time to waste. Do not be surprised or caught off guard when I call you into action. Be ready. As a runner crouched down at the starting gate, await my command and go. Wait on me, be ready. Be ready, always.

"…You do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:14

MARCH 20, 2006


Just as the sun slowly rises, I'm rising to reveal My plans to you, My warmth to you. In the light, new things are revealed. In the light, all things become known. If the light were to suddenly appear, it would be too alarming, too much for you to handle. I am slowly revealing Myself to you, my plans. Bask in the light, the glow. Darkness no longer has a place here. The Light has come and is coming. Soon the Light will be as the noonday sun. Raise your head as to gaze directly into the sun. This sun does not set, for I am the beginning and I have no end.

"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised." Psalm 113:3

MARCH 14, 2006 – My first "Word from the Lord"

(Typed this part AFTER writing this all out - This has never happened to me before. I felt like God Himself was writing this to me - but not just to me, but also to those who are truly seeking Him. Wow, what an awesome "new thing" He is doing in my life.)

John 14:12 "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."

I am looking for those willing to surrender their everything for My cause, for My purpose. Is your mind so shallow that you do not believe? Is your fear too great to follow? Is your intellect too small to hear? Look at all Christ has done and be amazed, but do not be amazed as if to revel in the past - be amazed as to what I will do in the future. Do you even understand what I'm saying? I want to do amazing, glorious things through you in these days. Things you would not believe even if you were told await you! Miraculous things, glorious things - signs that when viewed by man will undoubtedly be by My hand. No pride, no glory, no attention shall be given to you, it will all be Mine, as it should be. The heavens are opening up, are you ready to receive? Will you receive? Many will not even think of such things - many will never even ask. I say, ask, all you need to do is stop and ask and it will be so. Ask. Ask. Ask. Confide in Me and release all to Me and ask. See Christ, see Him high and lifted up - seated at My right hand. Talk to Him, ask Him to teach you. Not friends, not pastors, not books, not ideas, ask Him, ask Him. He walked where you walk, He sees as you see, He taught as I desire you to teach, ask Him. He will teach you, He alone will show you My will - ask. I know the beginning, I know the end, what will you do during your time here? Will you seek me? Will you hear me? Will you follow where I lead? Sit. Listen. Hear. Ask Me.


It's my goal that this will be a place to find encouraging words from what the Lord is showing me lately. Words from Him to this generation and words to me specifically. Also, verses, modern day parables and general God-centered discussions will make their way onto here as well. The absolute only reason that anything will ever be posted on here is so that others might be encouraged through what God is doing through an "Average Joe" like me. Thanks for stopping by. God is moving.