G.M. Conjures Up a People-Moving Pod

P.U.M.A. prototype G.M.’s P.U.M.A. prototype in Manhattan.

General Motors may be so short of cash that bankruptcy is among its dwindling options, but the company is still in the business of creating dreams.

Its latest dream, the P.U.M.A. mobility pod, to be unveiled Tuesday in New York, is pretty far out — and as such, requires no big immediate investments. Indeed, Larry Burns, G.M.’s vice president for research and development and strategic planning, said the P.U.M.A. prototype cost “only one half of 1 percent of G.M’s typical engineering budget” for a year.

Of course, the P.U.M.A. (for Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility) is not really a car, and it’s not really being introduced, except as a bit of blue-sky thinking about better ways to move around crowded urban areas than driving an automobile.

Mr. Burns has used the phrase “reinvention of the automobile” before, in relation to fuel-cell vehicles like the G.M. Sequel. But the P.U.M.A., a joint project with Segway, the New Hampshire-based creator of self-balancing two-wheel scooters, is quite different. Think of a larger, two-passenger, sit-down version of the Segway PT, with two gyroscopically balanced wheels. The prototype has minimal bodywork, but podlike enclosures (which look like computer mice on wheels) are imagined for production. If it gets that far.


If all of this conjures visions of a rickshaw, well, the prototype does somewhat resemble one. Mr. Burns imagines Singapore, which has rickshaws, as one possible early market.

The P.U.M.A., which will be displayed at the New York International Auto Show (which opens to the public on Friday), is an electric vehicle powered by lithium-ion batteries. James D. Norrod, the president and chief executive of Segway, says it has a 35-mile range and 35 m.p.h. top speed. A three-hour charge costs, not surprisingly, 35 cents. It is, in essence, a neighborhood electric vehicle, or N.E.V., whose limited speed keeps it off highways (and, in most states, off roads with speed limits over 35).

Mr. Burns said that six P.U.M.A.’s would fit in a standard parking space.

A new N.E.V. — many are little more than glorified golf carts— is not going to reinvent the automobile. Despite the claims by proponents that these vehicles could serve the driving needs of many millions, they have failed to make much of a dent in the car market. Ford abandoned its Neighbor N.E.V. when it sold the Norwegian company that made it, Think Nordic, at the end of 2002. Fewer than 6,000 Neighbors were sold in the United States that year. Chrysler still sells Global Electric Motorcars vehicles, which have had some success in gated communities.

In a meeting Monday with editors and reporters at The New York Times, Mr. Burns pulled out his cellphone to make a point: Project P.U.M.A. vehicles would be designed to tap into the two-way communications made possible by G.M.’s OnStar technology, which has six million North American subscribers. The vision is expansive: using “vehicle to vehicle,” or V2V, communications, these “100 percent digital” devices would communicate with one another over a quarter-mile range to prevent collisions, eventually allowing what G.M. calls “autonomous driving and parking.”


Mr. Burns imagines a hands-free urban driver ignoring dense city traffic to concentrate on sending text messages from a P.D.A. clipped-in to serve as a dashboard, as the mobile Internet pod moves toward its destination. “My daughter sleeps with her iPhone in her hand,” Mr. Burns said. “At this point, is using a cellphone the distraction, or has driving become the distraction?”

There’s more: the pods would also be equipped to communicate with the smart grid of the future (as is the Aptera EV, another podlike electric vehicle that is due to be introduced in the fall), returning electricity to utilities during times of peak demand. That’s not V2V, it’s V2G — vehicle to grid.


Designs for G.M.'s Puma

Part of G.M.'s Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility project will be on display at the New York International Auto Show.

By None None on Publish Date April 6, 2009.

The Segway PT costs $5,000, so the more capable 600-pound P.U.M.A. would presumably be priced considerably higher, though Mr. Burns declined to speculate where the sweet spot might be. “This is a prototype, not a product,” said Mr. Norrod of Segway. “We have not made a decision to commercialize it.”

Mr. Burns concluded his remarks by offering a glimmer of what his company could become if it managed to transform the urban roadscape. “We were the S.U.V. company, and we accept that,” he said. “We want to become the U.S.V. company — known for ultra-small vehicles.”

Related: Times Topics: New York Auto Show

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Now I have a better idea why GM is doing so badly…

Singapore does not have rickshaws. Where did they find this guy?

When I saw the picture, my first thought was “Oh, a motorized wheelchair”. I suppose that first impression colored my reading of the article, because I kept thinking that for people with functioning legs, a bicycle would work better & cost less.

Just another toy for boys idea. Totally ridiculous. No wonder the company is going broke. Who comes up with such stupid, useless ideas? It looks as unsafe as driving a wheelchair down the road. Will it be allowed in traffic amongst cars? Looks flimsy and uglier than a golf cart.

James — if a bike is good for you, by all means, ride your bike!

But when a bike doesn’t work — too far, not enough time (35 MPH!), to wet or cold, too much stuff to carry, or young kids, or your elderly mother, or just that you don’t want to arrive to the big meeting dripping in sweat — what do you do? Do you climb into your car?

If so, this is an alternative. It doesn’t replace bicycles. Or walking, skating, or Segways, either. Personally, I use a Segway as a mobility aid (think “motorized wheelchair”) — but I keep an early Prius, primarily to transport my daughter. But the Segway can substitute for most of my car trips that don’t involve her, so I do so as much as possible. I even park my car near her school, and then take the Segway to the ferry and to my office.

A lot of people do similar things with their bikes and their cars. Perhaps a lot of those cars could be downgraded to one of these — I’d consider it. Think of all the garage space I’d get back!

Personally, I’d still use my Segway as much as possible in preference to this device. I like being closer to nature. I like being able to stop and talk, or take a picture, or just admire the beauty around me. And I use it for so much more than just a vehicle, stuff you take for granted with your legs that work.

And I like getting some exercise — using my legs while I still can, to the extent I can.

But when I am going to drive a sit-down vehicle, do I really need a Prius to go 2 miles? It doesn’t even perform all that well over short trips, though I get better mileage than a lot of non-Prius hybrids at the worst.

What about all those monster SUV’s being driven by soccer moms because once a month they may drive a group of giggling kids to a game. Maybe they could afford to have a second vehicle more suited to most of the short trips they make.

What about the pizza delivery guy? How much vehicle to you need to hold a pizza guy and a box of pepperoni and mushroom?

I think this is a fantastic idea! The reality is that most people want or need motorized transport of some sort. Bicycles are great but have their limitations. As a way of rejuvenating the American auto industry these could do wonders. I like that they have enough character and could be customized to suit the American desire for individuality.

Ultra-light weight personal vehicles make a lot of sense, rather than lugging 3000 lb vehicles for a trip of 2 – 5 miles. The lightweight vehicles will need more capabilities though like being truly autonomous and lightweight stair-climbing human transporters.

Interesting concept, especially when considered a baby step toward “autonomous driving,” a distant yet inevitable goal. His point about driving having become the distraction is well taken.

And, btw, there are indeed rickshaws in Singapore.

Who in the hell would spend well above 5K for this? Segway certainly never realized profitability. How would this differ? If it’s not under 3K and it’s not a car forget it.

Singapore has rickshaws. Japan has rickshaws. And many US cities have bicycle rickshaws.

This USV would replace all of them

Singapore has TRISHAWS, which are powered by someone on a bicycle with 2 passengers. They are used almost exclusively by Japanese tourists who usually hire a pack of 10 or more trishaws to spin around the city’s cultural landmarks blaring loud techno music.

Ridiculously smart and practical. Can they pull it off? Seems we’ve seen enough horses built by committees.

“…is not really a car, and it’s not really being introduced, except as a bit of blue-sky thinking about better ways to move around crowded urban areas than driving an automobile.”

this is telling of people who are out of touch. Not only could the Segway be implemented immediately, Time is finite. The lack of urgency is disconcerting

Certainly a step in the right direction, but still, a little creepy . . .


Man, no wonder GM is in the kind of trouble that they are in right now. I seriously think they should just go out of business so other companies with much better vision can filling the spot and flourish. Come on… a design like that is so weak. The next thing you know, people will start complaining about lack of safety concerns, not enough speed, not enough cargo space… blah blah blah and the improved version will be… ANOTHER BIG AxS SUV. Also, people already invented a great motorized 2-wheeler, and it’s called a “motorcycle”. You don’t really solve the real problem by trying to introduce something like this. The reason problem is our impact on the environment not the form of a vehicle.

One software glitch or hardware failure and your dead.

Mopeds go faster, cost much less to buy, have at least 4x the range, and no 3 hour charge time.

I bet if they ever make these, they will be popular and easy to steal.

This is the future. Small, light, and cheap to keep and operate. Now add wireless power imbedded in the roads to charge up or run paid via a monthly fee just like a tollway card. Add mini roadways for this class of vehicles in communities which would almost eliminate crash fatalities altogether. Quiet, clean and safe, this is the future. Someone at GM has a brain after all.

“…[GM] is still in the business of creating dreams.” what?! GM must have some fingers in the NYT. This is one of the worst American companies ever. They destroyed Michigan and now waste billions of our tax dollars. They almost single handedly destroyed public transportation in the US, which now has the worst pubtrans of any western country. They are in bed with the oil companies and have corrupted an untold number of politicians. Now their presenting us golf carts? I hope GM dies during this recession.

A two wheeled vehicle that carries two passengers…. that seems familiar… I think it’s been around for a century or so… that’s right, it’s a MOTORCYCLE.

What exactly is the innovation here? That it puts the wheels side by side, so it’s fundamentally unstable? If it’s that it’s electric, there are already thousands of electric motorcycles in every city in China… you’re a little late, guys.

As for autonomous collision avoidance so good you don’t need seatbelts, that’s a total joke. If you look at the state of the art (military robots), multi-million dollar vehicles can barely navigate normal roadways at low speed, without other vehicles present.

We don’t need some crazy new gizmo to get around, we need to get over our bizarre American societal hangups and use the sensible solutions that already exist – bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, rickshaw trikes, etc. If you want to make them electric, so be it. India, China, and Europe are pretty much there already, when will Americans finally get real?

Would love to even use an “ordinary” Segway if only New York City would let us use them. Unfortunately, the bureaucrats in charge of ruling on them don’t seem to have given us the green light so that doesn’t help me one whit.

It’s a little too much like the movie “Wall-E” which makes me feel uncomfortable with the idea.

Yes, please! When may I buy one? I live in Boston, and this would be great for 95% of the trips most people I know have to make. I hope it does make it into production, and that they keep the cost under 10,000. $5,000 would be better. I’d have an NEV right now, if it weren’t for the cost.

For the uneducated, a rickshaw is a small two-wheeled cart for one passenger pulled by one PERSON. If you think Singapore still has rickshaws, we’d say “Yeah right, back in the days when policemen wore shorts…”. If Mr Burns is thinking of selling the USV in Singapore, he better improve his research skills. The way people drive in Singapore, you’d be lucky to make it home in one piece in the USV…

This is silly and much too expensive @ $5K. It costs more than the price of a decent used car, it has limited mobility, and if it’s going to share road space with automobiles, it’s unsafe.

They deserve to go bankrupt with ideas like this.

Destined to go the way of the Segway…

I agree that it is a smart solution. However it will be simply too dangerous to have these vehicles sharing the road with automobiles. Especially considering that drivers of most major cities, (Manila, Mumbai, New York, Boston, Singapore) think that their cities have the most dangerous drivers ever.
A possible solution is an addition lane similar to Beijing’s “bike lanes”. This lane can be reserved only for alternative transports that are too dangerous for the pavement yet unsafe for the roads. (eg. Segways, bicycles, USVs)
The infrastructure investment required for this will be huge. But it may be worth it in the long-run.