Sunday 22 July 2012

Things To Know Before Betting On Horse Racing

The number of punters betting on horse racing in the UK has been rising steadily. This is mostly because of the internet which has made it possible to bet on horses from the comfort of home. It is not only the convenience of betting online but also the fact that a person can check lots of details related to horses, jockeys, and other facts and figures with just a few clicks of the mouse. More and more people are taking advantage of these features and trying to win horse race bets. In fact, horse racing can be watched live on the internet. Many things related to a horse race betting in UK can be checked in real-time. We advise you how to profit betting on horse racing While betting on horse racing has gained wide popularity, most punters are still
unable to figure out the most effective ways to make profits in these racings. Some are not consistent with their betting and lose interest after a few losses. However, with proper knowledge and some guidance from experienced tipsters, it is possible to win horse betting in UK. While some of it involves intuition, mostly it is about being careful when checking the condition and record of horses. Punters should also check the skills and experience of the jockey and be knowledgeable about the system. Those who are able to figure out all these things properly can bet on the right horses and make some profits. When trying to get to know horse racing tips, the punter has to carefully assess everything. There is no need to completely depend on the press reports or tips from unknown columnists. It is important to check everything by self and confirm the details. Sometimes, it is obvious to see a horse that seems most lively and likely to win the race. Horses that have not been performing well in their last few races should be ruled out.
The experience and horse racing skills of the jockey also plays an important role in a horse winning the race. When it comes to betting on horse racing, some tipsters have personal experience in horse racing, while there are others who research the subject thoroughly. Both types of tipsters can give valuable suggestions about the horse that is likely to win. When it comes to horse racing betting tips, they can be trusted up to an extent. Bookmakers can also determine the odds very close because of their experience and being well informed. Horses that are likely to end up in the first three can be determined by the beginning costs offered by the bookmakers. The track conditions can also affect which horse is going to win the race. On a heavy and slow track, a horse that has a strong starting advantage is more likely to win. The right combination of the horse and jockey is very important. A jockey that has been racing with the same horse is more likely to show better results. These are some important horse racing tips that help bet on the right horse. Any punter who wants to do well while betting on horse racing must keep abreast with the latest information about the industry as well. It is a good idea to start tracking a horse racing event many weeks before it starts. With proper research and knowledge, it is possible to bet on the winning horse.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Racing Profits Selling Hurdle - Southwell Racecourse - Friday 22nd July 2011

Well it's that time of year again - time to sponsor another race - this time it is the 4:05 at Southwell on friday.

Looking forward to another great day and to meeting some of you down there. I have had emails from quite a few people who are coming down

to enjoy the day. Here are some of the pics from the last race we sponsored back in April.

Hope to see you there,



Saturday 4 June 2011

My Epsom Derby 2011 Selections - Now Up for You !!

A couple of hours to go to the Epsom Derby.

I have put up my final shortlist and Derby Selections here:

Epsom Derby 2011 Selections

Enjoy your day and if you did not yet watch my video you can check that out here:

Free Video Guide To Picking The Winner of The Epsom Derby





Finding The Winner Of The Epsom Derby

Well it's Epsom Derby Day. After going so close yesterday in The Oaks with our selection Wonder of Wonders just missing out on the win I want to go one better today.

I have recorded a video for you here:

I hope it helps you to narrow down the field to the real contenders for the race today. I have put up the full analysis of the past 20 years winners here for you to print off and make your own assessment of the trends. Click on the link below to access your copy of the spreadsheet.

I will be putting my own selection and shortlist for the race up on around lunchtime today.

Have a great day and good luck with your selections.

Talk soon,


Wednesday 18 May 2011

Wow - +26 pts profit from 5 bets this week !! Back with a bang !!

Well it's great to be back from Oz and really firing again on the back selections.

So far this week we have had 5 bets advised to my email subscribers and made a fantastic +26 pts profit:


2:20 Newton Abbot - With Grace - 2 pts each way at 13/2 - she was travelling well before making a mistake at the third to last fence losing all momentum and she faded back to 7th.
- 4pts loss.

6:40 Leicester - Arnold Lane - 2 pts each way at 15/2 - on debut here but I had been speaking to the yard over the weekend who said he was working really well with
Gatepost who had been a smart winner at Folkestone and York and was being aimed at the Coventry. He powered home to win nicely +18 pts profit.


2:30 Nottingham - Bling King - 2pts each way at 11/2 - had made a nice debut at Pontefract and was well drwan in the 11 stall on a track where a high draw is a definate advantage.
Ran a disappointing race after looking very worked up on the way down to the start, made headway 2f out but faded from there. -4 pts loss.



4:55 Goodwood - I Hate To Lose - 2 pts each way at 9/2 - a lightly raced 3 yr old filly she had shown plenty of promise in her re-appearance at Chester earlier this month after nearly 8 months off the track.
A poor draw in 14 but with Frankie on her back she looked to have every chance and was well backed pre-race only to disappoint. - 4 pts loss.

6:10 Punchestown - Carrigmartin - a rare trip for me across to Ireland for a bet, but he was one of three J.P Mcmanus horses in the race, he had been out twice quickly and disappointed but this dropped his handicap mark nicely for today's race. Everything pointed to a Mcmanus gamble today - I advised him at 8/1 this morning and advised everyone to grab the odds. He won nicely giving us +20 pts profit on the bet.

So after a quiet week last week due to my jet lag flying back from Australia and two days up at York for the Dante Festival - it was back to business with alot of hard graft last weekendnow paying dividends for my email subscribers.

I am now setting up my list for June - so if you fancy it then get your name on the reserve list now. As usual we are filling up quickly.

You can email me on if you want to be added to the reserve list or ask any questions.

Have a great week,


Tuesday 26 April 2011

Wow !! +54 pts Profit From The Racing Profits Free Selections Weekend Last Weekend !!!

Well I hope you got my email last week, before I flew out to Australia telling you that my stablemate Kevin O'Malley had offered to put up Free Tips on the Racing Profits website over 3 weekends while I am away for my well earned break.

Over the years of knowing Kev he has proven that not only is his knowledge of Irish Racing superb but his selections are pretty spot on in UK Racing too. He proved it last weekend with his Free Selections landing a nice +54 pts profit over Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Yes you read that right +54 pts profit from 3 days back bets - and all for FREE !!!

I brought my laptop with me to Oz and it was a great feeling to see what a great job Kev was doing last weekend.

This is exactly why we set up Racing Profits in the first place, to share what we have learnt over the years with others and help them make money from betting on UK Horse Racing. I thought I would send out a quick email to remind everyone to check in this weekend again on Racing Profits for more of his fantastic free tips.

Don't miss out on the best free tips in the country and start building your bank up this weekend.

Kind Regards,


Thursday 21 April 2011

Free Tips Weekends - Starts This Weekend On - Grab Your Free Irish & UK Racing Tips !!

Morning all,

Well it's that time of year when I like to take a well earned break and what better time to do it than after Aintree and the end of the jumps season. I am flying out to Australia tomorrow but in the meantime Kevin O'Malley has kindly offered to share his winning selections with you for Free on Racing Profits

You will know Kev from the Irish Racing articles and Tips he has shared on Racing Profits, but having known him for a few years now, I think his knowledge and selections in the UK market are also worth following and turning some handsome profits.
Me & Kev @ Southwell

Kev has offered to put up his weekend selections here on the site for FREE on the following weekends:

Saturday 23rd April / Sunday 24th April

Saturday 30th April / Sunday 1st May

Saturday 7th May / Sunday 8th May

N.B He also hinted that he has a couple of "Bank Holiday Monday Bankers" coming up too - so keep an eye on the site. He is aiming to post by 12 noon each day.

Check out his Free Weekend Tips Here - Racing Profits

I hope you take advantage of this and make plenty of profits while I am away.

I am ready for a holiday and will be back fit and ready for the flat season ahead.

Talk soon,
