Minecraft Servers

[New] Condemned Prison [Original Prison Server] [Non-Op]

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Wahoo98's Avatar Wahoo98
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
[New] Condemned Prison [Original Prison Server] [Non-Op]
Status Offline Pinged: 03/16/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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[New] Condemned Prison [Original Prison Server] [Non-Op] Minecraft Server

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[New] Condemned Prison [Original Prison Server] [Non-Op] Minecraft Server
Website: Conndemned-Prison.com
Email: (Coming Soon)
Or, Post Bellow

What is Condemned Prison you may ask?:

Condemned is a Prison server with your goal to make it to the top ranks. You start in the the prison, and will serve your time till you reach the gates; proving yourself free. Once you have reached the Free rank ; You get to roam around outside of the prison, build a base, ect.

What is a Prison Server?:

A Prison Server is a SMP, but with a twist you could say. In the prison you start off as C and try to work yourself up to Free. Prison blocks include, Tree Farms, Mines, Fishing Areas, Sugarcane Farms, Cactus Farms, Pumpkin farms, and also prison cells. You earn money from the jobs you occur and try to prove yourself free. You can either stay as a Free rank, or go back to your old life.


C-Prisoner is the starting rank. You start out with a kit of tools now go to the tree farm, get wood, make a pickaxe and make your way to the mine. Includes Tree Farm, where you chop down trees for supplies, also it includes a Cobblestone Mine to receive stone, Coal, and Iron. A few other specials is the furnace, crafting area, and fishing area.


Cost: 15,000

Finally some safe areas besides mines,shops, and such. Don't make yourself at home yet, you still have a few more blocks to go! This block includes two mines a Sandstone Mine with Coal, Iron, and Gold, & Andesite Mine with Iron and Diamonds. This also includes a Sugar Cane Farm.


Cost: 45,000

An amazing looking area, and also it has a lot of Safe-Zones. This block includes a Netherrack Mine with Coal, Iron, Gold & Diamonds. This also includes a popular fishing area, Sugar Cane Farm, and a pumpkin farm.


Cost: Unkown

Coming Soon


Cost: Unkown

Coming Soon


You're new to the job, learning the basics, and patrolling the new prisoners. Keep calm, and keep other prisoners safe from the thugs. You will be ranked up when the staff feels you're ready for a promotion.


Congratulations you have now earned yourself a permanent job on the guard staff. You now know what you have to do. Now your just stepping it up a notch.


Coming Soon


Coming Soon


A Moderators role is to keep the chat clean, and assisting new players and directing them if they ask questions. If you have any questions please ask any Admins / Sr-Wardens, They will be glad to help you.


Coming Soon


This rank cannot be obtained and is only for the Owners of the server.


Coming Soon

Breaking these may result in ban.

No Racism

No Hacked Clients / 3rd Party Mods

No Spamming

No Advertising

No Transparent texture packs (ex. x-ray)

No staff disrespect

No exploting, glitching, abusing bugs.

No griefing the Free Wilderness

No Hacking

No selling in-game items for real money.

Server Rules:

Breaking these may result in temporary confinement, but will not result in a ban

Do not attack other prisoners/guards.
A Guard will kill all who attack regardless of who started it.

Never be in possession of contraband items.
A Guard will count down from 5.
If you do not hand it over, the following will happen:
In a PvP-Zone: The guard will attack
In a Non-PvP Zone: Results in jail time

Do not abuse PvP zones
No camping outside any Non-PvP area to kill other users
No hopping back and forth between PvP and Non-PvP while a Guard is counting
No running into Non-PvP during a Guard fight
Plots and warp signs are treated as Non-PvP zones
All will result in Jail time

First you must meet the requirements before applying for guard
Must be fair mature.
Have a experience on prison servers.
Be apart of the community for 3 days.
Understand all rules.
Must have never been banned, Excessive mutes.

In-game Name:
How old are you?
What is your timezone(GMT)?
What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)?
How long have you been playing?
What is your current rank (Block)?
Do you have experience with prison servers?:
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?:
What makes you stand out than other guards?:

Before you write your application, Make sure you read all the offences / guidelines below.

(You must be fair, understand all rules and don't disrespect players. You must know the commands and how common plugins work to help players. Be apart of the community for over 2 weeks. Any mutes that you've had in the past will be decided among staff. Please don't ask us to check your application, we do our best to check them as fast as we can.)

Reasons to mute:

Any form of minor spam.

Excessive CAPS lock, more than 75% of sentence is in CAPS.

Advertising other servers

Any staff disrespect.

Any player harassment.

Reasons to ban:

Advertisement (Saying an Ip)Major Chat Spam

Racism (1 hour Temp-Ban)

In-game Name:
In-game Rank:
How long have you played on Impacted?:
Have you ever been muted or banned?:
If so, for what reason / How long:
Why do you believe you should be a moderator?:
Extra Information:

Coming Soon

More Info Coming Soon

In-Game Name:
Who banned you?:
What was the reason you were banned?:
Do you admit to this action?:
When were you banned?:(Date/Time):
What is your current ranking?:
Why should we decide to unban you?:
Any other extra Information?:

Note Server is still in Progress!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Wahoo98 02/17/2015 7:28:08 pmFeb 17th, 2015

-Ip Change coming soon (condemned-prison.com)

- Website progress

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09/14/2015 6:23 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ProxAxew123987's Avatar
its still working
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