Occupy New Poat

Urgent Message from SOX.

Pupster AWK

Who needs a new diaper?

Is that Lipstick?


  1. Oh, I’m sorry, did I break your concentration?


  2. Morning all.

  3. Good morning!

    Would one of you jackholes explain to me what the heck happened during the baseball game last night?

    I was at a function and only heard the scores………WHAT??????

  4. Morning y’all.

    *runs through blog in yoga pants and cami top*

    Can’t stay… Gotta get to church.


  5. Why is that lady bathing a hyena? Oof, they’re terrifying creatures.

  6. Yes, Mare, I can explain it to you. The Texas boys got their asses handed to them on a platter by the Cardinals.

    You’re welcome.

  7. I think Romo was pitching for Texas.

  8. Hahahahahaha, Chuck Testa!

  9. I think Romo is more of a catcher, than a pitcher. IYKWIMAITYD.

  10. I was thinking, you know what might be fun – Go over to the TAPNEC site and introduce a bunch of stuff from the Road to Serfdom and Constitution of Liberty into the document.

  11. >> Would one of you jackholes explain to me what the heck happened during the baseball game last night?

    You should direct that question to Dave.

    *Pops popcorn*



  13. Would one of you jackholes explain to me what the heck happened during the baseball game last night?

    This is what happened in the game last night.


  14. Oh, dear lord, what a great morning. First we win our softball game against a team that killed us last week ( I struck out 3 batters, 2 swinging and 1 looking, thank you very much), but then I come home and read article this n my local paper:


    Such a sweet October morning……

  15. This is what happened in the game last night.

    Considering how much you know about baseball, (or sports in general) yeah, I’m pretty sure that is exactly what you think happened last night.

    Put down the UFC DVDs and step away from the television…..

  16. guess everyone’s reading the sunday book thread……

  17. Considering how much you know about baseball, (or sports in general) yeah, I’m pretty sure that is exactly what you think happened last night.

    Comment by Rosetta on October 22, 2011 5:30 pm

    The Cardinals are going to win tonight by a score of 10 to 7.

    That was a pretty good prediction for a sports tard, Richard.

  18. That was a pretty good prediction for a sports tard, Richard.

    As my grandpa used to say, even a blind dog finds another dog’s ass some days….

  19. I just woke up from a 10-hour nap.

    Is anyone else burning a pile of leaves today just because you can?

  20. Your grandpa was a fucking douche.

  21. The smell of burning leaves is a great part of fall.

  22. Your grandpa was a fucking douche.


    But he was a really smart douche.

  23. The smell of burning leaves is a great part of fall.

    Is anyone shocked that it’s illegal to burn them in Ann Arbor?

  24. Hahahahahahahaha. I just saw Dave’s game 3 post at Ace.

    He’s going to have a sore pussy this morning. I hope he shows up soon so I can kick him in it.

  25. Wiserbud, what’s the name of your softball team?

  26. Wiserbud, what’s the name of your softball team?

    Kol Ami Synagogue

    Go ahead, have a party with that one…..

  27. Too bad I wasn’t around for the Worst Names for Sports Teams thread

  28. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit huffing jenkem.

  29. Kol Ami Synagogue

    Are you serious?

  30. Wiserbud, what’s the name of your softball team?

    The Rubber Monkey Pounders

  31. well, gotta go. More baseball this weekend.

    I cannot WAIT for fall ball to end……

  32. Kol Ami Synagogue

    Are you serious?


  33. Wiserbud is Jewish?

    Have you been harassed by Occupiers yet?

  34. >> I hope he shows up soon so I can kick him in it.

    You keep your feet off of my goodies.

    That wasn’t a baseball game so much as it was Albert Pujols batting practice.

    Jesus I hate it when he’s pissed.

  35. Joe Biden’s only redeeming quality used to be that he was a harmless ass clown but he’s starting to lose that because of all the raping bullshit.

    He needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.

  36. I’m starting to wonder if Biden was raped.

  37. Rosetta – Please clean the baby poo from under your fingernails before using the computer. I don’t want my girlfriend, Mrs. Rosetta getting ill!

  38. That wasn’t a baseball game so much as it was Albert Pujols batting practice.

    It was also Pujols backing a truck up to the bank.

    What’s your prediction for game 4?

  39. 9-4 Rangers

  40. I’m starting to wonder if Biden was raped.


    Show me on this hosefucker where Joe Biden touched you.


  41. MCPO, that’s a nice blazer.


  42. 9-4 Rangers

    I’ll go 8-6 Rangers. I think this is going to go seven.

  43. It was also Pujols backing a truck up to the bank.

    Where do you think he’ll end up playing?

  44. Where do you think he’ll end up playing?

    In Vegas, buying a cash counting machine.

  45. Where do you think he’ll end up playing?

    The Yankees may be the only team that can afford him.

    He wants to stay in St. Louis but I think we would have to do a muni bond issue to pay him.

    Where do you think he’ll end up?

  46. Probably the Yankees or Red Sox. It would be innaresting if he ended up with the Cubs, though. Stranger things have happened.

  47. >> I think this is going to go seven



    Incidentally, that was some superb shit talkin last night.

  48. Incidentally, that was some superb shit talkin last night.

    We thought you might be at the game since you weren’t initially responding to the taunts.

    Good times.

  49. It’s cold in here.
    I liked the good old days when home heating fuel was 99 cents a gallon.

    stupid Obama

  50. I’m surprised Wiser’s team isn’t named Daddy’s Fingers.

  51. >> We thought you might be at the game since you weren’t initially responding to the taunts

    I was dumb, watching the game, phone on “silent”.

    Tonight I shall be full up, shit talkin.

  52. I love the wails of idiot Dem cheerleaders getting schooled in the morning.

  53. Andy, I think that’s what Kol Ami translates to.

  54. I’m surprised Wiser’s team isn’t named Daddy’s Fingers.

    Pervy Solutions™ had a “Winning” ring to it.

  55. BUNKO!

  56. If he hasn’t already I wish Joe Biden would rape Fareed Zakaria.


  57. Whatta surprise. Zakaria gets it wrong. (Again.)

    There is nothing more unAmerican than a government that steals half of what has already been taxed, you leftist elitist prig.

  58. From Rosie’s link:

    “I would enact a 50 percent inheritance tax, because nothing is more un-American than an inherited elite that perpetuates itself,” Zakaria wrote for the magazine.

    I can think of a few things that are more un-American. Like, say, having someone else tell you what you have to do with your own damn private property.

  59. Where the fuck is Zakaria from? Surely not Des Moines!

  60. And all because someone died.

    It was accumulated after taxes, and maintained. And the government apparently has no right to it…UNTIL someone dies. Marvelous thinking, that is.

    But once we let them come with their hand out at a funeral, I suppose its only one more stop on an inevitable progression.

    “Sorry, Granny. The money you and Gramps worked so hard to save? Yeah. You have the thanks of a grateful nation for that. Oh, and this Medicare card. Because at some point, you’ve just saved enough of what you’ve earned and paid taxes on.”

    I’d like to take a 2×4 to this genius.

  61. Amazing how people who are not Americans imagine what “un-American” means. Nonsense and lies from the Frankfurt School.

  62. http://tinyurl.com/3tlj3j9

  63. Where the fuck is Zakaria from? Surely not Des Moines!

    Yalia and Harvardia. The two most preminent provinces of “WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO QUESTION HIS BRILLIANCE, PEASANT?” where most of our “rulers” and “journalists” reside, of course.

  64. If Wikipedia is to be trusted (I know, I know) Zakaria is actually a naturalized American citizen. He’s originally from India.

  65. I can never get enough of news from California:


  66. Yalia and Harvardia.

    Ahh, the worst of all worlds: British-Indian arrogance coupled with fucked-up, liberal, Ivy League credentials. Color me unimpressed.

  67. Hear, hear, MCPO.

  68. Anybody seen Beanse lately?


  69. Cyn,

    That’s awesome. I’m grinning from ear-to-ear.

  70. That’s exactly what men who pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor had in mind.

  71. Today is “Baby Jane’s” birthday. . .


  72. Kilt by a Bowie track!

  73. Let’s see if I can redeem myself, shall we?


  74. *buys roll of tape, goes to Andy’s house*


  75. I appreciate that Fairyd is naturalized. Shows some respect.

    Still he has no idea what the American experience is.

  76. Still he has no idea what the American experience is.

    No wonder he agrees with Teh iWon 100%!

  77. I think Joe Biden’s outside my window…..planning a rape.

    I don’t know if it’s me or my husband he wants.

  78. Mare – It’s Slow Joe! He probably doesn’t know which one of you he’s gonna rape!

  79. The mocking of Joe’s rape talk cracks me up.

    It’s funny but the big outbreaks of rapes have been happening at the OWS get togethers.

  80. Joe Biden’s idea of a protest called Rape Wall Street™ was quickly rejected.

  81. “Joe Biden’s idea of a protest called Rape Wall Street™ was quickly rejected.”

    hahahaha…That’s what I’m talking about.


  83. According to Joe Biden, not passing the jobs bill will actually create jobs.

    True, the job is rapist but still.

    Either way the administration can say they saved or created jobs.

    This is their jobs bill calculus:

    (1) Propose jobs bill.

    (2) ???

    (3) Jobs!!
    ??? = A lot of raping

  84. It’s a shame the late night comics are in the tank for Obama. You know that Sheriff Joe is a never-ending source for material. But, they just won’t go there.

  85. When you read the end of this article you wonder why the OWS freaks aren’t angry at the universities as opposed to the banks that loaned them the money.


  86. You know what Joe Biden’s favorite flavor is?


  87. Mare – You are correct, but you assume that young folks, saddled with huge college loans, know how to read.

  88. The Obama jobs bill needs a theme song.


  89. I have to give Floyd a bath and go run some errands.


    Here, take this just in case.


  90. Thanks, Rosetta! Really I prefer this: http://bit.ly/osVsUv

  91. washing a dog is an exercise in futile.

    which I am about to embark on myself with Moses (see what I did there?).. Damn, this beagle stinks.

  92. Never was around stinky dogs until my son started dating a young lady with a pug. Damn, that dog does stink!

  93. Moses, is not liking me gathering dog soap and talking to him.

  94. I forgot how fast those things burn when they are dry and crispy.

  95. Ghetto bar, bitches.

  96. Floyd looks like he loves being part of the Rosetta family!


  97. Carin!! Looks like they have finished tuning up your car!


  98. Why aren’t pugs easy to clean? Take them in the shower and get ‘er done!

  99. *changes name to Pugs*

  100. Take them in the shower and get ‘er done!


  101. HAHAHA! Good one, ‘Spur.

  102. http://tinyurl.com/3wrnzrp

  103. Woot! 5-1-1 at 1:00.

    Stupid Lions.

  104. HA! Hotspur!

    You douches are funny.

  105. I smell like wet beagle

  106. 4-2-1

    Stupid Lions.

  107. And San Diego. I should have picked the Jets, but it felt so … wrong.

  108. Spent Friday night in downtown Pittsburgh at the Omni William Penn. Very enjoyable. I was quite impressed with Pittsburgh.

  109. you suck Andy

  110. How were your early game picks, Dave?

  111. Hotspur – Did you drive from Philly to P’burgh?

  112. Pittsburgh has changed for the better in the last 20 years. I think it was change or go the way of Detroit.

  113. The Denver game was just crazy.

  114. Big Ten Network is showing Wolverines vs. Spartans.

    Women’s field hockey.

  115. Roamy – That is just the cutest avatar – EVAH!

  116. It was, Scott. I didn’t think there was any way I was going to win that one.

  117. MCPO, it was suggested to me by a handsome gentleman.

  118. Yeah, Chief. We drove straight through to Philly on the way out, but I wanted to prolong our trip, so decided to stay one night in Pittsburgh on the way back.

  119. Huh. McNabb was benched.

    Rush must be laughing his ass off.

  120. Hotspur – You drove right by my place! I hope you at least waved!?

  121. Pennsylvania is a gorgeous state. Where do you live?

  122. Stupid Lions.

    Rooting for the Lions is like offering to let someone (preferrably an evil Republican) rape you in front of Joe Biden if Obama’s “Jobs Bill” doesn’t pass.

  123. Hotspur – Carlisle.

  124. This is interesting. . .


  125. *ignores the Chief and injects more insulin*

  126. Thanks for the link MCPO. I’m an Aspy and a diabetic. It was nice lurking on H2 while dealing with the family drama. I did get called out for being anti-social because I was on my phone so much.

  127. Oso, it might not be that you’re anti-social.

    Your family might just be a bunch of assholes.

  128. xbrad, you know my extended family?

  129. Floyd smells like a bouquet of roses.

    Here, smell.


  130. Bumper sticker:

    Anita used to work at a bank in Seattle and spent LOTS of time on I5.
    After she found herself in this position one commute, in one of the Lotus Elans, she decided to look for work closer to home:

  131. Rosetta, I loved the Henry picture!

  132. Oso, don’t know your family, but know the type.

    I’m not much on meatspace interaction myself.

  133. That bumper sticker is AWESOME Chrispy! HAHA!

  134. My friend, Matt, got the scoop on the REAL story behind TOTUS’ disappearance….


  135. Rosetta, I loved the Henry picture!

    Thanks! It’s one of my favorites. It’s from Mrs Rosetta’s phone so it’s not very good quality but I love it.

    His hair is out of control.

  136. People with kids, was anyone else like this:

    Laughing, smiling Henry

    “This is the best thing ever.”

    Crying, screaming Henry

    *buys one-way ticket to Tahiti*

    “I’m going to the store to buy some milk, I’ll be right back.”

  137. My husband has had Steeler tickets for the last two funerals. I have had to go solo and without a refreshing beverage both times. Last night, my Uncle was continuously watching the funeral home DVD so I knew I wouldn’t be watching baseball. I’m not good with interpreting facial expressions or spoken inflection. I’m home and drinking wine.

  138. Osso bucco, have you adopted a live squirrel to show your support for a St. Louis Cardinals victory?

    Why not?

  139. I saw a roadkill squirrel on the way home. Does that count?

  140. “out of control” hair beats “weatherman” hair. I still want to pinch him.

  141. We can only have ONE aspy/diabetic here, dammit. One combination dysfunction to a hostage. Get your own!!!!

    Just kidding.

  142. Is there gonna be a baseball thread tonight? RallySquirrel has requested more locker room material.

  143. No, wait. I forgot I also have “Asshole” in my combination.

    Carry on.

  144. Hamid Karzai: Afghanistan will side with Pakistan in the event of war with the US.

    United States Military: We will turn you into a glass parking lot in the event of war with the US.

    Obama has really done a bang-up job with our foreign policy.

    Fucking idiot.

    If he wins another term I’m switching from booze to meth.

  145. RallySquirrel can go play in traffic.

    There’s no funneh in baseball.

  146. I saw a roadkill squirrel on the way home. Does that count?

    I will kick your ass.

  147. BiW, I was going to say “I’m not a lawyer” but I see you covered that.

  148. We can only have ONE aspy/diabetic here, dammit. One combination dysfunction to a hostage. Get your own!!!!


  149. There’s no funneh in baseball.

    Three homers from Pujols last night was pretty damn funny. To me.

  150. “I will kick your ass” Mom, Rosetta’s picking on one of the Aspy/Diabetics!

  151. Poo Holes.

    *snickers like a fourth grader*

  152. xBrad! Your date is here!


  153. BiW,
    We’re close. Anita & I blew 31 and 32 on the ASQ. No insulin problems though.

  154. “Poo Holes” is funnier than “Piojos”

  155. Wonder what Cyn is doing?


  156. Poo Holes.

    *snickers like a fourth grader*

    That’s original.


  157. She may be a dog, but at least she’s not fat.

  158. Rosetta how often to you wash Floyd?

    Our dogs don’t get baths. When they start to stink, we take them to a large body of water and throw a stick.

    It’s a lot easier.

  159. xBrad! Your date is here!


    xbrad is dating Cyn?

    *runs away at 1.5 mph*

  160. Wonder what Cyn is doing?


    Oh. Hmm.

    *turns off webcam, unplugs it from power source, unplugs from computer, drops into back and bottom of drawer, whistles nonchalantly*

  161. Who is gonna make me breakfast. . . I have the recipe, right here


  162. Scott, I don’t do anal gland expression. My dogs get bathed, expressed, and toenails clipped, monthly. I wish I could do the “Dave” and a “stick” trick.

  163. That’s original.

    At least I made it to fourth grade.


  164. Comment by osoloco on October 23, 2011 7:42 pm
    Scott, I don’t do anal gland expression.

    Best Comment Evah.

  165. Rosetta how often to you wash Floyd?

    He gets a bath every couple of weeks.

    He doesn’t like the actual bath but he likes being clean and articulate.

    Much like Obama.

  166. At least I made it to fourth grade.



  167. LOL at Cyn. I’m pretty sure that Floyd gets expressed.

  168. I don’t think Mare should have had that fourth glass of wine. . .


  169. *runs away at 1.5 mph*

    Unleashes secret weapon against Rosetta: http://is.gd/IL0FNW

  170. ZOOEY!!

    I luhr her.

  171. I love when they sing the National Anthem the way it’s written.

  172. SWEEET!!!!

    GWB is throwing out the first pitch!!!!


    Fuck you, Liberals!

  173. Hmm, Chinooks doing a flyover. First time I’ve seen that!

    And Bush pitching to Ryan! Sweet!

  174. Damn. She did awesome!


  175. I love W.

  176. Well that was kick ass.

  177. Me too, Oso; me too.

  178. Obama may be clean and articulate, but no way he can throw a baseball like a real man.

  179. Is there some sort of sporting event going on today?

  180. Did you hear the round of applause W got?


  181. Channel for the game please?

  182. Funny how Ryan missed it. Oh well, that’s not as humiliating as a pitch thrown like a free throw.

  183. Totally OT, one of my cousins had a White House fellowship in 2009. I showed him Mesa’s UnclePlugs blog. Totally kicked his Herman Cain belittling ass.

  184. Fox, Cyn.

  185. I dug up a stump.

    Also Nolan couldn’t reach.

    Which makes me sad

  186. Mwah Jay!

  187. Did you hear the round of applause W got?

    Brought a tear to my eye.

  188. Oh well, that’s not as humiliating as a pitch thrown like a free throw.

    truw enough. At least he didn’t stand halfway between the mound and home plate and still bounce it.

    While wearing mom jeans.

  189. Bush with a standing ovation. Awesomesauce!

  190. Plus Nolan doesn’t wear mom jeans. My hubby asked me to marry him at a Bennigan’s in Arlington before a Nolan Ryan/Yankees game.

  191. Damn; I’m sorry I missed that.

    Well maybe if I wait a few moments it will be up on YT.

  192. And no way am I making fun of Ryan. He got down in a crouch, and went after it. Pretty damn good for Nolan!

  193. Totally kicked his Herman Cain belittling ass.


  194. Whenever I see Nolan Ryan, I think of two things:

    (1) 100+ mph fastball

    (2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zwDkrGKlCg

  195. Cyn, circa 11:00 am on any given Tuesday. . .


  196. I love when they sing the National Anthem the way it’s written.

    Agreed! I don’t like the bullshit embellishments.

    Zooey did an awesome job. It helps that she’s cute as a mofo.

  197. Plus Nolan doesn’t wear mom jeans. My hubby asked me to marry him

    Why did your husband want you to marry Nolan Ryan? Did he want better seats?

  198. Zooey did an awesome job. It helps that she’s cute as a mofo.

    Why yes she did.

    And yes she is.

  199. I was worried when I saw her out there. But she knocked it out of the park.

  200. yannow, it’s kinda cool that Pujols is able to repress that “manically-enraged” look that most steroid addicts have in their eyes.

    good on him.

  201. My hubby is a Yankee fan. I combined a meet my parents trip with a Yankee/Ranger home stand. He’s also one of those douches with a NL team and an AL team.

  202. Cyn, circa 11:00 am on any given Tuesday. . .

    That means the six remaining days are hell on earth.

  203. What is this, a Zooey Deschanel fan club meeting?

    *Looks for sign-in sheet*

  204. I like watching Elf every Christmas because it’s a great movie but because I have a crush on Zooey. She sounds super sexy singing with Leon Redchazbone.


  205. My hubby is a Yankee fan. I combined a meet my parents trip with a Yankee/Ranger home stand.

    You married a great man.

  206. >> I like watching Elf every Christmas because it’s a great movie but because I have a crush on Zooey.

    She had me at that episode of Frazier she was in.

  207. from Ace’s sidebar:


    good. If they are going to learn how to build a society from the ground-up, I think it’s important they experience the “black-plague” thing as well.

  208. His NL team is the Cards. He totally pretended to be a Reds fan. That was before I saw the Lou Brock and Stan the Man signed baseballs.

  209. I am so pulling for the pigeons in that one, wiser.

  210. She needs a better publicist.

  211. Zooey is like a good-looking version of Katy Perry, except without the boobs.

  212. yannow, it’s kinda cool that Pujols is able to repress that “manically-enraged” look that most steroid addicts have in their eyes.

    Hahahaha. I actually thought about that last night.

    Barry Bonds was watching that game thinking, “Man, I shrunk my balls and ruined the game of baseball and I never hit 3 home runs in a World Series game.”

  213. I like Elf in spite of Ed Asner and Will Farrell. I hate trying to have principles. I’ll watch and then kick in extra money to a right wing charity.

  214. Rangers strike first blood.

  215. Zooey is like a good-looking version of Katy Perry, except without the boobs.


  216. I like Elf in spite of Ed Asner and Will Farrell. I hate trying to have principles.

    You are a far better person that I am.

    I find Will Farrell annoying and Ed Asner is a massive douche. I’ve never watched Elf once, just because Farrel is in it, but now that I know I also missed Asner, I like not having ever watched that movie even more.

  217. There is a status of Nolan, out in the deep entrance to the Ballpark at Arlington. Bronze. 10 feet. He has his hat in his hand as if he is stepping out from the bullpen to thank the fans for his 5,000th K.

    If I had been commissioned for a statue, I’d have made one with his hand around Ventura’s neck, givin him the business.

    Also, RANGERS

  218. 8-2
    If Indy covers I can take next week off.

    mwuh ha ha ha ha

  219. Excellent, Scott.

    I’m with you on that Indy pick.

  220. 8-2
    If Indy covers I can take next week off.

    How did Dave do?

  221. Oh, and I’m 6-4-1 right now. Thanks, Packers.

    (And Raiders – don’t know WTF happened there)

  222. I just got home from Saturday’s date. Is it still February?

  223. I just got home from Saturday’s date. Is it still February?


  224. Wiser, actually a pretty good Christmas movie. I wouldn’t watch it for a long time. Now, I just give money to the Eternal Valor Foundation so I don’t feel as guilty for liking Elf.

  225. I should hold on to first place for the 3rd week in a row.

    I would love to win, we could use the cash.

  226. *quiet golf claps for Jewstin*

  227. Zooey is cute, but I have the serious hots for Emily.


  228. 5

  229. Year 3 of the worst jobs situation since the Great Depression (I use the U-6) and Obama still holds a 43% approval rating?! Fucking incredible!

  230. >> we could use the cash.

  231. How old is Holland? He has that mustache that guys have in junior high when they never shave their lip.

  232. 5


  233. And an even worse home value situation including the depression, Chief.

  234. can we come up with more meaningless stats?

    what’s next? “Most pitches taken by a left-handed second baseman on the visiting team in any of the first three innings in any game played in the postseason?”

  235. Obama should have a housing bill so Joe Biden can rape houses in addition to people.

  236. Wiser, actually a pretty good Christmas movie.

    eh. Not a good enough reason….

  237. Andy – It is truly astounding. I can only surmise that 43% of this country is either ideologically devoted to Marxism or are blissfully unaware of the damage Obama and his filk have inflicted upon the Republic.

  238. c: Wouldn’t vote for a Republican if their lives depended on it.

  239. They get their news from the MFM, Chief.

    See, e.g., the dipshits blaming Wall Street for the fact that they ran up a shitload of debt to get a worthless college degree.

  240. MCPO, I just spent the weekend with people who will be voting for the SCOAMF again. I’m the only college dropout in the bunch. My dad used to call them educated idiots. They have advanced degrees but no common sense.

  241. Where the hell is XBrad, and why isn’t he pimpin’ Zooey as Load HEAT?


  242. This is what my little guy is playing with right now. http://amzn.to/pGDwmg


  243. So, Andy goes with blissfully unaware and Crazy Bear says college-indoctrinated Marxists. . . fortythreefuckingpercent!

  244. >> can we come up with more meaningless stats?

    Yes, we can.

    3-2 Tigers

  245. Did anybody squeeze anybody else’s Charmin today?

  246. Mine was additive. Not the entire reason, but part of it.

  247. HAHAHA. Base running E.


  248. Sean – If by Charmin, you mean my neighbor’s wife’s ass, then no. Sadly, no.

  249. Affirmative Action is strong in my family. I have 2 cousins that have watched the debates. One is a Stanford/Michigan Law grad. The other is an Harvard/Stanford Law grad. I kept using H2 and Mesa logic against them. I tried to get them to read and comment at Ace’s and H2 but they are Obamabots. I just resort to sarcasm and call my Annapolis/LSU grad cousin to vent. As a Mexican, I have 30 first cousins.

  250. Yes, we can.

    3-2 Tigers

    You say that like you think it bothers me.

    Unlike other insanely self-deluded fans who get themselves all worked up over a team that has proven themselves to be destined for failure over and over and over again (*cough romo’s cowboys *cough), I was not upset by the Yankees failure to advance in the least.

    It might have bothered me if I thought they had a chance to go anywhere after winning the AL East this year. I did not, therefore, I was neither surprised nor upset by that outcome.

  251. Besides, you enjoyed watching the Red Sox flame out so much your season was complete.

  252. Affirmative action is a blight on the real accomplishments of minorities.

  253. As a Mexican, I have 30 first cousins.

    color me stunned.

    Do you have any pictures of the women cousins? Are any of them hot?

    Answer the second question first.

  254. Besides, you enjoyed watching the Red Sox flame out so much your season was complete.

    Purty much. And the sports reporters who continue to analyze the greatest meltdown in the history of baseball are making the wonderful memories last and last and last……

  255. Let’s just say that D cups are strong in my family. There are only 10 males. I’m the fatty at a size 4.

  256. >> You say that like you think it bothers me.

    I know you better than that. I’m just offering up useless stats.

  257. The Red Sox flame out is allowing me to not hate the Cards so much and enjoy the WS.

  258. Crazy Bear – Pics. . . we must have the pics!

  259. Let’s just say that D cups are strong in my family. There are only 10 males. I’m the fatty at a size 4.

    Sounds like we could do at least a year and a half of BBF posts just using osolocomydeargodlookatthesizeofthosebeauties’s family…..

  260. I’m just offering up useless stats.

    Well, yeah, as it turns out, that was pretty worthless, wasn’t it?

  261. Hey Roamy!


  262. Heh. Future comment….

    Where’s that four Oso?

  263. Sounds like we could do at least a year and a half of BBF posts just using osolocomydeargodlookatthesizeofthosebeauties’s family…..

    Is there back fat?

  264. The distance of Pujol’s home runs equals 4 football fields……

    Hmmm, I guess we can come up with more worthless stats..

  265. Not looking good, Scott.

    Indy is teh awful.

  266. And the sports reporters who continue to analyze the greatest meltdown in the history of baseball are making the wonderful memories last and last and last……

    I guess the whole East Coast Bias thing is actually okay when they’re constantly rehashing something like that.

    (See also 1986 World Series)

  267. A 400 yard home run?

  268. Is there back fat?

    Good point. We do have standards here.




  269. >> Well, yeah, as it turns out, that was pretty worthless, wasn’t it?

    Honey you asked, I delivered.

  270. A 400 yard home run?

    not 1 home run. All of the HRs he hit last night combined.

    over 1200 feet combined.

  271. No back fat. One of my cousins is augmented. She couldn’t stand the stigma of a C cup. She’s a size 2 mother of 3.

  272. Oh, ok.

    Yeah, that’s pretty damned meaningless.

  273. ZOOEY!!!!!

    (you can tell we’re all growing up when our new official H2 dream girl isn’t a former or current porn star…)

  274. If you haven’t seen The New Guy, Zooey is in it as a young blonde. Eliza Dushku also has a starring role.

  275. She’s a size 2 mother of 3.

    she has 3 boobs?


  276. They are only down 7.

    I’m not giving up yet. If they keep turning the ball over I might *shudder* flip over and watch baseball…..or do my nails.

  277. looooong outs

  278. Heh.


  279. Wiser, punctuation is not my strong suit. Actually, communication is not my strong suit.

  280. Wiser, punctuation is not my strong suit. Actually, communication is not my strong suit.

    As a size 4 with D cups, your ability to communicate is juuuust fine by me….

  281. What is your strong suit?

  282. They are only down 14.

  283. Hahahahaha, good one, MCPO. Reminds me of the list of Picard vs. Kirk. Picard – one child. Kirk – possibly hundreds.

  284. I like sports and I always approve the ticket upgrade. I never nag. Those are my strong suits.

  285. At this rate the final score will be about 84-0.

  286. >> At this rate the final score will be about 84-0.

    Ha. Yeah, it wasn’t the current score as much as the trend I was noticing earlier.

    Hasn’t gotten better.

  287. Those are good suits Oso.

  288. >> At this rate the final score will be about 84-0.

    Which would be the first time an AFC team lost a game by that much when the game was played at night in October against a team that is from a city that was nearly destroyed by a hurricane within 10 years of the game being played…..

  289. “I have 30 first cousins.”

    My family is weird. I have no idea how many cousins I have.
    I couldn’t name one.

    I only know the first name of one grandparent and one uncle.

  290. what’s really funny is that you will spend 3 hours analyzing how to best to change a light bulb, but you won’t spend 10 seconds researching your family tree…..

  291. I can name one cousin.


    Ok wait, Christy, Cindy (she killed herself 6 years ago), Ashley, John, Stephanie, Stacey.

    Dave got out of the fed pen couple years ago.

  292. I forgot the rest of dad’s side, Jim, Walter (John was in this group)

  293. Dear meaningless stats person,

    How long will it be before I can watch a game with the Saints where there is no mention of Hurricane Katrina?


  294. I’m a mexican. My first cousins are like siblings. I know 4th and 5th cousins. My hubby is an Anglo and has more contact with my family than his. I don’t know what is cultural and what is unique. My family does the “knock and walk” (no locked doors). I’ve been married for 21 years and I would never even look in my MiL’s fridge without permission.

  295. Who the fuck analyzes light bulb changes?

    The less I know about family the better.

    Do I need to start listing holidays?

  296. How long will it be before I can watch a game with the Saints where there is no mention of Hurricane Katrina?


    How does “never” sound?

  297. Ray Nagin is a douche.

    The End.

  298. >> How long will it be before I can watch a game with the Saints where there is no mention of Hurricane Katrina?

    You will be bones when this happens.

  299. Do I need to start listing holidays?

    I know the holidays. Trust me, I know them very, very well.

    Holidays are the days of the year when I am most likely to experience an explosive brain aneurysm.

  300. >> Holidays are the days of the year when I am most likely to experience an explosive brain aneurysm.

    Waves hidy to Mrs. Wiser.

    Chest-nuts roasting on an open fiiiiiire.. Jack Frost nipplng at your noooose

  301. Chest-nuts roasting on an open fiiiiiire.. Jack Frost nipplng at your noooose

    why is there blood coming out of my ear?

  302. Bobby Valentine… still a dick.

  303. >> why is there blood coming out of my ear?

    roll away from the dog.. I’m saying this in friendship and love.

    Just do it.

  304. This Jennie-O commercial for the pitching change is brought to you by MasterCard…..

  305. My hubby has a small family. He wanted the experience of a traditional Mexican Christmas. We’ve only done it once in 21 years of marriage. He is happy to play the retail card now. (I get out of most family functions because of work). I like playing the “anglo” card. I get to stay in hotels, leave early, and drink alcoholic beverages in front of my Aunts.

  306. Holidays are the days of the year when I am most likely to experience an explosive brain aneurysm.

    …and be grateful for it.

  307. heh. good call on the pitching change there, Tony……

  308. Bobby Valentine will always be a Dodger to me. Dodger=dick. Dave nails it.

  309. I’d forgotten Zoooooey was a Load HEAT Hottie.

    Which is why Roamy is the brains of the outfit at my blog.

  310. by the way, according to Joe Buck, douche extraordinaire, that guy “tomahawked” that ball out of the park.


  311. NAPOLI.. ahh hahahahaha

  312. And yes, yes I would like to see pics of the Oso cousins.

  313. My family does the “knock and walk” (no locked doors).

    You can put an end to that bullshit by walking around naked all the time and screwing in the kitchen a lot.

  314. >> You can put an end to that bullshit by walking around naked all the time and screwing in the kitchen a lot.

    Oh, you mean like when the kids move out?


  315. …and be grateful for it.


    Wonder if I can fake one to get the in-laws out of my house early this Thanksgiving?

    Yes, we are spending Thanksgiving at home this year, because wiserson is performing with the band in the half-time show of his school’s annual football team.

    So this year, and for the following 3 years, it seems I will be hosting the family for Thanksgiving!!1!1!1!!!!

    yay for me.

  316. You can put an end to that bullshit by walking around naked all the time and screwing in the kitchen a lot.


  317. You can put an end to that bullshit by walking around naked all the time and screwing in the kitchen a lot.

    Have I told how much I’ve missed having you visit my home lately?

  318. I don’t even know how to do POL links of me and you want cousin pics?

  319. seriously, Bobby Valentine’s ego shoved Sosa to Chicago.

    He was a lame-ass Met shithead.

  320. I’m just sayin’.

  321. Rebecca won’t let Mr. TiFW watch the football game because she wants to watch the Rangers game.

    Child has NEVER seen a baseball game before in her life – we have NO idea why she likes it…..

  322. Hostage Community Theatre presents:

    Wiser’s Mother-in-Law stops by Casa de Wiser

    *knock knock


    You’re doing it wrong….


  323. Hah! Were you two actually discovered in the act or are you just making that up?

  324. He (Bobby Valentine) was a lame-ass Met shithead.

    wiserbride and I had a lot of fun evenings at his bars here in Connecticut…..

  325. I’m married to an anglo. We have a steel door and 2 deadbolts and 2 locks. My mom could not believe it the first time my hubby locked us “in” when he left for work. He also expects phone calls before people drop by and told my family that the guest room is by invitation only.

  326. Oh, you mean like when the kids move out?

    Yeah – we were thinking about that yesterday during the A&M kiss-fest; “If only we had stopped at 3 kids……”

    Ah, well – wouldn’t trade her for the world ~


  328. I’m too tired and busy looking for busty lesbians to tell Oso to just email me a pic for PoL.

    Plus, I forgot the password.

  329. Oso household: no kids+family made to fill unwelcome=winning.

  330. That is ok xbrad. All my pictures would be crew necks and wearing a minimizer.

  331. Albert.. release you’re hate.. come to the dark side

  332. I nearly brained my FIL with a cookie sheet for walking in unannounced.

  333. Roamy, your FiL did the knock and walk?

  334. Oso, you gotta step up your game. I’m having carnal relations with an inflatable sheep in my PoL pic.

  335. Hah! Were you two actually discovered in the act or are you just making that up?

    I was making that up.

    However, my mother and my sister-in-law did walk in on wiserbride and I back before we were married.

    My family lived about 2 hours away and were coming down to my place for a BBQ. I kept trying to get wiserbride to have a little fun before they got there and she kept saying no. “What if they show up?”

    My father calls and says “Okay, we’re leaving now. Be there in a while.”

    I hung up the phone and looked at wiserbride. “Okay, baby, we got two hours.”

    We tore off our clothes right there in the living room and started to get busy. We eventually (and luckily, as it turns out) moved to the bedroom.

    Very soon after we moved, my mother knocks and says “hello! we’re here!”

    Literally, it was 3 steps from the door of the cottage to the door of the bedroom. I leapt up and said “Don’t move, we’ll be right out!”

    Of course, our clothes were still out in the living room………

    When my dad had called to tell me that they were on their way, he meant he and my brother. He forgot to tell me that my mom and my SiL left 2 hours earlier…..

  336. It took me years to delurk. I might be ready for a POL picture by my 50th birthday.

  337. Ooops….

  338. Oso, he didn’t knock, he saw the door open and just walked in. I was cleaning the kitchen and didn’t expect company for another two hours. I heard the door open, and I called out. When he didn’t answer, I went to do battle on the intruder.

  339. Roamy, good thing it was a cookie sheet and not a firearm. I still have strategically placed firearms and a deadbolt on a walk in closet from the time my hubby worked third shift. His Aunt and cousins survived a rape/home invasion situation and that made him paranoid. One of my cousins survived a brutal rape/stabbing situation and she refuses to have guns in her house. We make jokes about the knock and walk but everyone in my family knows that I am like Reba in the movie “Tremors”

  340. Mom was used to it.

    I used to have an even smaller apartment and she walked in on me and another of my girlfriends once. We were still in bed and she had stopped by to pick up some bed rails that were stored under my bed. So while my naked lady-friend laid there in bed, I got up and put on shorts, then called my mom into the bedroom and lifted up the bed while she pulled the rails out from under the bed.

    She didn’t even know this young lady’s name. So I introduced them and then took the rails down to mom’s van.

    ….While mom sat there and had a nice little chit-chat with my lady-friend.

    According to my lady-friend, my mom’s first question was a sweet “So, how long have you known my son..?”

    Mom and I still laugh about that.

  341. That must be some cookie sheet!

  342. Holland gonna do a complete game?

  343. Would you pull Holland?

    I wouldn’t.

    *hits myself in the face with a cookiesheet

  344. AND yet he’s pulled

  345. Would you pull Holland?

    Not the way he’s pitching…. He is in the zone.

  346. AND yet he’s pulled

    Ya think? Maybe Felix is just warming up, just in case….

  347. no, I was wrong.. Wash talked to him, left him in

  348. Hey Dave! C’mere a minute, would ya?


  349. I hate it when AL coaches try to coach strategically.

  350. why are you hittin me in the face with uncooked shrimps?

    That’s not right.

  351. I just like saying Poo-Holes name

  352. SOHOS!!!!

    Where ya been, darlin’?

  353. One.

  354. why are you hittin me in the face with uncooked shrimps?

    ‘cuz they’re frozen.

  355. I ate one and did not die.

  356. ah, this sucks.

    Give him at least one more batter.

  357. Albert?

  358. Sohitabonita!

  359. and there it is.

    the kid did great

  360. heh. Could you imagine our current post-turtle in chief giving someone else a standing ovation?

  361. *swivels head around*

    Batter? Shrimp?

    Battered shrimps??

    *hump swellses with hope*

  362. Watch….damn, the kid was still throwing in the mid to high 90s. that sucks.

  363. I have been a crazy person lately with too much shit on my plate. I’m going to bed now but I am sooo looking forward to the Eulogies and getting back to hanging with yall. I miss you fuckers

  364. I sure hope he’s strong for game 7.

    *batters some squirrel

  365. miss ya, sweetie. Come back again soon.

    I hate when they bring in a closer and the first thing he does is walk someone.

    Hell, I could do that.

  366. Battered shrimp and battered women are both found in the kitchen.

  367. I really hope none of the eulogies have cheesy rainbow pics or muzak versions of Ave Maria. I was ready to kill my grieving Uncle.

  368. or muzak versions of Ave Maria.

    **goes back and re-edits…

  369. I really hope none of the eulogies have cheesy rainbow pics or muzak versions of Ave Maria.

    they do and I just might delete them….

  370. aaaaaaaaaand Dave’s heart starts beating again…….

  371. Helluva game outta Holland. Now we will have a game in St Louis, again.

    So it’s not all bad.

  372. I’m doing all text. No pics or music.

    But at the end there will be a link to an interactive site where you can all kiss a horse’s ass, if you have a touchscreen.

    *uploads pic of Rosetta to interactive site*

  373. LauraW, I’m confused. Horse’s ass is Rosetta not Mare?

  374. TIED up

  375. TIED up

    TMI, Dave…

  376. Mare is not actually a horse, despite what her typing skills and fondness for fermenting apples indicate.

  377. TIED up

    TMI, Dave…

    Hahahahahahaha! **marks off October on XBrad funneh calendar

  378. Thanks for the clarification.

  379. A mare is a horse, of course of course,
    and no one can talk to a horse of course,
    that is of course, unless the horse,
    Is the famous Missus Mare!

  380. G’night folks.
    Stim you later!

  381. So who is tied up?

    Sounds kinky.

  382. HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Fucking “hardcore” douchebags at Occupy New Haven are moving indoors and starting a business in an abandoned warehouse.

    HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Can you say “confused?”

    Is it getting too cold for you, precious?

    Extra sweetness:

    Sign seen laying on the ground:

    “Campaing Finance Reform Now.”

  383. HI CATHY!!!!

    sadly, it’s late here and I’m out as well.

    nite, y’all.

  384. work for me tomorrow too..

    nite kids

  385. Cathy – Dave, of course. Not sure if it was the wife or Moses.

  386. It’s NOT late here, and I’ve got nothing better to do than hang out with MILFs.

    HI CATHY!!!

  387. Hi Cathy!

  388. Hey, Xbrad. You have a favorite to win the World Series?

  389. Hey Oso. I saw you liked my latest on Facebook… Can’t take credit for it, but I like it.

  390. Maybe not a favorite, but I’m rootin’ for Texas. Mostly to piss off Rosetta.

  391. Tough call for me since I used to go to a lot of Cardinals games in the good old days… But I’m probably more a Rangers fan now.

  392. Cathy, I like most of your links. I really hate the Cards but Chris Carpenter knows Henry. I’m torn.

  393. So, who’s turn is it to get me a beer?

  394. I’m drinking wine. Who’s on a beer run?

  395. Only got Sam Adams Octoberfest in the fridge…

    But I like it.

  396. That’s a pretty good beer. I’m more than OK with that.

  397. You got it, XB.

    What kind of wine you drinking, Oso?

  398. Kilt it?

    Or is Cathy busy bringing me a beer?

  399. OHAI!

    I swear, every time I refresh 10 times, there’s no comments, but if I type the works “kilt it” someone sneaks in ahead of me.

    Cathy, are you and Oso two drinks away from a lesbian experience?

    Would you like some more wine?

  400. Hahaha. Sorry Xbrad. Not into muffins. You are gonn have to find another gal, or another spectator sport.

  401. Fine. I’ll just sit here and sip my beer.

    How’s my favorite ladybug doing?

  402. Doing okay. Thanks for asking. I’m happy and content.

    How about you? And how is your mom?

  403. Cathy, I’m drinking white zin in a box. I have no pride and I spent this wknd with my family.

  404. Mom’s fine. She went to watch a parade today and was feeling healthy enough to bitch about every damn thing all damn day.

  405. As for me, I’m just getting ready to call it a night and head back to the casa.

  406. XB, you should make a point to watch Once Upon A Time.

  407. I might download it tomorrow.

  408. Oso, I figure no pride is a good prerequisite for spending time with family, so you got that going for ya.

  409. No pride is a good excuse to hang out here, too!

  410. Cathy, I meant no pride about box wine. Since my family treats me like a 5 year old, it works both ways. LOL

  411. Heh. Yea.

    I’m not going to be here much longer myself. Long day.

    Night Brad.

  412. Good night. Back to work at 4am

  413. Oso…you hang here with us, so three strikes…

  414. Cathy, WooHoo! I’ve graduated from lurker to hostage!

  415. What comes after hostage?

  416. *yawn*

    Night, Oso….

  417. Comment by Cathy on October 24, 2011 12:54 am

    What comes after hostage?

    We have a BIG FIGHT, everybody is pissed at wiser, and an associate spin-off blog is started. It is the same sort of Curious Reproduction Method that us BaptistCats start new churches…

  418. Galactic Emperor Reince Priebus is on Fox right now. Seems relatively sharp.

  419. Comment by lauraw on October 23, 2011 11:24 pm

    Mare is not actually a horse, despite what her typing skills and fondness for fermenting apples indicate.

    MOMMM!!!! Ms. Laura is not SWALLOWING her pills again!

  420. ***Bounces on a Sleeping XBrad’s Ample Belly***

    Hey! Dangit!! WAKE UP!!

    ***Extends Claw, peels open one of his EyeLids ***

    I know you’re in there…now Looky Here… I been watchin’ the TV, and want to know what you are gonna do about keeping all them Zombies, WereWolves, and Vampires outta our neighborhood. Ya know, they could be here any minute…its strange, not one time has any of them ever worried about the Perils of a Four Erection, unlike the guys you used to “pal” around with. It is almost like they live in some sort of Fantasy World…

    Boss?? Boss???


    ***Stomps off in a CatHuff***

  421. ***Sets up Camera to try to capture on film the first ever Photographic Evidence of the rare Abominable Long-Horned Spotted Albino Wakey-Wakey ***

  422. Comment by leoncaruthers on October 24, 2011 6:50 am

    Galactic Emperor Reince Priebus is on Fox right now. Seems relatively sharp.

    I’d watch your mouth, Leon. What I said to Ms. C arin the other day wasn’t near that bad of language, and got my mouth washed out with Soap…

    *** Off to Urban Dictionary to find out just what sort of Intergalactic SexToy a Reince Priebus is, or if that is how you clean it ***

  423. Reince Priebus is a cheesehead. That is all you need to know to evaluate his character and intelligence.

    *Softball is tossed, waiting for the first batter*

  424. wakey wakey

  425. Sox, it’s Ace’s riff on the guy’s amazing name.

  426. It’s MONDAY. Yea!!!

    Thank GAWD the weekend is over.

  427. Comment by BrewFan on October 24, 2011 7:14 am

    Reince Priebus is a cheesehead. That is all you need to know to evaluate his character and intelligence.

    *Softball is tossed, waiting for the first batter*

    ***Chronicles another Harbinger of DOOM***

  428. Comment by Car in on October 24, 2011 7:20 am

    It’s MONDAY. Yea!!!

    Thank GAWD the weekend is over.

    Just what is this “Weekend” thing you are prattling about?

    Off to MouseHunt…

  429. Weekends are that time when you are supposed to relax, but it never happens. I have to drive here or there, do this and that, and have zero time for the Hostages. High expectations are raised about what you can get done, but you only accomplish a fraction.

    Weekends just suck.

  430. Guess where Obama’s going to collect money from today? Las Vegas. I guess it’s ok to fund raise there, just not do a business conference/trip.

  431. I’m gonna go out on a limb and predict that Steve Wynn will not be attending.

  432. I’ve never been to Vegas. #OccupyCanadianBus

  433. Busy day for the SCOAMF:

    10:05 am EDT || Departs White House
    11:50 am || Arrives Las Vegas
    2:30 pm || Delivers remarks at fundraiser; Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas
    2:10 pm || Meets with homeowners at private residence; Las Vegas
    2:30 pm || Delivers remarks at private residence
    3:40 pm || Departs Las Vegas
    4:45 pm || Arrives Los Angeles
    6:15 pm || Delivers remarks at fundraiser; private residence
    8:45 pm || Delivers remarks at fundraiser; privater residence

    I like the part where he meets with homeowners, so he can put this all on our tab. He couldn’t have made his housing proposal announcements from the White House, could he?


  434. ew, I’ll have to stay out of that part of town today.

  435. Yep. Heads up.

  436. 13 people killed over the weekend around Detroit, almost all of ’em related to drunk driving. Maybe all.

  437. I’ll take drunk driving deaths over murders.

    Work time. For those who wait with baited breath for my workout logs (i.e. nobody), I’ll be posting a new one today.

  438. You sure it was drunk driving and not Joe Biden?

  439. a friend of mine is in oakland sheriff dept and got called out to that suicide murder of the 2 year baby 😦

  440. well, one drunken genius was going the wrong way on the freeway. I think four people died in that one. In one car.

  441. Cool, Islamic Law in Libya. They’re going to ease up on those restrictions for a man to take a second wife. Before, the hurdles were just impossible:

    Under current Libyan law, a man seeking a second wife must receive his first wife’s permission and appear before a judge.

  442. A second wife?

    No thanks. Got my hands full already with the first one.

  443. Even if she gave you her permission?

  444. Question: when I came to US in 1999, it took me less than six months to figure out that Social Security is a load of bullshit and I will have to save for retirement. Why is it that most Americans, who were born here, and spent their whole lives here, haven’t figured it out?

  445. >> Even if she gave you her permission?

    Oh that’s just like her, she’d say “yes” just to get another woman to wear me out with all her girl bullshit.

    She’d probably laugh.

  446. Second wife? I would rather go gay.
    **makes a pass at Jewstin

  447. Looks like the 1st Hostage Eulogy is up…..

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