Sign-up Form for #StopAsianHate Webinar
As a result of recent cases of members of the Asian population being attacked in communities where they are a minority, we feel the need to address this issue through an informative and interactive webinar. This event aims to bring light to different aspects of racism that are seldom discussed about. This will be safe space for all members of the community to speak in. If you're passionate about or simply seek to be enlightened on certain matters of the issue, please sign up to join us in this event.

If you have any questions about this event, please feel free to contact us at either or
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Please enter the name you would like to be addressed as. *
What pronoun would you like to be referred to? *
Please enter the email you would like to be contacted at to be provided information on how to join the event. *
Please enter any question you may have about anti-Asian racism (it could be about Asian stereotypes, microaggression or racism in general, etc.)
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