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His heart is tied to his past...

When Sole Regret’s rhythm guitarist, Kellen Jamison, vowed to be faithful to his fiancée and love her forever, he meant it. He never expected to lose her to cancer so early in life. He’s certain he’ll never love again, but destiny has another plan for him.

Her heart is tied to her work...

Grammy-winning classical composer and piano virtuoso, Dawn O’Reilly, is overwhelmed with music-writing deadlines, a fickle muse, and high-expectations. She doesn’t have time to find love, but chance seeks to interfere with her carefully devised plans.

They’re bound to become entangled...

From the instant Kellen hears Dawn’s latest musical composition, his spirits rise. The stirring melody and the remarkable woman responsible for its creation are impossible to resist. His attraction is undeniable; her passion unquenchable. Kellen teaches Dawn there’s freedom in bondage, while her sensuality drives him to unleash his tightly controlled self-restraint. Will the ropes Kellen uses to secure Dawn’s body be the force that binds them together or ultimately sever all ties between them?


Kellen and Dawn's story continues in
Book 10: Treasure Me (not yet released) and Book 15: Transfix Me (not yet released)

159 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 14, 2013

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About the author

Olivia Cunning

62 books10.9k followers
Combining her love for romantic fiction and rock ‘n roll, Olivia Cunning writes erotic romance centered around rock musicians. Raised on hard rock music from the cradle, she attended her first Styx concert at age six and fell instantly in love with live music. She's been known to travel over a thousand miles just to see a favorite band in concert. As a teen, she discovered her second love, romantic fiction -- first, voraciously reading steamy romance novels and then penning her own. Growing up as the daughter of a career soldier, she's lived all over the country and overseas. She recently moved to Galveston, Texas.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 409 reviews
Profile Image for Olivia Cunning.
Author 62 books10.9k followers
June 14, 2013
Today is the release day for Tie Me!
I hope you love Kellen "Cuff" Jamison as much as I do!
June 20, 2013
Kellen made a lot of promises to his fiancé before she passed away and after five long years, he still has no intention of breaking them. He comes to the house he bought for her on the beach trying to find some sort of peace and he hears something coming from the house next door and follows the music.

If you've been reading the series, you know that we found out a lot about Kellen in the last book, Touch Me. That book was Owen's, who is Kellen's best friend, and we got just a touch of some of Kellen's problems.

Kellen is all sorts of messed up. His deceased fiancé, Sara, did quite a number on his head and in the five years that have passed since her death, he has not made a dent in any sort of progress. The only person that he has relied on is Owen.

It's mind boggling some of the things Sara made Kellen promise but it helps you understand why he doesn't do some things. His sexual activities have become very narrow and focused and learning Shibari has helped him maintain a certain amount of control.

The music leads him to Dawn...a beautiful red head who along with her music reawakens something in Kellen. His struggle is ever present but he is extremely forthright with Dawn. He also sees that Dawn needs to loosen her control and offers to work his Shibari on her. Since Dawn wants him and that's the only way she will get him, she decides to try it.


Sorry...that was a bit longer of an explanation than I had planned on writing and believe me, it only touches the surface. I loved the intensity of all the emotions even though there is a bit of cheese and some over the top statements but that sort of goes along with this series. I think the frustration is I always want something more with these shorter books...just when it gets good, it's over.

Kellen and Dawn are really great together and there are definitely some steamy scenes. I think they make a good couple and I'm looking forward to seeing where their relationship goes from here.


We do get a small part with the rest of the band and of course, the ongoing drama with Lindsey. Obviously, that will be continuing on for a while.

The next book starts back with Gabe again in Tell Me. Sounds like we will be getting to see more of his crazy inventions and see where his relationship with Melanie is at.

Favorite quotes:

♥ “I feel you, Kellen,” she whispered. “Inside my body. Inside my soul. I feel you.”

♥ "It meant everything to me."
Profile Image for Melissa ***BITCH, I'M READING!***.
326 reviews211 followers
June 20, 2013
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This is my new favorite in the Sole Regret series it was HOTTImage Hosted by ImageShack.us
I'm over here like "I need a fucking Piano!" I love Kellen and Dawn!
Kellen's "thing" over his ex was a bit annoying, especially when he was talking about her "rules" what a weird bitch! soo glad he is moving past that!!!
Oh! and I hate this Lindsey chick..I'm I supposed to feel bad for her that she willingly banged the whole band, got knocked up and now has all these life problems?

I really hope the baby doesn't belong to one of the boys! especially Owen!!!

Patiently Waiting for the next book!!!
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,484 reviews5,321 followers
September 17, 2013
Oh you sexy rock gods of Sole Regret ~ 3 1/2 Roped Stars!!


This is book five of this series, we finally get the inner thoughts of Kellen (not to be confused with the Kellan). Kellen is the heartbroken band member. Seems he had it all in his deceased fiancee Sarah. Kellen made all sorts of promises to Sarah and wears a leather cuff as a reminder.

The thing is, her requests were pretty extreme especially for a girl on her way out. Kellen promised never to have sex with another as well as give his heart to another girl. Yeah, seems Miss Sarah wasn’t so perfect perhaps a bit bitter on her way out of this world.

Kellen finds himself at the beach trying to finally say goodbye to Sarah after five years when he is lured by the sound of piano music being played by Grammy Award winning Dawn O’Reilly.

As you can guess there are SPARKS, CHEMISTRY and Kellen can’t resist their physical and musical connection.

“Sarah had never understood this part of him. She’d thought of music as something that took him away.”

Dawn O’Reilly is not only well accomplished but her mind, body and soul was completely irresistible to Kellen.

“I hate her,” she sobbed. “I hate her for taking so much of you. I hate her for meeting you first. I hate her fucking guts.”

Kellen is well schooled in the art of Shibra (tying sex partners up) and this couple get pretty hot and heavy all over this beach house while a storm rages outside Kellen struggles with promises and what could be.

A reader gets the much needed clarification on Kellen’s stance on his sexual escapades with his band member/bff Owen as well!

Sole Regret Fans will be ecstatic to know that Gabe and Melanie’s book is next. Love that mohawked inventor!!

Profile Image for Vikki ~ *squee* lite ~.
497 reviews185 followers
June 16, 2013

I really liked the first book in this series. Gabe was without a doubt my favorite band member. The rest of the books- well, they were ok. Shades story was interesting, but I honestly could have passed completely on Adam and Owen. I was about ready to admit defeat and give up on Sole Regret entirely, until Kelly.

After all the lead up in previous books about how Kellen had lost his one true love, and was still morning her five years later, I was curious how Olivia Cunning was going to be able to find someone who could break through in such a short time.

I love Dawn. She is my favorite of all the heroines in this series. I love how her music spoke to Kelly, and finally let him have a small breakthrough with his unhealthy attachment to his dead love. Man, I really learned to dislike Sara durning this book. I cannot imagine getting your guy to promise he'll never be with anyone else. (I'm assuming that was after she knew she was dying - before that makes sense, but after - that's just a whole new level of selfish)

This was also the first of the guys books that I found this broken up novella format frustrating. I guess for all the other stories, it was most fun and sexy than emotional, so I didn't have a big problem with the somewhat abrupt pause in the action. (Honestly with Owen and Adam, I was happy for the reprieve) This time, I actually felt invested in how this as all going to turn out. I wish we had gotten a whole book instead of a just the beginning.

I know Gabe and Melanie's book is up again next, and I'm looking forward to the continuation of their story. I'm guessing the books are going to continue to be released in the same order. I'm tempted to skip over the rest of the bands story until we get back to Kelly, and I may do just that.

Ugh, and I HATE the Lindsey storyline. I hope it's the roadie's baby, because I intensely dislike her. Ick.
Profile Image for Dinjolina.
533 reviews525 followers
June 14, 2013
Ok…..ok. *takes deep breath*

I thought there was nothing as unsexy, as re-publishing a novella about a sex-orgy with two hookers nice girls and a bunch of male character whose future HEA is making your public swoon with delight. (Not that I did a lot of swooning while reading some of those)

Well, don’t be fooled - it could get less thrilling.
You just add a persistent motive of , and voila! ...the series continues sliding down the slippery slope of tacky and cringe-worthy with lightning speed.

I was pretty much unable to follow the development of one of the first stories in the series, that I was actually interested in, because I kept going back to the potential of unnecessary drama, while my mind was stuck on a loop of screaming .
I have no idea how the author is going to avoid making a mess out of at least one of the ‘love stories’ in the series, and that is just completely unacceptable this late in the drama (in books 4 and 5? Really? I mean…really? Why not book one? We could have had a resolution till now.)

Bottom line? Fail on all counts that matter.
Keep trying, and for Pete’s sake - publish a book more similar to the poignant and steamy mambo in your Sinner series, would ya?
415 reviews124 followers
July 11, 2013
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Even after 5 years, Kellen can't let go of Sarah or break the vow he made to her....to be faithful forever. And so far he didn't met any woman that could ever eclipsed Sarah in his heart.
And going back to the beach house he bought for her, only brings up the memories and the guilt.

Until he hears a music that speaks right to his heart and he is drawn by it...

Dawn is a Grammy winner classical composer, struggling to create a new piece but it seems that she always get' stuck. Her muse was gone.
Until, what appears to be a Greek God is at her door and she can't get away.

Attraction, music and a soul deep connection will bond them forever...

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Oh I just LOVED this one and I have to say, regarding the story line this one was my favorite! (Sorry Shade)!
The whole set up, how they met, and talked and bound, was just a beauty to read.

And the chemistry between them?


There a certain piano scene that is ENGRAVED in my brain and made my ovaries explode!

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If you love steamy rock star stories, you must read this series ;)

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5 You Can Tie Me Up Kellen stars
Profile Image for [~Ami~]♥Sexy Dexy♥ .
501 reviews471 followers
October 14, 2013

4 stars

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The last remaining band member and I was excited to be finally getting Kellan's story.

Kellan has vowed to stay faithful to his girlfriend every though she died 5 years ago! A musical piano piece brings him to Dawn.

I wish your heart was free Kellan

Kellan really ticked me off . I love a damaged hero but 'come on! She been dead for 5 years!' It was just one night with Dawn so I didn't expect him to completely forget about Sara but I thought he was stuck in the past for way too long.

Kind of hard for me to compete with someone who can do no wrong

I liked the atmosphere Olivia Cunning has created; a stormy night, lightning and thunder, piano playing, 2 horny characters. What I was missing was all the other band members and more of a storyline.

A quick sexy slap-him-in-the-head book. X
Profile Image for AJ.
3,042 reviews1,015 followers
November 8, 2014
The last of the Sole Regret boys to have their story told, Kellen is the most withdrawn and emotional of the group, and has mostly avoided the manwhoring sexploits of his bandmates - although he is the go-to guy for oral sex or when somebody wants to be tied up. Kellen is still mourning the death of his fiancée 5 years ago, and is “a man who couldn’t get through a single day without being crippled by guilt and paralyzed by the past.”

While taking some time for himself and visiting the beach, desperately trying to find a way to move on, he hears piano music which enchants and soothes him. Wanting more, he follows the sound to a house, knocks on the door and meets gorgeous pianist, Dawn.

Dawn is under huge pressure trying to compose her latest musical masterpiece, and has been suffering the equivalent of writer’s block for months. When she welcomes Kellen into her home one dark and stormy night, neither of them expect the powerful connection that they share over their love of music and their need to escape the things that bind them.

They open up to each other, and share a very special night – including some kinky foreplay - and it’s all incredibly deep and intense for a couple who have known each other a matter of hours.

“I don’t believe in coincidences,” he said.
His intensity caused her heart to falter and butterflies to flitter through her stomach. “What do you believe in, Kellen?”
His dark brown gaze held hers for several poignant seconds. “Destiny.”

*sigh* Yep, he went there! But Kellen’s inability to let go of the past stands between him and his potentially happy ever after.

Cunning does a great job at getting right to the heart of Kellen. His broken-heartedness and grief is really beautifully explored, and I was so sad for him. The vows he made to his fiancé, Sara were extreme, and I actually thought she was a Class-A bitch for asking him to make those promises, but it was clearly a real struggle for him to move on, and Dawn was a great match for him, showing enough strength to tell him like it is and push him to move on – although she also has some drama queen tendencies… ).

Their time together is really hot (as expected) – including some steamy piano time! But I liked that Kellen and Dawn had a real emotional connection in addition to their raging hormones, even if it was too fast paced for me.

The rest of the boys get a look in – particularly Owen, as Kellen’s best friend, and the banter is sensational as always.

“Hey, Lindsey,” Kellen said, “could I get that sandwich to go? I forgot that Owen and I have somewhere we need to be in ten minutes.”

“Where?” Jacob asked.
Kellen kicked him under the table. “You know. That thing we always do eight hours before a concert?”
“Masturbate?” Jacob said in all seriousness.

So that’s the intro to the five boys all done, and I’m looking forward to revisiting each of them with the next round of novellas.

I enjoyed this one. 3 stars.
Profile Image for Sofia Lazaridou.
2,780 reviews138 followers
June 14, 2013
If you have read Touch me than you will remember that a huge surprise waited the band. I am in the unpleasant place to say that the surprise is still here and seems like the surprise will stay there for a while. That's the only think I didn't like in Tie me.Oh, and Sara. Now that all the band members have found their soul mates why did the book have to have that twist? I had forgot a little about it and Cunning made it easier by isolating Dawn and Kellen in her house on night with a storm.

Do you want to know what I liked? The first time Dawn saw Kellen. Half naked and wet from the rain. Who doesn't like a hot, wet man? I do. I like that Dawn's music drew him to her and as Kellen would say it was Destiny. I say that is a little magical. Dawn seems like a good person and someone that I might have liked if I saw him/her in person. She is down to earth (she has won a Grammy people!) and makes Kellen forget Sara. That brings us to Kellen and Sara. Kellen can't forget her and has stuck to the past. I didn't like Sara.From what I read Kellen (without intention I think) portrayed her like an egotistical, selfish, jealous and person. Did she really made him promise that he won't have sex with another woman after her death? Usually people want their beloved to move on and live their lives.
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,185 followers
September 26, 2013
I really enjoyed Kellen's story.
Tie me by Olivia Cunning photo tumblr_mob5yvzDJd1sque89o1_400_zps7c64dc10.jpg

It's sexy....sex on the piano!!!...he's carrying some heavy baggage.....the woman he loved died 5 years ago and he's still not moved on.

When he meets Dawn O'Reilly, a classical pianist and composer....fabulous scene....he's unable to deny that the attraction and connection he feels for her immediately is something that's never happened with any other woman since Sara's death.

Dawn also has her own personal issues and now has to deal with breaking down Kellen's wall and get his heart.

A bit of BSDM....nothing heavy...but wow...the love scenes are pretty intense and hot.

Pity it was such a quick read...but what a cliffhanger were we left with!!!!!!!!

I cannot wait!!!!
Profile Image for Lani ⚔⚔  the Destroyer ⚔⚔.
743 reviews41 followers
August 6, 2014
A 3.5 star read and I am beginning to hate this serial. I felt that with the first few each one was a great read on it's own, like a snapshot in time with a satisfying HEA, but now the introduction of a subplot (Lindsey), it is has become more of an annoyance than anything. I hate the wait between instalments and I just want the story told.

Kellen's character needs more growth to satisfy me (obviously outside of the word count of this instalment), largely due to Sara completely messing with his head before she passed on. Her wishes for him never to be with someone else left an indelible mark on Kellen (unsurprisingly) and I felt he was still stuck on the horribly selfish Sara on the very last page even though he was going to try and make room for Dawn in his heart. It may be a step but I wanted the whole leap from Sara to Dawn at the end and I was let down by this. I really liked Dawn though, she would have been a great heroine for a full length novel.

*sigh* I used to eagerly await each release but now I am not sure if I will continue with Sole Regret. :-(
Profile Image for Marulett.
731 reviews108 followers
June 16, 2013
Everytime I start a book from this series I´m all

But they are so short and leave me want so much more that I end up like this....

Kellen´s book was FREAKING AH-MAZING!!!! I think it´s my fave of the series so far...I was speechless when I finished it...I loved every second of it, and of course I wanted the book to have a hundred pages more for me to swoon over Kellen!

Profile Image for Honey Warren.
759 reviews4 followers
April 25, 2014
"Yeah, I am definitely attracted to you," she said. "I can't imagine there's a woman on the planet who wouldn't be."

 photo e44c9e50a587982b36157c9388653edc.jpg

I was anxiously awaiting Kelly's book! Ahhhhhh he was just as tormented as I thought he would be and i loved it!!

This series just keeps getting better!!!!
Profile Image for Autumn Review.
1,023 reviews525 followers
October 5, 2013
I'll be honest. I wasn't sure how much I was going to like this one going into it. Kellen has always been a bit mysterious to me and I didn't really get why he was still mourning his fiancee. After reading Tie Me, I feel like I not only understand him better, but I have a clearer picture of what his relationship was like with Sara. And, it wasn't all that great if you ask me. Sure, I think they were in love, but I don't think Sara allowed him to be who he really was. Dawn, not only sees Kellen, but accepts him as he is.

As for Dawn, I think she's a good pick for Kellen. She's a bit deeper and incredibly intelligent. I think she is a nice compliment to him. I liked Dawn, but can't say I really connected with her. I'm curious to see how their relationship will develop down the road.

Overall, this one was definitely sexy. I sure wouldn't mind having Kellen tie me up!

"I didn't understand until I stopped fighting against the bonds. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually I gave the ropes control, and then I understood what he meant. By giving up control, I became free."-Loc 1012

~"I hate her," she sobbed. "I hate her for taking so much of you. I hate her for meeting you first. I hate her fucking guts."-Loc 1619

Profile Image for Victoria.
77 reviews3 followers
June 16, 2013
Olivia Cunning is the master of rock star romance!! Kellan was so easy to love. Through the other books in the series I always had a soft spot for him because of the loss of Sara. His devotion to her was (dare I say) Nicholas Sparks worthy. However, once you get into this book I kinda don't like Sara as much because of all the promises he felt bound to keep even after her death. Her memory was keeping him from living. Enter Dawn O'Reilly...the pianist/composer. The soul-deep connection they felt through music was beautiful (even if it did make me not like Sara even more, since she didn't understand his need for it). The sexual tension between them throughout the completion of her piece was second only to the shibari. His talents know no bounds! The whole storm, lights going out thing really added to the story and I loved how you incorporated your new home, Galveston, into this. No one can replace Gabe on the top of my Sole Regret list, but Kellan is in a close second. Can't wait for the next books- especially so we can get answers about Lindsey!!!
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,034 reviews940 followers
June 16, 2013
Jointly reviewed on: http://totallybookedblog.com/2013/06/...

Gitte, we’ve had a soft spot, and let’s face it…much lust for Kellen Jamieson pretty much from the beginning of the series and we have been hanging OUT for Tie Me and have to say it didn’t disappoint one bit.

We always knew this was going to be an emotional read because Kellen was such an enigma. He was torn apart by grief and a held back from moving on following promises he made and intended to keep to the love of his life, his fiancé Sarah after losing her to cancer 5 years earlier.

“I won’t forget you, Sara. I meant it when I said forever.”

He is confused and conflicted over his feelings and behaviour with his best friend Owen. Trying to interpret his feelings for Owen has Kellen in knots.

“He saved me a thousand times over.”

Absolutely, I’ve loved Kellen from the beginning and been waiting impatiently to hear his voice and for him to tell us why he lives and feels the way he does.

He sure has been an enigma and the intensity of his emotions and grief wow, it was powerful stuff. It definitely was a very heart-wrenching read. Especially when he explored his relationship with Sarah, and how he felt after her death as a consequence of promises he made to her.

“Sara’s loss was still as tangible to him as it had been five years ago…”

I was amazed at his resilience to forego such an important part of his life for the love of a woman lost. The past haunting him through every breath. She still has an incredible hold on him and at times I actually ‘strongly disliked’ her for tormenting him after her death when details of their relationship was revealed as the story moved along.

“So fucking alive. In his memory, she would always be alive.”

Kellen was so broken and was trying to live up to demands that were unjustified; trying to work around them in order to not upset Sara and what they had. Yeah, I really felt for him.

“There was little a man could count on in life, but he could count on the tides. And Kellen could count on memories of Sara haunting him.”

Then enter Dawn on one of the most important nights of Kellen’s life after Sara. He’s ready to try and let go standing at the shore line on a wet stormy night, cuff in hand.

“I won’t forget you, Sara. I meant it when I said forever. I’m so sorry, honey. I just can’t…I can’t center my life around you anymore. But I won’t forget. I’ll never forget.”

Kellen is full of good intentions on this night and follows the sounds of beautiful music only to meet the woman who can help him heal and know true love again.

“You’re Neptune, right?…Lord of the sea who washed up on the beach during the storm? Do you perform miracles? Because I could use a couple of them tonight.” – Dawn

Dawn and Kellen made sense. She was perfect for him in every sense of the word. She didn’t take any nonsense, she understood the importance of music and expression and most importantly of all she saw right through Kellen’s façade and she fell hard for him. She challenged him!

“I feel you, Kellen….Inside my body. Inside my soul. I feel you.” – Dawn

I have to say, for me, the part of the story I LOVED was Owen and Kellen’s journey. Two best friends who watch out for each other, protects and loves the other unreservedly. Their friendship is truly beautiful. These lads have a huge piece of my heart. Their story from childhood brought a tear to my eye and I thought it was truly emotional and poignant as we are let in, and finally understand the bond they have.

So yes, absolutely love this series, LOVE Sole Regret and Olivia Cunning. Can’t wait for her next story! Oh and as always….the passion is…well you’ll need that freezer handy!

Jenny: There have been some intimate moments between Owen and Kellen in the past (*fans self*) and they share a friendship that is deep and beautiful with a loyalty to each other that is without question. The friendship is so solid, so beautiful.

“I’d die for him. I don’t say that lightly.”

However their recent trysts cause Kellen to question his feelings for Owen.

One part of Tie Me I especially loved was Kellen’s retelling the story of how he and Owen met. Olivia Cunning really does have a way of sharing a friendship between these two that you feel deep down. It was such a beautiful telling of two friends meeting who would form a bond forever.

“There’s something in Owen so pure and good that I wanted to preserve it.”

Dawn is a successful Grammy winning musician suffering from lack of inspiration for a music score when she spies a half-naked, soaking wet Kellen on the beach in front of her house. Now…that’s what you call inspiration!! They are drawn to one another and Kellen feels a kindred spirit in Dawn the likes of which he hasn’t felt in a long time.

“I’m trying to dazzle you with my impressive skills.”

Hmmmm Kellen certainly has some impressive skills!!!

Kellen can offer Dawn pleasure but not his heart as that belongs to one woman and he has vowed to keep his promise to her at all costs.

“I wish your heart was free, Kellen. I wish that for me, but I wish it for you even more.”

Spending a night together, defences are broken down, secrets are shared and there is a connection. Both feel it and for Kellen this only causes him further conflict and guilt.

“A kiss that touched his heart and soul. Her kiss had always turned him inside out. That’s what love did to him. That’s why Kellen needed it and at the same time never wanted to find it again.”

Dawn was such a beautiful soul and so perfect for Kellen.

“Don’t panic,” he whispered. “I’ve got you.”

I was backing Kellen and Dawn all the way. I found myself becoming annoyed with Sara over the expectation she had placed on Kellen. He didn’t deserve to be so unhappy and I wanted him to get over her. He deserved it more than anyone. Dawn was the perfect match for Kellen and pushed him when he needed it yet allowed him the space he required when his emotions took hold.

“Your life isn’t fucking over, Kellen. Sara’s life ended, not yours.”

This series just keeps getting better. Have to say the “twist” isn’t my favourite thing – I will reserve my judgement on it and see where it goes. I do love the premise of these naughty sex craved rockers finding their soul mates and I’m dying to read more of this series. You’re right Gitte! You’ll need a fan or freezer – Olivia Cunning never fails to deliver that steam factor and Tie Me is no exception! Yep! We’re hooked on those Sole Regret boys.

Jenny: 4.5 stars
Gitte: 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Anas Attic  Book Blog.
1,422 reviews681 followers
June 25, 2013
Read more of my reviews and ramblings at Ana's Attic Book Blog

4.25 Super Steamy Stars. Nobody does hot and sexy rock stars like Olivia.

See my interview with Adam with this review on my blog here.

If you've been following my blog for any length of time, you know that Olivia Cunning is one of my favorites. She is in a class all her own when it comes to hot, sexy, kinky, rock star sex. In fact, she set the bar, and all other rock star books, to me, are held up to Olivia's writing. First there was the Sinners on Tour Series. Anytime anyone asks me for a recommendation for a really sexy book with a great story, that is my number one recommendation. (See my list, Top Picks: Books with Hot Sex and Great Stories on my blog). Then, lucky us, Olivia came out with another sexy Rock God series...One Night with Sole Regret Series. These sexy novellas all revolve around one hot night with a different member of the band Sole Regret. But it's not just sex, there is connection in each sexual exploit.


Tie Me is the Fifth in the series and the one I have been waiting for! Oh, tortured Kellen. Kellen is the cuff wearing rhythm guitarist who is into Shibari (the japanese art of rope bondage), and LOVES to give oral. But he also is still completely in love with his late fiancé, Sara, who passed away from cancer 5 years prior. On her death bed, Sara made Kellen promise he would never have sex with anyone else, and for 5 long years, he has stayed loyal, in his own way.

“I won’t forget you, Sara. I meant it when I said forever.”

Kellen is visiting the beach house he rented with Sara when they were happy. He can't bring himself to go inside, so he tortures himself outside. He is trying to free himself of her hold a little bit by throwing his leather cuff into the ocean. But the stormy sea just washes it right up again. Then, during this stormy night, he hears a piano song, and is drawn to it like a moth to a flame.


"The piano melody built-an inspiring crescendo-soaring higher. Higher. Drawing him out of his darkness. Clearing his thoughts. Freeing his heart. Washing him with elation."

When Dawn, the Grammy award winning composer rented a beach house to compose her next piece, the last thing she expected to see is a shirtless hunk in a storm coming towards her home.

“You’re Neptune, right?…Lord of the sea who washed up on the beach during the storm? Do you perform miracles? Because I could use a couple of them tonight.”

She invites him in, and there is an immediate attraction between them. One Kellen feels instantly guilty about. He is still trying to be loyal to Sara. She is also the first woman he has been attracted to that was musical like himself. As they got to know each other and worked on the song together, the attraction grew.

"Would she allow him to sample her fluids with his tongue? Permit him to breathe the musk of her arousal while he treated her pussy to the same deep, plundering kisses he craved from her mouth? He wanted to hear his name gasped, moaned, screamed as she came over and over again at the insistence of his tongue, his lips, his teeth"

Whew, it's getting hot in here! Kellen can do that. He performs oral because Sara didn't like it, so he didn't feel like he was betraying her. He also felt that Shibari helped him keep control.


"Do you have any rope? Something soft that won't damage your skin"

"Not on the bed, on the piano".

But he just expected to to tie her and eat her...he wouldn't go further.

"You can't rub against me like that and expect me to keep my promise to Sara"

But Kellen knows she is different. She is the first woman who he was attracted to that didn't look like Sara. It was Dawn he wanted. But he is still so haunted by his promise to Sara.

I won't go past this point, but I do want to talk a little about the relationship with Owen, Kellen's BFF since childhood. There has been some mutual hand-jobbing between the two guys, and they were both having some confusion over it. The friendship between them is awesome, and Kellen is concerned that he used his friend to get him off because he wouldn't let a woman.

“He saved me a thousand times over.”

We also see more of Lindsay and the pregnancy issue, which is carrying through from book to book.


-As always, Olivia Cunning can write some good friggen sex!
-Kellen is the most loyal, sensitive, yet seriously hot guy ever.
-I love the sensitive, tortured Kellen, and I'm so glad he is finally finding someone.
-Dawn was a great character as well.
-I love the shibari scenes.
-I love how they bonded over music.
-This was by far the most emotional of the series.
-While Kellen grew a lot in this story, it didn't happen in one night.


-I hated Sara. Yes, I hated a dead woman, and I feel guilty! But she has been torturing Kellen from beyond with a promise he should never have to keep.
-It all wrapped up a little quick, I'd like to see a part two to this so we can see how much more Kellen grows.
-I'm not a big fan of the Lindsay storyline.

Rating 4.25 Stars, 5 Heat

Tie Me is my favorite of the Sole Regret series so far, I think. This one was about grief, promises and healing, as well as the awesome sex Olivia is famous for. I am hoping there will be another in the series, but for now, the next book is about Gabe again, in Tell Me.

“I won’t forget you, Sara. I meant it when I said forever. I’m so sorry, honey. I just can’t…I can’t center my life around you anymore. But I won’t forget. I’ll never forget.”

Please visit my blog Ana's Attic Book Blog and like me on Facebook
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews885 followers
July 20, 2014
For some reason with each one of the One Night with Sole Regret stories, Kellan has remained on of my favorites. There is something that I just can't help but adore about him. Even after five years he can't let go and move on from a promise he made to Sara. Unable to give in to his desires, still tied to the woman who owns his soul, Kellan left for Galveston at the end of book 4 (Touch Me). Not sure if his need to be there was so that he could truly let her go or remind himself of why he still held on.

But something happens while he watches the storm and the sea battle one another. He hears a melody drifting through the air between the crashing waves and pounding thunder. And he is drawn to her -
[image error]

Dawn is nothing like Sara. She is beautiful and as he watches her play the piano, searching out the final notes of her composition he knows he wants her - but he can't give into that fully. He promised Sara there would be no one else but her. But Dawn is taking his breath away and he knows that he can please her without breaking his promise to Sara.

Now there is just something that was freaking hot about the scene where he binds her completely in the dark - just using touch to knot the ropes. Top that off with Kellan always being just a tad bit of a mystery and you have a lethal combination.

But when gives himself over to his desires and breaks a promise he never thought he could ever break he runs. He knows he can't let someone fully into his heart because she owns it - but what Kellan hasn't realized yet is that moving on an letting someone else in doesn't have to push Sara out.

Olivia Cunning does an amazing job on these rock star stories! And she sure knows how to give us just a little bit that we can't help but crave more. I wish that we had a little more time with Kellan and Dawn before this had ended but I guess I will just have to wait until the next one. A amazing addition to the tales of the members of Sole Regret.
Profile Image for texxie-PRUFreads.blogspot.com.
382 reviews85 followers
July 15, 2013
Originally reviewed at http://prufreads.blogspot.com/

My rating: 4 out of 5 stars

"Just feel me, Dawn. Feel my rhythm. Our rhythm. Do you hear it?"

~ Kellan

Seriously swooned from beginning to end. Can I just say, yet again, that I'm THRILLED that Ms. Cunning has relocated to Galveston, Tx. Having the boys of Sole Regret prancing all over my state is just GRAVY! Kelly, give me 45 minutes and I am THERE!

Okay, focus. Kellan still suffers greatly from a heart breaking loss that haunts him on a daily basis. His best friend and fellow band mate is against Kellan visiting Galveston Island, more specifically a beach house that Kellan owns but can't bring himself to step foot in. As he's standing on the beach, amidst what is building to be a powerful storm, Kellan attempts to let go of his past only to have it brought right back to him, literally. He broke my heart while he stood on the shore reflecting. Damn these broken rockers.

When the storm threatened further Kellan began to rethink his trip, he needed to take shelter but the thought of walking into that house was crippling. The sweet tinkling sound of piano keys carried over the sounds of the pending storm and drew his attention to the house next door, and so it began. The woman at the keys was exactly what Kellan needed to break free of all that binds him.

Like I said, swooned the entire time. While Kellan's story is a sad one, Tie Me is a beautiful, albeit smokin' story about self forgiveness and second chances. My face literally hurt when I was done reading it, I was wearing that perma-smile as though I had a clothes hanger stuck in my mouth.

As always, I wanted more. Granted, the theme with this series is "one night" with each band member but come on! That's pure torture. You can't present me with these Texas rockers and then snatch them out from under me (get your minds out of the gutter) just like that! Still, I aint mad at ya Ms. Cunning. Tie Me was beautifully written. Dawn and Kellan's chemistry was palpable and the heart to heart between Kellan and Owen....again, I'm swooning.

Dawn noted...

She wanted to prop her chin up on her hand and stare at him dreamily.


Me too Dawn...me too.
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.1k followers
September 9, 2013
"Tie Me" was Kellen's story.
I was really looking forward to Kellen's book.
He's the one haunted by the death of his fiance.
It's been five years and he still feels that he must be faithful to her and so he's not had sex with any woman since Sara!!
He will give oral to a woman but won't accept and NO KISSING!!
How does this guy do it??
He's this gorgeous rock god with women throwing themselves at him and yet he resists!!
He explains why he let certain things happen with Owen.
Seemed really far fetched to me, but whatever, i love Kellen and this series so I'll let it slide.

Sara seemed to me to not be a very caring and giving lover.
She made Kellen make some pretty unreasonable promises to her.
When Kellen describes his time with her she comes off as being extremely selfish.

Kellen meets Dawn when he goes to the beach house he bought for Sara before she died. He hears the piano playing and is drawn to the music.
Sara is a pianist and grammy winning composer.
Already these two have something huge in common.
They're attraction to each other is instant.

Here's where I got frustrated with Kellen!!
It took SOOOOOOOO long for these two to get hot and heavy!!!
Oh but it was worth the wait :)
I just think if he was going to hold on to this rediculous faithfullness to a dead woman, she should have been worthy of it, but a good woman wouldn't have asked that of the man she loved!!!

Loved Kellen and Dawn's story.
Hoping the next round of books comes out soon!!!!!

4 Stars!!!!
Profile Image for Kim BookJunkie ~ Editor & Proofreader.
2,021 reviews56 followers
May 15, 2015
4.5 stars
Band member Kellan is one of my favorite band members yet this was not my favorite of all of the stores in this series. Kellan is tormented by a lost love and his grief negatively colors every experience and relationship he is presented with. The reason I did not love this story is because Kellan, "coincidentally" meets a woman that he , promises he had strictly adhered to for 5 solid years! The others books in the Sole Regret series felt unrushed but I felt that the events in this story happened a bit too quickly to be realistic. It is still a great story though and the sex scenes were phenomenal!!! I got some great ideas from this one!
Profile Image for Letitia.
497 reviews126 followers
December 15, 2013
This is probably my least favorite trope. Ever. Hero, in this case, hung up on someone from the past so bad that he can't move on. It only annoyed me even more because Kellen literally wasn't over it by the end either. Its been five YEARS, move on already. I loved the angst of Kellen in the previous books, his no sex rule, but I was over it pretty darn quick this time. Sara, Sara, SARA. The sex was hot, as usual, but Kellen bugged the crap out of me. And I really wanted to fall for this Shibari-loving guitarist!
Profile Image for Bella Jeanisse.
Author 48 books497 followers
June 14, 2013
One thing I hate about this series is the waiting... This one lived up to my expectations ans beyond. I never expected Olivia to be able to make Kellen into something we've never seen before. I found his dedication for Sara sweet and sad at the same time throughout the series. Seeing the toll it truly took on him in his story was eye opening. But, watching him morph was absolutely amazing!!
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,363 reviews9,522 followers
June 17, 2013
The Queen of Rock Books strikes again!! (no one compares to Olivia Cunning)

Really enjoyed this book but wasn't wowed by it, I guess for me all the sexiness was there but I didn't really get that connection with the characters like I had/did with previous books..

But don't get me wrong, this is still a sizzling hot read!!
Profile Image for Tvchick.
75 reviews
June 17, 2013
Loved this one! It's killing me that these are all so short, though.
Profile Image for Monique Pearson.
Author 2 books44 followers
December 24, 2017
After the last book I'd hoped Kellen to find interest in someone else. BUT I really did enjoy the story of Kellen and Dawn. She seemed to be the perfect antidote for his heartache though I did feel the shift happened a bit too fast.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 409 reviews

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