School shooter in Connecticut


@USAgov, @DHSgov, @BarackObama, @NRA, @The Democrats, @GOP:
See "U" later, alligator..
@hrw, @Greenpeace, et al.. @EPN @SRE_Mx
. @EPN @SRE_Mx.
The shooter's parents have been killed too. Father in NJ and mother in CT in her home. She was the teacher of the kindergarden class he massacred.

One report says a girlfriend and another friend are missing. Brother in custody.

Do you ever correct your statements when you find out how wrong they were?

I"m not sure what kind of deaf and blind media you get your information from . . . .but it sounds just like Faux news crap!
Do you ever correct your statements when you find out how wrong they were?

I"m not sure what kind of deaf and blind media you get your information from . . . .but it sounds just like Faux news crap!

So nice to know you read my posts. Please feel free to add or update breaking news. Most of the early reports I got were from listening to a news broadcast on the radio. Not sure if it was NPR or a local CBS affiliate. One reason the early reports were confusing was that Adam (the shooter) was carrying his brother's ID. They also said that the Principal buzzed him in - wrong, then they said his mother taught at the school - wrong again. Of course this didn't come out until a day or two later.
And the "comment" about the killer's father having been killed also, and the "couple of friends" on the run, and the "attempy to purchase firearms three days before?"

No. It wasn't NPR. . . They do not jump to conclusions, like Fox does.

NPR didn't report any of those rumors. . .neither did they break the "news" that gave the WRONG picture of the killer's facebook page.

Faux News is the master of that kind of trash "reporting!"
Sorry to bust your hate Fox bubble, but I spent the day putting the newly remodeled kitchen back together and was listening to the news feeds on the radio.
These mass shootings, at least partially, if not almost entirely, are the consequence of out of control liberalism. Some of us know this. Others will condemn us for it.

Liberalism has wrought the following:
- huge increase in single parent households
- the elimination of insane assumlyms
- the drugging of our children, particularly white boys
- glorification of extreme violence in movies, music, and video games
- the feminization of boys
- the removal of everything related to religion, God, and morality in our p-schools
- the promotion of Relativism and immorality
- the cheapening of life through the continued holocaust that is abortion

The liberal elites may know this and that is why they target guns rather than face the truth. Sadly, the rank and file lib like those here at the HOP, are incapable of accepting the truth.
U. S. teaching at home, sweet home
This is exactly what people don't understand. Guns are very rarely used in a "Wild West Style", where one person shoots another because they are are angry.

The Conn. shooting and the other cases of mass shooting are made by deranged psychopaths who are severely menially ill. They feel society has treated them unfairly, or perhaps are seeking publicity (I am guessing here), but the SHOOTER DOES NOT KILL BECAUSE OF ANGER TOWARD THE VICTIM.

The cartoon has some ironic truth... nobody in their right mind would shoot the TV. If someone with a twisted brain would shoot a TV, he could just as easily throw it out the window. The gun has no role to play here - it is the crazy fool who would do such a thing that should be the point of this cartoon.

And banning all TVs is not going to help the couch potato.
Gipper, your very bizarre rant is made all the more ridiculous by the fact that much more liberal countries like France, Germany, the UK, Australia etc only have a tiny fraction of the numbers killed by guns

Gun ownership in those countries is far more heavily restricted though

So they are more liberal and have massively fewer gun deaths

But they do have a lot less guns and a lot less gun deaths

Defending gun ownership is contributing to the massive annual death toll in the US
These mass shootings, at least partially, if not almost entirely, are the consequence of out of control liberalism. Some of us know this. Others will condemn us for it.

Liberalism has wrought the following:
- huge increase in single parent households
- the elimination of insane assumlyms
- the drugging of our children, particularly white boys
- glorification of extreme violence in movies, music, and video games
- the feminization of boys
- the removal of everything related to religion, God, and morality in our p-schools
- the promotion of Relativism and immorality
- the cheapening of life through the continued holocaust that is abortion

The liberal elites may know this and that is why they target guns rather than face the truth. Sadly, the rank and file lib like those here at the HOP, are incapable of accepting the truth.

Name the doctor!!!....sue him out of existence and do the same with the drug companies. Makes sense to me, but no doubt it will not happen.

You may as well say that, from this point on, the rest of the events in Newtown, Connecticut, will be brought to you by Merck, Glaxo, and Pfizer.

Media outlets are already reporting that “a raft of services” will be available for the children of Sandy Hook Elementary school, and the Newtown community, where Adam Lanza killed 26 people yesterday.

This is phase two. It always happens at these mass murder events. The grief counselors. The social service workers. The psychologists.

They pour in. And they end up referring people to psychiatrists, who will in turn prescribe some of the very drugs that trigger murder and suicide.

The drugs that cause people to kill.

This is one way the psychiatric drug industry spreads its heinous influence.

The sequence is always the same, because it’s set up that way. After the mass murders and the shock and the horror, the grief industry arrives, and then come the referrals to psychiatric drug pushers, along with the memorials and the “healing.”

The entire mass-shooting aftermath is laid on as a cover, to deflect REAL investigation into what happened.

So here is the first real question.

I kept asking this question about James Holmes, the accused Aurora theater shooter. Finally, it emerged that, indeed, he’d been seeing Lynne Fenton, a psychiatrist at the U of Colorado.

Now, in Newtown, Connecticut, it’s Adam Lanza, whom his brother describes as having had a personality disorder.

If the school shooter was seeing a psychiatrist, we want to know who the doctor is, now. We want a list of all medications Lanza was taking, now.

We know these drugs’ effects. We know a number of psychiatric drugs cause brain storms that push people into committing suicide and homicide.
Newtown is a small community. Somebody there can step up and say who the doctor is. Do it now. The police can’t be depended on to do it. You people in Newtown want to save yourselves from another horror down the line, get the name of the doctor and make it public.

What are we waiting for? Do you think the major media are going to tear away the curtain and tell us anything important? We don’t need official confirmation that the drugs, like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Ritalin are causing people to go crazy and kill. It’s in the literature. I’ve cited the references time and time again. We have to have a public uproar. This killing has to stop.

Expose the drugs, once and for all. Expose the doctors who prescribe them knowing full well what effects they have. Expose the pharmaceutical companies that sell them knowing what they do. Expose the FDA for permitting the drugs to be given in the first place.

Do we need a hundred more of these insane shootings before we wake up? Do we need to stand by and let the government blame it on guns?

Who was Adam Lanza’s doctor?

Who was his doctor?

The op is to keep the people in Newtown in shock, grief, and “we’re all in this together” long enough to avert a true investigation.
I Blame the media why guns are a problem. Like The media always make you famous when you commit a horroable crime. Remember that movie theater shooting? Heres what the Media did

They made him famous

Or remember the Virgina Tech Shooter?

They made him famous

Its the Media encoraging future killers. Wanna know why Congress or our government wont restrict the media they rather punish us instead. Just l.ike the Media made the Shoe Bomber famous

Now we all suffer
