Tagging an Afton Historic "MInute"
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Article Number *
Type the "Historical Minute" number (usually located under "The Way We Were"), Example: 237
Month and Year of the article
This is often at the end of the article (Example: December 2002)
The first 5 or 6 words of the article *
Please type the first 5 or 6 words of the article or caption. This will make it easy for us to confirm that your entry matches the correct article.
Select ALL the tags that reflect the scope of this article. *
Example: For an article on the Battle of Pearl Harbor, you would select "U.S History",  and "1900s"
Select ALL the tags that reflect the subject of this Historic Minute. *
Example: For an article on the Battle of Pearl Harbor, you would select "Military" and "World War II".
Add additional general and/or specific tags for this article if not included above; names, dates, locations, events, etc..
Example: "Aircraft", "Hawaii", "Franklin D. Roosevelt", "Captain John Foster", "1942" (Please use a comma between tags.)
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