Hard Wire the Quadruple Aim into Your Organization -- System Wide
We're the ones who help you get it done

You understand the Quadruple Aim. Let us show you the simple steps to bring it to life for your people. 

Our strategies were developed through:

  • 2000 hours of one-on-one physician burnout and leadership coaching.
  • Live burnout training to over 10,000 physician attendees.
  • Experience with over 60 corporate clients since 2014. Systems from a single specialty group to a company with sites in 40 states and 14,000 front line providers.


Use the Form Below to Tell Us More About Your Situation. We will provide a fresh, field-tested approach to these chronic issues and a completely different perspective on your situation.

Five Ways to Hardwire the Quadruple Aim into Your Organization -- System Wide

1) The Industry's Best Burnout Prevention Live Training

Our Burnout Proof Live Workshop was provided to over 10,000 physicians and counting with solid 4 star reviews in 2016 alone. Includes our full training catalog and delivery options.

2) The Quadruple Aim Blueprint Consult Process

The four-part strategy to build the Quadruple Aim into your physician culture. Can be installed in as little as two on-site days. The four components work together to make burnout prevention, stress reduction and a culture of support and engagement part of "the way we do things around here". 

3) Outsourced Burnout Coaching Services

Let our coaches stop the downward spiral in your over stressed or burned out doctors. We provide all the support so you can stop worrying.

4) The Quadruple Aim Physician Leadership Retreat

Give your physician leaders the training to prevent their own burnout and support their direct reports much more effectively. Culture eats burnout for breakfast. This training is where it all starts.

5) Burnout Coach Certification Training

Send several of your physicians and/or support staff to us and this program will train them to be Certified Physician Burnout Coaches. This provides you with an internal coaching option in addition our outsourced coaching services above. 

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Keep breathing and have a great rest of your day,



Dike Drummond MD
CEO & Founder



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