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After SOPA and PIPA, Why Gamers Should Care About Bill H.R. 4204 and ACTA

Updated Apr 6, 2012, 01:16pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

With the political world focusing on the upcoming presidential battle between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, politicians are still finding time to single out videogames. H.R. 4204, or “Violence in Video Games Labeling Act”, is a bill that would require a mandatory warning label linking videogames to aggressive behavior on nearly all titles. As legislation that will set a dangerous precedent based on questionable research, League For Gamers (LGF) is rallying the troops at PAX East in Boston this weekend to generate the type of support that caused SOPA and PIPA to die early deaths. But there is a lot of activity going on under the radar with the U.S. government trying to circumvent the type of rallying cry that defeated SOPA and PIPA.

LFG is a gathering place for gamers, developers and industry supporters who want to stand against legislation that is detrimental to the games industry. Because individuals often lack the lobbying power and necessary funds to properly represent in Washington, organizations like LFG offer a support group where they can openly voice concerns and opinions about legislation that directly affects their lives.

Mark Kern, Red 5 Studios CEO and LFG founder, will have representatives at PAX to meet with gamers and encourage them to remain active in the fight against politicians who hold the power to impact what they play and how they play. Kern talks about H.R. 4204, ACTA and the current political landscape in this exclusive interview.

What impact do you feel the support from gamers and online consumers against SOPA/PIPA had on that legislation?

The level of support, and the resulting impact, was breathtaking. Across the internet, you had a level of activism that crossed parties, interests and transcended traditional political lines and discourse to fight SOPA/PIPA. It’s never been seen before, and lawmakers are still trying to understand it. This is something that I tried to explain to the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) back when they supported SOPA/PIPA (they later withdrew their support after lawmakers abandoned the effort). I told them that they were fighting for a misguided law that gamers would not stand behind, and that they would need gamer support to continue to represent game developers’ interests. I told them that they were throwing away all of this grassroots support that one day in the future, they would really need. They didn’t listen, and 32,000 gamer signatures later on our petition against the ESA’s backing of SOPA/PIPA, we demonstrated that the grassroots support was something that they could no longer ignore. This is a stunning phenomenon. We went from a phone call and debating theory to actual results in a matter of days.

What's the next piece of SOPA/PIPA-like legislation that gamers need to keep their eyes on?

There’s a tremendous amount of movement similar to SOPA/PIPA, but not all of it directly affects gamers. Since we are small and just getting started, we have to pick our battles carefully. ACTA is a treaty that we’re watching closely. While broader than games, it has enough overlap to be of serious concern. It is an international treaty that requires the strict monitoring of Internet traffic and e-mails, and has already been signed by President Obama. Unfortunately, being an international treaty, it was formed in backroom deals between media companies and nations and much of it is still secret and unrevealed. This highlights a larger issue that we find extremely alarming. As the public becomes more aware of legislation, and more empowered by the Internet to give voice to their concerns, lobbyists are starting to move towards pushing the government to make private deals between corporations, in order to skirt the limelight of the Internet and public discourse.

What’s an example that worries you?

The recent agreement reached between media companies and top-tier Internet providers implements a sort of “three strikes you’re out” plan. If media companies suspect you of copyright infringement, ISPs have agreed that they will take graduated enforcement steps and even cut off Internet access to those suspected (not proven) of infringement. They’ve basically privately set up something which effectively functions as a law, where these companies are now the police, judge and jury with no due process, and without public input. Even more alarmingly, news reports are circulating that the White House is privately approaching Google, Yahoo and other top Internet companies to encourage them to implement aspects of SOPA/PIPA. But this time, it’s all happening out of view of the public, making it very difficult for organizations such as ours to participate in what should be an open and democratic process.

What type of timing do you see this next legislation having?

There is no one piece of legislation happening. There are the private deals we’ve mentioned, and there are provisions in the recent “Cybersecurity Act of 2012 (S. 2105)” and “H.R. 1981: Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011” that have the monitoring and logging of user’s internet activity built into them. What’s happening is that SOPA/PIPA is being taking apart and inserted into different bills that sound great (“Cybersecurity” and “Protecting Children”) in order to get them under the radar of the Internet public. They’ve learned that giving the Internet one big target is less effective than death by a thousand (paper) cuts. This is going to be a very busy year.

What role will the upcoming presidential election have on any SOPA/PIPA-like legislation coming to a vote?

President Obama is backed heavily by Hollywood and media companies, and he needs to show that he’s doing something about copyright infringement to keep that backing. The Republicans were quick to jump on the anti SOPA/PIPA bandwagon when it caught momentum. But honestly, this type of legislation enjoys wide support from both parties when introduced. I don’t see this type of special interest legislation having a harder time or easier time, regardless of who wins the election.

What are the stances when it comes to Democrats vs. Republicans when it comes to SOPA/PIPA-like legislation?

I think they are still taking shape. Much of it is wrapped up in what I see as a huge battle for privacy in the next couple of years. Privacy and copyright policing aren’t really the hottest issues that politicians want to put out as a plank in their platform – at least, not yet. As the Internet constituency emerges as a political force, then a clearer stance should emerge between the parties. That’s our job, to mobilize the online gamer as part of that emerging and increasingly important online constituency and make clear the position of politicians on gaming matters.

Why should gamers be worried about HR 4204?

The latest issue for us is H.R. 4204, or “Violence in Video Games Labeling Act” which is currently in committee. This legislation would require a warning label on any game rated by the ESRB, the ratings board for our game industry, stating "WARNING: Exposure to violent video games has been linked to aggressive behavior."

Now, this would apply to any game, from Tetris and Pokemon to Call of Duty, not just violent games – it’s overly broad. Our problem with this is that we do not see any studies being cited, or any facts being presented with this bill, which show that games like Tetris and Pokemon encourage aggressive behavior, let alone games featuring warfare or combat. We believe that games, which the US Supreme Court has ruled as protected 1st amendment speech, are similar to books and movies. We don’t put this kind of label on movies, and they don’t belong on games. It mischaracterizes and perpetuates the myth that video games are somehow responsible for society’s ills. This is a chorus that has continued for hundreds of years anytime a new art form has come about. During Bach’s time, the Catholic Church was concerned that his baroque music was the devil’s work. Then it was rock music, and television, and so on and so forth.

Where does this research that links games to aggressive behavior come from?

We would certainly like to know. We’ve written Representative Joe Baca, the author of the bill, asking for the studies that have prompted him to this conclusion and requesting a meeting. So far, no response. It’s like seeing a riot after a football game and concluding that sports cause violent behavior. Can you imagine a cigarette style warning label on every NFL broadcast or at every little league baseball game? That’s what this bill is suggesting for video games – even games as child oriented as Lego Star Wars or Barbie.

Who would decide what games are violent and what constitutes violence in games under this bill?

The bill is so poorly written, that it wouldn’t even cover the majority of games played on the Internet or on mobile devices, and fails to serve its intended purpose. The bill states that the label must appear on any game rated by the ESRB as “E for everyone” or above, which by the way, only covers games mostly sold in retail stores. The bill doesn’t target violent video games, it targets nearly all games rated by the ESRB. It singles out console and PC games, of all ages and types, while completely ignoring Facebook games and iPhone games which are a very, very large part of gaming.

What can gamers do to voice their concerns about this bill?

First of all, sign up for free at and help us build a community of active gamers. The Internet has showed that it can be a potent force, but only if we stand together. Then, write your Representative, and contact Rep. Baca and let him know your position. As always, LFG will be providing links and tools on our website to make this easier. If you are in Boston, come join us at PAX (the Penny Arcade Expo, April 6-8), where we will be taking membership signups at the Firefall booth.

Why do you think we're still seeing this type of anti-gaming legislation moving forward in an age when so many people play games on Facebook and mobile devices and even the President plays games?

I think it’s because gamers and even game developers, are not politically active to the degree that other industries are in Washington. We don’t have our equivalent of an NCAAP or NRA representing us. League for Gamers is the first step towards that type of activism. Also, while President Obama might play games, most of Congress does not, and many representatives are still coming to grips with the Internet. As a game developer, I’ve seen the average age of gamers grow from 18 to 35 and beyond. It’s partly a generation issue. As more politicians retire and are replaced by younger ones who play games and grew up with the Internet, I believe you’ll see less spurious and misguided legislation about games.

At what point do you see games being an accepted mainstream form of entertainment like movies, TV and music, which no longer go through any of this type of censorship or negative connotations from politicians?

Games are mainstream now. They are the key driver of growth on social sites such as Facebook, and they permeate nearly every electronic device we use on a daily basis. But there’s always what we call “lag” in gamer terms…a delay between when something goes mainstream and when it is understood more than feared. With music, it took, well, decades. But we live in a time of accelerating change, and my hope is that the “lag” for games is on the order of just 3 to 5 years.