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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Learning Theory v5, Organisation Kolb, Psychology Vygotsky, Psychology Bloom, Piaget genetic epistemology, Psychology Skinner, Montessori constructivism, Dewey constructivism, radical constructivism Knowledge as mental representation: 1a. Knowledge is not passively received either through the senses or by way of communication; 1b. Knowledge is actively built up by the cognising subject; 2a. The function of cognition is adaptive, in the biological sense of the term, tending towards fit or viability; 2b Cognition serves the subject’s organization of the experiential world, not the discovery of an objective ontological reality., social constructivism connectivism, Taylor Organisation, Holt homeschooling, unschooling, constructivism radical constructivism, Kolb experiental learning, Montessori Montessori education, Social anthropology Lave & Wenger, Vygotsky zone of proximal development, Lave & Wenger situated learning, Education Illich, scientific pedagogy Education based on science that modified and improved the individual., communities of practice Groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.
Educational objectives on Wikipedia
James Taylor on Wikipedia
Community of Practice on Wikipedia
Scaffolding on Wikipedia
Jerome Bruner on Wikipedia
Radical Constructivism on Wikipedia
Expressive Constructivism on Richard Millwood's PhD website
Text & Conversation Theory on Wikipedia
Ivan Illich on Wikipedia
Gordon Pask on Wikipedia
Genetic epistemology on Wikipedia
Lev Vygotsky on Wikipedia
Constructionism on Wikipedia
Constructivism on Wikipedia
David Ausubel on Wikipedia
Deschooling Society on Wikipedia
Critical Pedagogy on Wikipedia
Multiple Intelligences on Wikipedia
Multiple Intelligences on InfEd
Honey & Mumford on Wikipedia
Richard Millwood's PhD
Howard Gardner on Wikipedia
Howard Gardner on InfEd
Experiential education on Wikipedia
Neil Fleming on Wikipedia
VAK VARK model on Wikipedia
David Kolb on Wikipedia
Learning Styles Inventory on Wikipedia
David Kolb on InFed
Experiental Learning on Wikipedia
Experiental Learning on InfEd
Radical Behaviuorism on Wikipedia
Discovery Learning in Wikipedia
Jean Lave on Wikipedia
Étienne Wenger on Wikipedia
B. F. Skinner on Wikipedia
Double Loop Learning on Wikipedia
Organizational Learning on Wikipedia
von Glasersfeld on Wikipedia
Social Constuctivism on Wikipedia
Scientific Pedagogy on Wikipedia
Paulo Freire on Wikipedia
Situated Learning on Wikipedia
Yrjö Engeström at Helsinki University
Montessori Education on Wikipedia
John Holt on Wikipedia
Benjamin Blooom on Wikipedia
Instructivism by Susan Lucas
Ikujiro Nonaka on Wikipedia
Hirotaka Takeuchi on Wikipedia
Connectivism on Wikipedia
Meaningful Learning on Wikipedia
Conversation Theory on Wikipedia
Mastery Learning
Jean Piaget on Wikipedia
Maria Montessori on Wikipedia
Learning Styles on Wikipedia
Criticism on Wikipedia
Learning Styled on InfEd
Homeschooling, unschooling on Wikipedia
Chris Argyris on Wikipedia
Donald Schön on Wikipedia
Expansive Learning at UCSD
David Hargreaves on Wikipedia
John Dewey on Wikipedia
Zone of Proximal Development on Wikipedia