Two Little (Huge) Things Obama Said

There was a lot to reflect on in President Obama’s inaugural speech today, but there were two small points that are worth noting, two things that Mr. Obama mentioned that American politicians, especially presidents, never mention: Vietnam and atheism.

To hear most American leaders tell it, the Constitutional freedom of religion allows you to be a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Christian Scientist, a Sikh — well you get the idea. Basically, a member of any religion. But they never talk about people who do not participate in an organized religion, or are even — gasp! — atheists.

Until today. In talking about defending the American way of life in a frightening world, Mr. Obama said: “We know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and non-believers.”

At another point in his address, the new president was paying homage to our ancestors, “who carried us up the long rugged path towards prosperity and freedom.”

“For us,” he said, “they fought and died in places like Concord and Gettysburg, Normandy and Khe Sanh.”

Khe Sanh? The 1968 battle in Vietnam that was one of the many times the military leadership badly underestimated the power and intentions of the North Vietnamese Army, at great cost in the lives of American Marines?

Military historians still argue about what happened at Khe Sanh, which has become an iconic symbol of the tragic failures of Vietnam. (Go back and listen to Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” for an example of what we mean.)

So why did Mr. Obama mention the battle? Perhaps because it also is a symbol of the courage and self-sacrifice of the Marines, and he wanted to include their service to America in his speech? We’re not certain. But it was interesting to note that he stopped there and did not go on to mention, say, Fallujah.

As for his reference to atheists, the answer could be simple: Mr. Obama actually meant it when he said, “On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recrminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics.”

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As a constitutional law professor, I believe our new President intended to convey very important concepts: first, that religious freedom in the US means not just the avoidance of theocratic government generally, but also the citizens’ right to have a government neutral toward any assumption of any deity. That passing reference was particularly important to many folks.

Important too was the reference to the Viet Nam conflict that created so many social fissures that exploded when the President was growing up. Parallels between today’s conflicts and those of the Viet Nam era cannot be avoided, and making it explicit will help, not hinder, the discussion needed now.

I am optimistic because we have a President who can speak clearly and unambiguously about difficult things, but most importantly, one who will expresses how critical is the fundamental principle of the rule of law. Hopefully that will be translated into practice.

Mentioning ‘non-believers’ was HUGE – it gave me hope that the Prez really IS aware of the realities in the US. And if he wants to start looking for ways to save money, how about figuring out why the Dept. of Agriculture runs its own college? It may have made sense years ago, but with multitudes of options for in-person and online education, why should we be supporting that?

El lector accidental January 20, 2009 · 7:00 pm

So, you noticed, too…

I think that there are several such little things that need elaborating on. Hopefully he´ll do so by his deeds.

But why isn’t anyone speaking (more) about Rev. Lowery’s speech? I’m an atheist, but if you strip away the understandable religious references, the speech/benediction was elegant, intelligent, poetic, heart-felt, rhythmic, beautifully delivered despite the faltering voice, and even… funny (!) towards the end.

I think we need fewer Warrens (even here in Spain we’ve heard of him), although he was omaised enough to feel that he had to ever-so-subtly “embrace” all God’s children — including gays, I guess> “And you are loving to everyone you have made.”.

Hear, hear.

Thank you for pointing out for everyone the mention of Khe Sanh and the need to be accepting of everyone — everyone regardless of their religion or their lack of it. It was an amazing day from start to finish, and I am hopeful that we all will feel, once again, proud to be Americans. It was not too many years ago I found myself apologizing for my president when I was in another country. Those sad times are behind us now and the world has seen the best of us, millions of us. I hope it will help lay the foundation for us to become a diplomatic, supportive, inspiring country again.

A little fact-checking, Mr. President. Forty-three men have been sworn in as president. Grover Cleveland is counted twice, because he did not serve consecutive terms. // gives the list!

I think he was saying when a soldier sacrifices everything for his/her country during war, that sacrifice is not qualitatively linked to the reasons for the particular war.

There were many irresponsible decisions made during WWII that cost many American soldiers lives; every war carries with it death and destruction.

The reasons for America to go to war in Vietnam were based upon stupidity, deception, and arrogance. It was pursued by, as all modern wars are, horrific means. But that does not make the sacrifices of the young men who fought, died, and were wounded in Vietnam less worthy than if they had died at Saratoga, Anzio, or Chosin.

When I was called, I thought if not me, then who? The kid next to me?

That is why it is called “sacrifice.”

“Honor the warrior, not the war.”

More Americans are atheists, agnostics, deists, locusts, and Buddhists, than all other organized religions combined.

So there.

As a “non-believer,” I greatly appreciated the passing reference to my beliefs and values. We saw with the Bush/Cheney regime that their “Christian” beliefs led to the commission of sins large and small. I am fed up with “Christian” self-righteousness that includes lying, avarice, and war. More secular humanism would improve the world. Just look around..

I immediately noted the reference to Khe Sahn. I was not there at the time, but was about 100 miles away at DaNang and knew well what was going on. The point is that the Marines stuck and held. What Giap hoped would be a second Dien Bien Phu did not happen. He was talking to us, the ones who went. We appreciate it.

I find one little thing John Roberts did to be offensive and it wasn’t his flubbing the early part of the oath. Notice how he posed the final line to Obama not as words to repeat, but as a question: “So help you God?’
How presumptuous and he should be taken to task for it.

As a life-long person of faith, it has been a long struggle for me to accept that atheists and agnostics – without what has always been for me essential grounding in faith and scripture – can indeed be truly moral and decent and self-sacrificing human beings. But in fact, I have learned they can be, and to a large extent as much as most people of faith. I don’t know if atheism will ever produce a Bonhoeffer, a Sophie Scholl, an Oscar Romero, an MLK Jr, but I have learned through personal experience to accept most nonbelievers as decent trustworthy moral human beings. But this kind of acceptance takes a long time for most normal traditional folks to develop. The same can be said for acceptance of Muslims or Gays. This kind of change takes time – so be understanding! Most evangelicals are sincere, good-hearted, generous, and compassionate human beings – but most have never had much personal interaction with Gays, Muslims, or Nonbelievers. It takes time.

I just sat in the dark for an hour and listened to Dr. King’s “Beyond Vietnam” speech from 1967. He saw that millitarism, selfishness and consumerism would lead to conflict after conflict. He said we needed profound changes, to value people over profit. I don’t kid myself that Obama is a revolutionary, but at this stage he’s fresh air for lungs asphyxiated by violence, oppression, poverty and discrimination.

I noticed exactly those two things myself, and felt grateful and relieved to hear President Obama say them.
This was a speech written by an adult, for adults. What a concept – to be treated like a thinking adult by our President, rather than like a gullible mark to be manipulated.
Come to think of it, he did say it was time to put away childish things.

Everyone has been saying how Obama is “moving to the center” or cutting back on his promises.

Now he becomes President, and he can say what he thinks when the situation arises. Go Obama.

Ke Sanh’s anniversary was today.

I expect you’re over thinking the Khe Sanh reference.

It’s simply the most recognizable battle of the Vietnam War, other than perhaps the Tet Offensive and Hue.

If he’s going to reference Vietnam, what other battle is more recognizable and more appropriate as a symbol of sacrifice?

There are dozens of examples from WWII (Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, the Bulge, Normandy, etc.) but few memorable battles from Vietnam and the mostly have names like “Operation Rolling Thunder” or “Operation Linebacker”

As an atheist it was indeed important to me (and to my two non-believing teenage daughters, who were watching beside me and caught the import of the passing reference immediately) to hear President Obama acknowledge us among the roster of Americans. I don’t look for or need any elected official to validate my views on this, the most important of all questions, but am heartened that now — perhaps for the first time? — a U.S. President has spoken directly to us with respect. A couple of extra words … but it means a lot.

“And they can choose any religion
they want, or they can choose no religion.
You see, you’re just as big a patriot—as
good a patriot as the next fellow if you
choose not to worship. It’s your choice to

That’s George W. Bush in 2004, in response to a conservative Christian interrogator.

Point being: Of all the things Obama could change, acceptance of atheism seems among the least likely–partly because it was one of Bush’s strong points, but mostly because as that religion drenched ceremony showed, he’s interested in reclaiming America’s Christian language of republicanism (little “r”) for everyone, not pushing that language off the stage as some seem to hope.

I’m a boomer. And a Vietnam era vet. I hear in the words of our new President the answers to why I served, to why I have worked for what I have to share with my family, and to what I can offer yet to my work, to my community, and to America. I am grateful that the Truth is spoken, and that vision allows us again to imagine and create freedom. I am grateful to be living in America.

I am a practicing Christian – a New Hampshire Episcopalian, in fact, in Bishop Gene Robinson’s diocese – and I was angered by Rick Warren’s inclusion of the Lord’s Prayer in his invocation. It was simply inappropriate for this occasion in our “patchwork nation” of believers and non-believers. Bishop Robinson’s prayer to the “God of our many understandings” said it much better on Sunday.

Aside from that, this was an amazing and joyful day.


I noted the reference to “non-belivers” with relief. Although I am a believer, I am sick of hearing people talk about their religion as if it were some credential regarding their character. I have known athiests whose lives were filled with goodness and giving. I have kjnown religious people who give little and are filled with hate.

A person who judges people by what they do is a man who knows that talk is no substitute for action.

Good luck and bless you, Mr. President

As a life-long atheist, I too was struck and pleased by the president’s reference to “non-believers”. It showed awareness and sensitivity that the president chose to mention this section of our society which is ignored by most politicians. This reference, along with his promise to restore the importance of science to policy decisions, shows that we have chosen an intelligent and inspiring leader.

When my son was born 30 plus years ago his father and their family were Hindu’s while our side of the family were Roman Catholics. As a result. I decided to let him choose his own religion. However, when he was five my mother a real Catholic insisted that he should be baptised Catholic, so, the baptism took place. I am now married to a Catholic, my son to a Hindu and my mother is now a practicing Hindu / Catholic. The fact of the matter is, religion is like politics, a few choosen get to divide and rule. The most important thing in life is to respect each and not insult the other’s persons choice whether you believe there is a god or there is no god.

Obama’s recognition in his address of the existence of U.S. citizens who are atheists, and his including them in the “patchwork” which gives our nation strength, was, especially in a politician, astonishing. And wonderful. As a “non believer” for almost fifty years, I long ago became inured to (often don’t even take note of) the various manifestations of our culture’s pervasive ignoring of the fact of atheism, and its too often berating, when the godless are mentioned at all, their presumed lack of morality. Still, I have at times felt it perhaps best, outside the circle of family and close friends, to remain in a “closet” with respect to my personal beliefs. So, though the cultural bias I mention has caused me no real harm and is utterly dwarfed in significance by biases relating to race, gender and sexual preference (upon which, happily, much progress has been made), our new President’s recognition and inclusion of people like myself was most welcome, and elating.

When Obama uttered the word “non-believers” I literally sat up and said: “Thank you!” As a lifelong atheist this is the first time I felt fully welcomed into the big tent of America.