Bishop Challoner Parent Bulletin Christmas 2023

"Bishop Challoner Catholic School serves a diverse community where all are valued, ensuring an excellent sense of welcome and inclusivity" - Catholic Schools Inspectorate Report, December 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we approach the end of the first term of the academic year, it is a time for reflection and gratitude. At our Catholic school, this holds special significance as we prepare for the Christmas season. In today's society, Christmas has become associated with pressure and consumerism, often overshadowing the true meaning of the holiday. However, our faith reminds us to take the time to reflect, give thanks, and rejoice in the company of loved ones. Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Christ and the hope and joy he brings.

This term has been a period of change for our school, as we have come together as a mixed state Catholic comprehensive school. We have also dedicated time to support various organisations and individuals in need, including care homes, charities, and international appeals during conflicts. Additionally, we have welcomed Year 7 parents and carers, organised trips to Russell Group universities, and hosted international career and professional workshops for our KS4 and KS5 students.

We are also proud of our Year 11 students who have completed their mocks in preparation for their summer examinations. Our recent Catholic Schools Inspectorate (CSI) report has reflected positively on our school and the RE Department, with an overall rating of 'Good'. None of this would have been possible without the hard work and support of our staff, students, and parents.

As we look forward to the new year, I hope that you and your children will have a restful and safe break. May they return with renewed focus and determination to succeed both spiritually and academically, with 'Christ at the Centre' of all they do.

You can find the link to the CSI report below. Best wishes for a joyous holiday season.


-Mr Anton Innocent, Deputy Headteacher

"The word of God informs and shapes the school’s life and mission; there is a warm sense of welcome and inclusivity and pupils have a well-developed sense of respect for those of other faiths, religions, and none. Pupils acknowledge Christ’s presence in others and demonstrate a deep sense of faith enabling them to live and pray in fidelity to their commitments." - Catholic Schools Inspectorate Report, December 2023

St Francis Family Centre advent appeal

Left: The Christmas tree in Main Reception. Each present label was picked by a member of staff and the corresponding present bought for a local family in need. Right: Margaret from the Catholic Children's' Society with some of the toys that were donated.

On Tuesday, 18th December, we delivered a car full of presents to the St Francis Family Centre in Poplar. The gifts were bought by staff from across the school as part of our Advent appeal and will go directly to local children who would otherwise have gone without.

In addition to the staff present appeal, our Sixth Formers have been raising money with a bake sale and Christmas Jumper Day.

St Francis works in partnership with parents to provide outstanding pre-school education, giving disadvantaged children the best possible start in life in an area that has the highest rate of child poverty in the country. The Centre is run by the Catholic Children’s Society, an organisation that gives members of our school community a tremendous amount of practical and financial help. It is our privilege to support them every year.

We invite our families who are able to contribute to donate to the appeal via ParentPay. All funds raised will go to the St Francis Family Centre.

Advent Giving Calendar in aid of Jesuit Refugee Service

As a school that has been forming ‘young men and women for others’ in East London for almost 90 years, we have been doing what we can to provide support and a welcome to those most in need this Christmas. Throughout the Advent season, we collected donations for the Jesuit Refugee Service - a local charity providing support to those without any access to public funds.

Each day students and staff brought in donations of food, clothes and toiletries. These were delivered to the JRS offices in Wapping during the last week of term along with Christmas cards written by our Year 10 students containing messages of support and solidarity. Our thanks to Ms Harrison and 7 Katharine for their help sorting all of the donations and to Mr Gladstone for driving the school minibus to deliver them.

A group of students writing to the refugee and asylum seeker friends that we have been supporting with our Advent appeal. The cards will be distributed by the Jesuit Refugee Service.

Isaure Wins Diocesan Christmas Card Competition

Congratulations to Isaure Thiebaut in 8 Katharine, who has won the Diocese-wide Christmas card competition in her age category. The competition featured entries from schools from across the entire Greater London area. Isaure's beautiful artwork was printed on our Advent Mass booklets, and on the cards that our students wrote to the refugee friends that our JRS Advent Appeal has been supporting.

Advent Mass Celebrations

On the last day of term the whole school came together to celebrate Mass in St Mary and St Michaels' Church. Led by Parish Priest Fr Keith Stoakes, the celebrations offered the chance to give thanks and to prepare for Christmas and the birth of the Christ child. Music was led by Ms Donaldson and the school choir, with readers from across the school proclaiming the word of God. We thank all involved in the planning of the Masses - it was a wonderful way to end a busy and successful term.

Sixth Form Students Volunteer at Local Night Shelter

This term we have been proud to volunteer for GrowTH, an organisation working with local churches in Tower Hamlets to arrange homeless shelters in the colder months. Our Year 12 and 13 students volunteer for the morning shifts every Monday, cooking breakfast for the guests and tidying the bedding away. This is one simple and effective way that our students respond to Christ's call to provide food and shelter for those in need.

We particularly thank the members of staff that took part in this year's Christmas Jumper Day. - the funds raised to buy breakfast supplies for our students to cook during shifts next term.

year 10 Oxbridge Workshop

This term, 15 Year 10 students visited Morpeth school to take part in an Oxbridge Workshop put on by Wadham College, University of Oxford. The students learnt more about what life would be like at university and the steps they would need to take to get there. They also took part in taster seminars in MFL and Economics to get a feel for studying at university and the differences between university and school, debating questions such as “Should we all just speak one language?” The students rose to the challenge and really made us proud – they got involved in all activities and shared some really interesting and insightful answers. The organizers followed up with an email the next day to say how impressed they were.

Harry Coules (10 Oscar) wrote the following report:

"During the Oxbridge trip, I learnt about the different courses offered at university. I learnt there are over 50,000 different courses on offer in the UK which means it should be easy to find something which could be of interest to me. I learnt it takes a long time to be able to get into university. I learnt about the money which the average Oxford graduate makes which showed me it was worth it in the end to go to university. It motivated me to work harder. I learnt that university is not just learning but there are groups and clubs too such as football club and tea and cake club. These are examples of ways you can interact with people and make new friends which will be important whilst at university."

A photograph from the Bishop Challoner archives featuring an impressive orchestra of recorders and voices.

Students visit their elders at Aspen Court Care Home

This year, our school is building a relationship with Aspen Court – a care home in Poplar. Through serving and speaking with their elders our students are embracing the opportunity to learn more about the history and the people of our local community.

The first visit to Aspen Court took place in November, with a group of 10 students from Years 8 and 9 bringing afternoon tea to the residents and speaking with them about their lives and experiences.

We’re really excited about working closely with Aspen Court over the coming year and beyond.

Success for Lexee in Design Competition

This term, Year 7 and 8 have been competing in 'Design Ventura' - a design challenge run by the Design Museum. Each student has been working on an idea for a product that could be sold in the museum shop based on the theme 'Community'. The competition is being run nationally with only four winners overall, with their designs being shared on the Design Ventura’s Instagram page. We were delighted to find out that Lexee Campbell (Year 7 Martin) was one if those lucky four with her creation of ‘Handy Soap’, soap that makes your hands soft and comes with an app so you can compete with friends and family, promoting hygiene and connections with your loved ones. Congratulations Lexee - we can't wait to see what you design next!

Bishop Challoner Day 2023

On the 29th September (the day Richard Challoner was born in 1691), our school celebrated Bishop Challoner Day. Those who studied here in the 60s, 70s and 80s will remember this as a school tradition, although we no longer ask students to wear the hats that would mark the day back then! This year, the whole school enjoyed a day of prayer, celebration and thanksgiving with Mass, special lessons, food and gifts.

Applications Open for Bishop Challoner Sixth Form

A huge thank you to all involved in our busy Sixth Form Open Evening in November. It was a pleasure to speak with our own students and with so many students from other schools about all that Bishop Challoner Sixth Form can offer. Applications for September 2024 are now open to Year 11 students via the link below.

BBC Earth Live

A wonderful, if rather damp, trip was undertaken to the BBC Live Earth experience with 37 Year 7, 8, 11 and 12 students in early December. Students were engaged and tranquil in the space, and it was wonderful to see them enjoying their surroundings. Staff at the venue were extremely complimentary. Another trip for Year 9s and 10s will take place later in the year.

Remembrance Day

On Friday, 10th November, the whole school came together to remember the fallen. We joined schools across the country in observing a two minute silence at 11am. This former part of a prayer service led over the tannoy by the Sixth Form Student Leadership Team. This is always a day that means so much to our school and to the community of the East End. We thank our students for their respect and reverence throughout.

"At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them."

Cultural Day 2023

Some of the fantastic outfits on display at Cultural Day in October. Students were encouraged to wear clothes celebrating their cultures and the cultures they are connected to. The huge range of outfits our students arrived in was a happy reminder of the incredible diversity of our student body – one of the greatest strengths of our school community. The day was a fitting end to our Black History Month celebrations.

Dates for Your Diary

8th January - INSET DAY

9th January - Term Begins for all students at 8:30

18th January - Year 10 Parents' Evening

25th January - Year 9 Parents' Evening

1st February - Year 12 Parents' Evening

12th - 16th February - Half Term