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How Soft Skills Affect Manufacturing Leadership
Tuesday, October 6, 2015 04:30:00 PM UTC - 05:30:00 PM UTC


Most leaders understand that it takes more than technical knowledge and product expertise to successfully develop and lead a team. What do soft skills boil down to? How to appropriately interact with your employees within different situations. But how do you balance soft skills with the also-important focus on bottom-line results? What are soft skills and where do you find them? Recognizing the importance of soft skills in successful leadership is instrumental in your growth as leader. 

In this webinar, we’ll discuss:
 • The difference between soft and hard skills
 • The importance of soft skills when leading through transitions
 • How to assess your soft skills
 • Tools, tips, and tricks to improve your soft skills

This free career services webinar is hosted by The Omnia Group, Inc. and co-sponsored by APICS Tampa Bay, the Bay Area Manufacturers Association, SME Tampa Bay and the Upper Tampa Bay Manufacturers Association


Tonya Devane
Tonya has provided guidance to hundreds of domestic businesses in a wide range of industries, including financial services, automotive, staffing and health care. 

Before joining Omnia, Tonya worked for several years in retail management. She has trained and developed sales staff, conducted webinars and has over 15 years experience identifying customer needs and implementing innovative solutions. She has a degree in Human Service Counseling.


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Presented by:  The Omnia Group | An employee behavioral assessment and consulting firm | 800.525.7117

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