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Cadbury's ad raises an eyebrow

This article is more than 15 years old

Not content with a gorilla playing drums or airport trucks racing to a Queen tune, Cadbury's Dairy Milk is back with a new TV ad that features two mischievous children performing bizarre "eyebrow dance moves" to an electro-funk soundtrack.

The 60-second TV ad, which breaks during tonight's Celebrity Big Brother final on Channel 4 and can be seen exclusively here on, is the latest advertising caper from Cadbury's fictional production company A Glass and a Half Full Productions.

The ad, by agency Fallon, opens with a brother and sister – wearing a dress in the trademark Cadbury purple – sitting for what appears to be a standard school photograph session.

However, when the photographer leaves the shot the boy starts an electro tune, Don't Stop the Rock by Freestyle, on his watch.

"Over at Glass and a Half Full Productions we noticed the wriggly potential of eyebrows and thought we would have a bit of fun with them," said the Cadbury marketing director, Phil Rumbol.

"Like the other productions 'Eyebrows' is all about losing yourself and embracing that moment of joy ... after all, everybody remembers pulling a silly face or getting up to no good as a child when backs were turned."

Cadbury has renamed February as "Febrowary" in a bid to "pay its dues to some of the finest eyebrows ever sported". To this end the chocolate manufacturer has polled members of the public to find the "eyebrow king and queen".

James Bond star Sean Connery topped the poll, with Brooke Shields at number two.

The full list is as follows:
1. Sean Connery
2. Brooke Shields
3. Count von Count from Sesame Street
4. Alistair Darling
5. Brains from Thunderbirds
6. Noel Gallagher
7. Des Lynam
8. Frida Kahlo
9. Liam Gallagher
10. Vanilla Ice

Cadbury reckons that only 35% of the British public can move their eyebrows independently, and within this group just 18% are "fully eyebrow ambidextrous".

In September, Cadbury relaunched "Gorilla" in a one-off TV ad that replaced Phil Collins' In the Air Tonight with Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart.

Cadbury also re-released its "Truck" ad, but with Bon Jovi's Living on a Prayer replacing Queen's Don't Stop Me Now as the musical accompaniment.

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