Serial No Title Professional Organisation
2016 Garispanduan "The Ministry of Health Guidelines on Zika Virus in Pregnancy" dan "Guideline on the Management Zika Virus-Related Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)" (PDF Format, 1.96 MB)
2015 Malaysian Consensus Statement on the Utilisation of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance 2015 - PDF, 3.46 MB
2015 Consensus Statement on the Utilisation of Cardiac Computed Tomography 2015 (2nd Edition) - PDF, 2.75 MB
2015 Appropriate Use Criteria for Investigations and Revascularization in CAD 2015 (1st Edition) - PDF, 3.37 MB

Management of Childhood Asthma

Released on  18 Feb 2009

Whole Body Screening in the Healthy Asymtomatic Individuals

Released on July 2008 Consensus Statement on the Utilisation of Cardiac CT (PDF Format, 1382KB)
Released on July 2008 Position on Whole Body Screening CT scans in Healthy Asymptomatic Individuals (PDF Format, 62KB)

Released on
1 Feb 2008

Recommendations for Safety Standards and Monitoring during Anaesthesia and Recovery (Revised 2008) (PDF Format, 3120KB)


Released on
1 Feb 2008
Guidelines on Preoperative Fasting (Revised 2008) (PDF Format, 1685KB)

Released on      20 Feb 2009

Cardiac Consensus on the Utillization of Cardiac CT (pdf 1.34 MB)

Released on
1 Feb 2008

Guidelines on Preoperative Fasting (Revised 2008) (PDF Format, 1685KB)

Released on
November 2003

Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Androgenetic Alopecia (PDF Format, 215KB)

DRAFT CPG: Please provide feedback to:


Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Control & Management of Tuberculosis (ZIP Format, 3.38MB)
Note: Flash appication (exe and swf), unzip to a folder and execcute


Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Obesity (PDF Format, 704KB)


Clinical Practice Guidelines on Rational Antibiotic Utilisation in Selected Paediatric Conditions (PDF Format, 112KB)


Clinical Practice Guidelines on Treatment of Periodontal Abscess (PDF Format, 177KB)




Clinical Practice Guidelines on Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (PDF Format, 453KB)



11/2003 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Dengue Infection in Adults (PDF Format, 84KB)
10/2003 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Adult Vaccination (PDF Format, 250KB)
9/2003 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Treatment of Tobacco Smoking and Dependence 2003 (PDF Format, 453K)
3rded 2003
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Dyslipidaemia (PDF Format, 143KB)
7/2003 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Serum Tumours Markers (PDF Format, 94KB)
6/2003 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Dementia (PDF Format, 132K)
5/2003 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Non-Variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding (PDF Format, 134K)
4/2003 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Sore Throat (PDF Format, 541K)
3/2003 Antibiotic Prophylaxis Against Surgical Wound Infection for Oral Surgical Procedures (PDF Format, 184KB)
2/2003 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Cervical Cancer   (PDF Format, 130KB)
1/2003 Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Jaundice in Healthy Term Newborns   (PDF Format, 83KB)
Released on
26 July 2003
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Obesity 2003 (PDF Format, 350KB)
DRAFT CPG: Please provide feedback to:
Prof Ikram Shah b Ismail (
2nd edition 2002 Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Control and Management of Tuberculosis (PDF Format, 3,655KB)
2/2002 Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Breast Cancer (PDF Format, 182KB)
1/2002 Clinical Practice Guidelines on UA/NSTEMI 2002   (PDF Format, 926KB)
14/2001 Postnatal Corticosteroids for the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Lung Disease in Preterm Infants (PDF Format, 29KB)
13/2001 Guideline on the use of Antenatal Corticosteroids to Prevent Respiratory Distress Syndrome (PDF Format, 21KB)
2nded 2002
Clinical Practice Guidelines on The Management of Osteoarthritis (PDF Format, 144KB)
11/2001 Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Infections by ESBL-Producing Bacteria (PDF Format, 365KB)


10/2001 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute Gastroenteritis in Children (PDF Format, 69KB)
9/2001 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Pneumonia and Respiratory Tract Infections in Children (PDF Format, 96KB)


7/2001 Guideline on the Use of Oxygen in the Newborn (PDF Format, 175KB)
6/2001 Consensus on Antiretroviral Treatment (2nd Edition) (PDF Format, 119KB)
5/2001 Consensus Statement on Electronic Fetal Monitoring
2nded 2002
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Osteoporosis (PDF Format, 141KB)


3/2001 Consensus/Clinical Practice Guidelines on Screening for Colorectal Cancer in Malaysia (Word Format, 81KB)


1/2001 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute Myocardial Infarction (PDF Format, 775KB)
8/2000 Clinical Practice Guide in Erectile Dysfunction (PDF Format, 215KB)
  • Malaysian Urological Association
  • Malaysian Erectile Dysfunction Advisory Council & Training (MEDACT)
6/2000 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Febrile Fits (Word Format, 52KB)  
4/2000 Consensus Statement on the Management of Ischaemic Stroke (Word Format, 153KB)
3/2000 Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Staphylococcus Aureus Infections
2/2000 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Heart Failure (Word Format, 170KB)
1/2000 Practice Guidelines for Thyroid Disorders
(Word Format, 138KB)
5/1999 Consensus Statement on Management of Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome in Childhood (Word Format, 67KB)
4/1999 Consensus on the Screening of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and its Treatment
2nded 2000
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Dengue Infection in the Paediatric Population (Word Format, 115KB)
2/1999 Consensus on Prophylaxis of Venous Thromboembolism
1/1999 Guidelines in the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Word Format, 150KB)
5/1998 Consensus Statement on Role of Hormone Replenishment Therapy (HRT) During Menopause in Malaysian Women
4/1998 Management Guidelines for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Word Format, 76KB)
  • Malaysian Urological Association
  • Prostate Health Council, Malaysia
3/1998 Recommendations on Pre-Anaesthetic Assessment (Word Format, 52KB)


2/1998 Guidelines on Pre-Operative Fasting (Word Format, 52KB)
1/1998 Clinical Practice Guidelines in Perinatology (First Edition)
1/2009 Consensus Statement on Infection Control Measures in the Intensive Care Unit 2009 (PDF Format, 655KB)
2nded 2002
Malaysian Hypertension Consensus Guidelines 1998
1/1997 Consensus on Management of Gallstone Disease
  • Malaysian Society of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
8/1996 Consensus Statement on "The Management of Psoriasis" (Word Format, 174KB)
7/1996 Diabetic Retinopathy (Word Format, 119KB)
6/1996 Clinical Practice Guidelines in Adjuvant Therapy for Colorectal Cancer (Word Format, 33KB
5/1996 Management of Tuberculosis
4/1996 Guidelines for the Management of Childhood Asthma
3/1996 Management of Bronchial Asthma in Adults
2/1996 Consensus on Management of Peptic Ulcer Disease
1/1996 Rational Use of Antibiotics
2nded 1998
Consensus Statement on Management of Hyperlipidaemia (Word Format, 147KB)
2nded 1997
Recommendations for Standards of Monitoring During Anaesthesia and Recovery (Word Format, 79KB)
  • Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists
2nded 1996
Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Malaysian Consensus
(Word Format, 209KB)
  • Malaysian Diabetes Association

Note: The Ministry of Health (MOH) website CPG section is at: