Exploring Word Evolution

The purpose of this site is to provide automatic tool for word evolution analysis based on Google Books ngram dataset and the Corpus of Historical American English (COHA). It is possible to evaluate the changes in word meaning over time from diverse aspects as follows:

  • Analysis of single word over time: allows comparing similarity of a word's context across different decades
  • Analysis of multiple words over time: allows contrasting changes of several related words (e.g., words constituting a given concept or coordinate terms) and their average over time
  • Contrastive Similarity Analysis of Word Pair over Time: allows to observe similar and different aspects of two words (e.g., synonyms) in different decades
  • Temporal word cloud: creates term cloud from a context of an input word and displays temporal aspects of individual words in the cloud
  • Temporal word tree: creates word tree over time based on words appearing before or after an input term