Author Topic: Understanding the Inevitable (Connor) (Read 354 times)

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 Understanding the Inevitable (Connor)
« Nov 19, 2009 7:51:14 GMT -6 »

Was there any moment where she was acting suspiciously?

Well, anyone could say that about her at any time. She was always happy and bubbly and hyper and crazy all at once, but there were times where she was reserved. You know, just being quiet in general. Before I met her, she used to always walk by herself, staring at everyone else, passing by without saying much of anything. Though, there was that one day where she acted a little unusual.

I caught her when she was waiting out in the Campus Grounds after school, near the basketball courts, waiting patiently for someone. It was just as Setsuna told me the day before, but all he said was just a bunch of orders that really could be done a lot of ways. I don't know why I accepted it in the first place, now that I think about it.

Keep an eye on her.

Make sure she doesn't get into trouble.

Go with her.

Geez, and I thought Alicia was the over obsessive parent. I didn't know what sparked off Setsuna's suspicions, but all he said was that Sylvia was acting strangely. Very strangely. As if there was an extra layer of weirdness already piled on her over-dramatic, "unique" self. Now, I was told to be her chaperone and to make sure she makes it out being just as 'genuinely stupid' as before.

Those were Setsuna's words, not mine.

When I went over to her, she looked a little worried, scraping through her notes frantically, as if her whole life - or her whole existence as Alicia would put it - depended on finding that little note. I didn't understand much of what was going on back then, so I asked her, "What's wrong, Sylvia?"

If there was a level of amnesia possible beyond what she had, I swear I saw it that day. She looked at me strangely, tilting her head to the side, staring at me as if I was this new girl who walked up to her. Then she said, "Oh, it's Selena!"

I grabbed her cheeks and pulled them, watching her squirm, "Don't 'Oh, it's Selena!' me!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"So, what's going on? Looking for something?" I said, letting go of her cheeks.

"I'm just making sure if this was the place." She said as she searched her stuff again, "I promised that I would meet him here, but I can't remember if this was it. I think we're supposed to go somewhere today, but did we set up anything yesterday? Hmm."

"He?" I said, a little surprised. It wasn't often that she spoke of any other guy other than 'That Guy'.

"Yup! Someone I met yesterday! His name is Connor, and he's this really amazing guy I met! He was able to shoot a ball in through the basket from over here." She pointed at the free throw line, "Isn't it amazing?"

"Yeah~ It's really amazing~" I said, "Shooting baskets from the line is really amazing~"

I wasn' t really sure if Sylvia understood what she just said, but if it really only took that much for her to be impressed, it was kinda sad. But then it hit me; the fact that she was waiting for someone to go out on a date bothered me just a bit, and put me on the spot somewhat.

Actually, it was pretty common for her to receive cards and things from guys she hadn't met at all, and to be asked out. But after a while, because of her memory issues, she kept forgetting that she had a date somewhere, and unintentionally stood them up. Plus, the fact that she couldn't say no, added more to the misunderstandings.

Now that I think about it, that was probably the first time I saw her flustered over this. He must have made quite an impression on her if she was that obsessive over it, even if it was something simple as just shooting baskets from the free throw line. The fact that she remembered his name was... how should I put it? A once-in-a-lifetime event.

He couldn't have been anyone normal, or someone unremarkable. It had to be someone who really stood out, who wasn't the unassuming and plain type of guy. I couldn't figure out what made her enthusiastic about meeting him, until she said so a moment later.

She caught onto my sarcasm from before, insisting her point, "But he is! He's really an amazing blind guy!"

"Blind, huh?" I said carelessly, not realizing what she actually meant until... Three... Two... One...

"What? Are you serious?!"

She nodded, smiling with her hands behind her waist, giggling as if she hit the jackpot. Then, out of nowhere, she raised her arm up, waving it hyperactively, shouting out the word, "Connor!" to someone behind me.

That was when I turned around and...

||The thread's in the Campus Grounds, but only because it starts here. The thread can move outside the school if needed.||

« Last Edit: Nov 20, 2009 12:59:07 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  

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 Understanding the Inevitable (Connor)
« Nov 19, 2009 18:09:08 GMT -6 »

Things were business as usual at school. Well, almost. He began his schedule as normal, save that he had a little chat with Mrs. Frisby, his pet rat, who he named for the main character from the Secret of Nimh.

"Wake up, Mrs. Frisby! Time for breakfast!" Excited squeaking cam e from within the confines of the rat's home. "I am getting together with that girl I met the other day." Though Connor couldn't see, Mrs. Frisby seemed very interested, as she had stopped gobbling her food and all attention was on Connor. "I just hope she remembers me." The rat sounded now like she was scolding him for having such a thought, as the squeaking sounded aggravated. Connor could almost hear her say How could she forget you? You need better self esteem! Of course she'll remember you! It made Connor chuckle.

"Hey hey hey! Hold on! It's not that! She has a memory loss problem. That's all. But, thanks for your concern." Connor reached in, and stroked her head. "I'll be back later."

With that he headed to class, and the day was business as usual. He had gotten into another fight with yet another bully (whom he had managed to embarrass), and tried for the rest of the day to avoid any more trouble. He was relatively impatient, as he was actually hoping the day would speed up so he could meet up with Sylvia again.

The last bell sounded, and he headed to what he knew now to be the direction of the basketball courts. He knew right away that he was going in the right direction from the sound of a VERY excited voice calling his name. A big smile was what she would see in return.

When he was close enough that he could speak instead of yell, he greeted her with the same kind manner she had gotten from him the last day they met. Of course, he didn't really know how to act any other way. Though, he was surprised. He had expected her to maybe forget, or at least refer to him as 'Nice Blind Guy.' But, she had actually called him by name. It made him blush to think about that. Maybe he had made an impression enough for her to recall him easily? That would be... well, pretty cool.

"I'd say good to see you, but obviously I'd be mistaken. However, it is wonderful to hear your voice." He smiled, and he did take notice of someone else standing there. The vibrations given off had shown him another person, though the lack of detail always made things a little difficult.

"So, who is your friend? Will they be joining us for the day as well?" Connor was not one to be rude, after all.

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 Understanding the Inevitable (Connor)
« Nov 20, 2009 11:47:11 GMT -6 »

...saw someone who didn't even go pass my expectations.

But that was at first.

He was nice enough, pretty good-looking, had a pair of dark sunglasses and a cane with him, and he looked normal. If I hadn't known about his disability earlier, then there was really no way I could tell. Maybe the cane would have given it away, but other than that, he really did look normal. That did relieve me a bit, knowing that he seemed like a nice guy, able to take care of a 'perpetual amnesiac' - Alicia's words - from hurting herself or doing something she would regret, if she could remember it.

But Setsuna would yell at me to no end, so I decided to answer the question.

"She's one of my friends, Selena." She said, then turned to me, "That's Connor. The Blind Guy."

I twitched slightly, keeping my smile. She really didn't have to emphasize blind.

"And I don't think she's-"

"I'm definitely coming along!" I interrupted, quickly clasping my hand over Sylvia's mouth, grinning as Sylvia tried to speak, "And besides, I didn't know Sylvia made friends with other people. She has a tendency to forget other people just as quickly as she met them, but I guess that means you're someone special to her. Which means, in other words, she really likes you."

I turned to Sylvia with a smirk, who stopped fidgeting after I embarrassed her somewhat. Then I whispered to her, "Sorry, but I have to come okay? You don't mind, do you?"

She crossed her arms with her typical pouting face, but she eventually agreed after I told her that That Smart Guy made me do it. It was really easy to convince her as long as you use that magic keyword.

Afterward, I turned to Connor, pushing Sylvia in front of myself and said, "Now, if you don't mind me, I'll just stay a little behind so both of you can have your time together. It's really nice to meet you, by the way, Connor."

I smiled, stepping back a few feet, while Sylvia pouted at me then turned back to Connor.

She smiled, with her cheeks probably blushing, "I'm really sorry about Selena. She's always weird like that. But, I'm sure you'll get along with her really well! I wouldn't be friends with her if I couldn't get along with her."

I cringed a bit at the statement, but at that point, I understood a bit of what Alicia realized earlier. That if someone came up to her and told her that they used to be friends, could Sylvia really know that for sure?

I wouldn't be friends with her, if I couldn't get along with her.

It was funny how our whole relationship was summed up in a single sentence. An entire 4 months worth.

I kept my smile, however, able to deflect any suspicions that I was a little less than happy. That was how we hid things from Sylvia after all. Just keep a happy face and she couldn't tell any different, that was how oblivious she was.

"By the way, do you have a plans today?" Sylvia inquired, "If you don't we could go, umm... to the... Well, whatever you pick, I'm sure it'll be good! It'll be perfect!"

||Just to hurry things along, just assume Sylvia and Selena go to whatever you pick! During that time, Selena will pretty much be invisible until she's spoken to directly.||

« Last Edit: Nov 20, 2009 12:58:24 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  

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 Understanding the Inevitable (Connor)
« Nov 21, 2009 12:25:27 GMT -6 »

OOC: Understood. By the way, when I write something in italics, that is Connor's thoughts. You probably already knew that, but I just figured I'd clarify if there was any confusion.

He could almost feel the discomfort of Selena when Sylvia called Connor the blind guy. The title wasn't something Connor minded in the least. He was blind, and a guy, so it really didn't matter. But, a handicap can throw people. He just smiled warmly at it. He also blushed when it was mentioned that the girl must really like him for her to have remembered him and made friends.

He gave a small embarrassed laugh. He was far more used to negative reactions than positive. Though, since attending this school, things had seemed to pick up a little. He shook her hand, and smiled. "Pleased to meet you, too. And don't feel you need to be in the background the whole time." After all, it's not like this is a date. It' just hanging out.

Selena backed up a bit, and Sylvia gave a small explanation. Now, Connor might not be able to see the smiles, but it was his lack of physical sight that gave him the perception and level of insight that he possessed. He thought he detected something from Selena, but he said nothing about it. He couldn't put his finger on it, and he figured it might not be a good idea to voice any theories. He thought it best not to read too much into it.

Sylvia asked him about plans, and Connor realized he had just left it up to chance. He wasn't used to just going and hanging out, so he hadn't thought about it. That, and Sylvia's excitement and bubbly personality got to him. He liked the energy she seemed to give off. She was definitely someone he hoped to hold as a dear friend.

Connor was normally a master at speaking. He had a natural way about him. But, being caught off guard, well...

"Plans? Um... I hadn't really thought about it." We're kind of limited on what we could do, and that';s my fault. Movies are out for obvious reasons. Typical teen hangouts were out. Dance clubs and the like. One, they are too loud. Two, well... I can't dance to save my life. That, and it would seem like too much of a date. Same as if I invited her to my boring dorm room.

He was hoping inspiration would hit him, and it did. In the form of his stomach rumbling. He smiled with a bit of a blush, and spoke. "Well, we could always go and get something to eat. It'll be my treat. Let me know what you both enjoy, and we'll head in that direction." Now, a typical high school student doesn't make nearly enough to take people out to a lavish meal. However, typical high school students didn't receive an inheritance that made them independently wealthy either. Connor hid that fact very well, as he lived simply and enjoyed simplicity. he also didn't like to be reminded of where the money came from. His mother's passing wasn't exactly a fond memory. So, he found the best way to make good use of the money was to treat others.

"Any restaurant in the city at all is fine. So, if there is a spot you'd like to try, let me know."

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