Conceived, in a Sense, on 9/11

RaphaelElaine Mar Cash, Howard Cash and their new baby, Raphael Mar Cash.

Raphael Mar Cash is a 7-pound-2-ounce embodiment of how chance and coincidence –­ some might say fate –­ conspired on and after 9/11 to preserve lives and even create new ones.

Raphael’s mother, Elaine Mar Cash, 35, was a forensic expert in the city’s Office of the Chief Medical examiner. She was flying to San Francisco on Sept. 11, 2001. Rather than take United Airlines Flight 93 from Newark, she found a cheaper seat from La Guardia. United 93 was hijacked. Her flight was grounded in St. Louis. After returning to New York, she was named supervisor of the World Trade Center DNA Identification Unit.

Raphael’s father, Howard Cash, 47, is the president of the Gene Codes Corporation of Ann Arbor, Mich. His company was brought in by the chief medical examiner in October 2001 to help manage the extraordinary amount of data being generated in the effort to match and identify DNA samples. He and Ms. Mar worked closely together.

“By the end of the first year,” Mr. Cash recalled, “something of a battlefield romance developed.”

That led to a marriage, performed in March 2006 by Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm of Michigan. Ms. Mar retired from city service a year ago. She was praised by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg for her “unwavering dedication to the heartbreaking duty of identifying the remains of the World Trade Center victims.” She joined Mr. Cash in Ann Arbor.

Now comes word (a few days late because of mislaid e-mail) of Raphael’s birth on Oct. 7 at the University of Michigan Hospital –­ “something good that actually came out of the tragedy of Sept. 11,” as his father says.

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Thank you for the beautiful article about Elaine Mar and Howard Cash and their beautiful new baby boy. I lost my firefighter husband on 9-11 and met both of them through the painful and difficult DNA recovery process. They handled the ID process with enormous compassion and senstivity and were tireless in their efforts to provide family members with a sense of peace if they could.
The family members were truly blessed to have such amazing and talented scientists working in what I believe was one of the most difficult and daunting tasks to face post 9-11.
And in the face of all this pain, an amazing love grew. It gives me great hope and faith in humanity that love can bloom in the darkest of places. Congratulations to two amazing people who have done so much for so many.

Marian Fontana
wife of FF David Fontana, Squad 1

What an adorable baby! I am so happy for them. They both made such amazing contributions towards the identifications of the World Trade Center victims, it was an honor to work with them. This is a very lucky baby, he has two fantastic, compassionate, and caring parents with a huge network of people who haven’t even met him that already love him!

What a wonderful story. Best wishes to your family!