Introduction to R

Introduction to R

By Research Computing Services


The University of Melbourne

The Lab, Digital Studio Arts West Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia


Your trainer for this workshop is Brendan Ansell, Research Community Coordinator from Research Platforms Services, The University of Melbourne. Bring your own Laptop

This workshop is being held across 2 days on Tuesday 9th & Friday 12th May, 9am - 5pm each day

About this Event:

R is a widely used programming language for data analysis and visualization. In this workshop we show you how to use Rstudio to interrogate and manipulate databases, write short programs to automate analysis, and create publication quality graphics and more. Participants should bring their own laptop and charger.

This event is bought to you by Research Platforms Services

A little bit about us......

We are researchers, training researchers! We get you! and would like to embrace you into our Community. We are located at the top of the Eastern Resource Centre, Level 1 of Doug Mc Donnel Building.

Research Platforms provides, builds and maintains ICT infrastructure for researchers, in particular cloud compute infrastructure and data storage infrastructure. Enabling data-driven research and the effective use of IT is at the centre of everything we do. We service more than 3,000 researchers from all disciplines across Parkville, within Victoria, and nationally.We work closely with key research support units including Faculty IT teams, the Melbourne eResearch Group, the Library, and other Infrastructure Services departments.

As well as providing underlying infrastructure services, we also work with researchers to provide a range of training, engagement and community building activities aimed at both maximising usage of the facilities, and maximising the value researchers get from them. By building community infrastructure in this way, we connect researchers with each other, with the supplied infrastructure, and with related infrastructure and services such as NCI, Pawsey, VLSCI, etc.

Organised by

Training and support for researchers using RCS services.



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