Numerical Python arrays in C extension modules

Konrad Hinsen
Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire (CNRS)
Orléans, France


Numerical Python (NumPy) is a set of extension modules for numerical applications. In addition to a large number of useful functions, it provides two new data types: a multidimensional array type, and a numerical function type, which applies mathematical functions to arrays efficiently. There are two applications that require using the NumPy array type in C extension modules: This document is a tutorial for using NumPy arrays in C extensions. It is not a complete reference; at the moment, the only full documentation is the code itself!

Preparing an extension module for NumPy arrays

To make NumPy arrays available to an extension module, it must include the header file arrayobject.h, after the header file Python.h that is obligatory for all extension modules. The file arrayobject.h comes with the NumPy distribution; depending on where it was installed on your system you might have to tell your compiler how to find it. In addition to including arrayobject.h, the extension must call import_array() in its initialization function, after the call to Py_InitModule(). This call makes sure that the module which implements the array type has been imported, and initializes a pointer array through which the NumPy functions are called. If you forget this call, your extension module will crash on the first call to a NumPy function!

Accessing NumPy arrays from C

NumPy arrays are defined by the structure PyArrayObject, which is an extension of the structure PyObject. Pointers to PyArrayObject can thus safely be cast to PyObject pointers, whereas the inverse is safe only if the object is known to be an array. The type structure corresponding to array objects is PyArray_Type. The structure PyArrayObject has four elements that are needed in order to access the array's data from C code:

int nd The number of dimensions
int *dimensions A pointer to an array of nd integers, describing the number of elements along each dimension.
int *strides A pointer to an array of nd integers, describing the address offset between two successive data elements along each dimension. Note that strides can also be negative!
char *data A pointer to the first data element of the array.

The address of a data element can be calculated from its indices and the data and strides pointers. For example, element [i, j] of a two-dimensional array has the address data + i*array->strides[0] + j*array->strides[1]. Note that the stride offsets are in bytes, not in storage units of the array elements. Therefore address calculations must be made in bytes as well, starting from the data pointer, which is always a char pointer. To access the element, the result of the address calculation must be cast to a pointer of the required type. The advantage of this arrangement is that purely structural array operations (indexing, extraction of subarrays, etc.) do not have to know the type of the array elements.

Element data types

The type of the array elements is indicated by a type number, whose possible values are defined as constants in arrayobject.h:

PyArray_CHAR char
PyArray_UBYTE unsigned char
PyArray_SBYTE signed char
PyArray_SHORT short
PyArray_INT int
PyArray_LONG long
PyArray_FLOAT float
PyArray_DOUBLE double
PyArray_CFLOAT float[2]
PyArray_CDOUBLE double[2]
PyArray_OBJECT PyObject *

The type number is stored in array->descr->type_num. Note that the names of the element type constants refer to the C data types, not the Python data types. A Python int is equivalent to a C long, and a Python float corresponds to a C double. Many of the element types listed above do not have corresponding Python scalar types (e.g. PyArray_INT).

Contiguous arrays

An important special case of a NumPy array is the contiguous array. This is an array whose elements occupy a single contiguous block of memory and have the same order as a standard C array. In a contiguous array, the value of array->strides[i] is equal to the size of a single array element times the product of array->dimensions[j] for j up to i-1. Arrays that are created from scratch are always contiguous; non-contiguous arrays are the result of indexing and other structural array operations. The main advantage of contiguous arrays is easier handling in C; the pointer array->data is cast to the required type and then used like a C array, without any reference to the stride values. This is particularly important when interfacing to existing libraries in C or Fortran, which typically require this standard data layout. A function that requires input arrays to be contiguous must call the conversion function PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(), described in the section "Accepting input data from any sequence type"

Zero-dimensional arrays

NumPy permits the creation and use of zero-dimensional arrays, which can be useful to treat scalars and higher-dimensional arrays in the same way. However, library routines for general use should not return zero-dimensional arrays, because most Python code is not prepared to handle them. Moreover, zero-dimensional arrays can create confusion because they behave like ordinary Python scalars in many circumstances but are of a different type. A comparison between a Python scalar and a zero-dimensional array will always fail, for example, even if the values are the same. NumPy provides a conversion function from zero-dimensional arrays to Python scalars, which is described in the section "Returning arrays from C functions".

A simple example

The following function calculates the sum of the diagonal elements of a two-dimensional array, verifying that the array is in fact two-dimensional and of type PyArray_DOUBLE.
static PyObject *
trace(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
  PyArrayObject *array;
  double sum;
  int i, n;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!",
                        &PyArray;_Type, &array;))
    return NULL;
  if (array->nd != 2 || array->descr->type_num != PyArray_DOUBLE) {
                    "array must be two-dimensional and of type float");
    return NULL;

  n = array->dimensions[0];
  if (n > array->dimensions[1])
    n = array->dimensions[1];
  sum = 0.;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    sum += *(double *)(array->data + i*array->strides[0] + i*array->strides[1]);

  return PyFloat_FromDouble(sum);

Accepting input data from any sequence type

The example in the last section requires its input to be an array of type double. In many circumstances this is sufficient, but often, especially in the case of library routines for general use, it would be preferable to accept input data from any sequence (lists, tuples, etc.) and to convert the element type to double automatically where possible. NumPy provides a function that accepts arbitrary sequence objects as input and returns an equivalent array of specified type (this is in fact exactly what the array constructor Numeric.array() does in Python code):
PyObject *
PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(PyObject *object,
                             int type_num,
                             int min_dimensions,
                             int max_dimensions);
The first argument, object, is the sequence object from which the data is taken. The second argument, type_num, specifies the array element type (see the table in the section "Element data types". If you want the function to the select the ``smallest'' type that is sufficient to store the data, you can pass the special value PyArray_NOTYPE. The remaining two arguments let you specify the number of dimensions of the resulting array, which is guaranteed to be no smaller than min_dimensions and no larger than max_dimensions, except for the case max_dimensions == 0, which means that no upper limit is imposed. If the input data is not compatible with the type or dimension restrictions, an exception is raised. Since the array returned by PyArray_ContiguousFromObject() is guaranteed to be contiguous, this function also provides a method of converting a non-contiguous array to a contiguous one. If the input object is already a contiguous array of the specified type, it is passed on directly; there is thus no performance or memory penalty for calling the conversion function when it is not required. Using this function, the example from the last section becomes
static PyObject *
trace(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
  PyObject *input;
  PyArrayObject *array;
  double sum;
  int i, n;

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &input;))
    return NULL;
  array = (PyArrayObject *)
          PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input, PyArray_DOUBLE, 2, 2);
  if (array == NULL)
    return NULL;

  n = array->dimensions[0];
  if (n > array->dimensions[1])
    n = array->dimensions[1];
  sum = 0.;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    sum += *(double *)(array->data + i*array->strides[0] + i*array->strides[1]);
  return PyFloat_FromDouble(sum);
Note that no explicit error checking is necessary in this version, and that the array reference that is returned by PyArray_ContiguousFromObject() must be destroyed by calling Py_DECREF().

Creating NumPy arrays

NumPy arrays can be created by calling the function
PyObject *
PyArray_FromDims(int n_dimensions,
                 int dimensions[n_dimensions],
                 int type_num);
The first argument specifies the number of dimensions, the second one the length of each dimension, and the third one the element data type (see the table in the section "Element data types". The array that is returned is contiguous, but the contents of its data space are undefined. There is a second function which permits the creation of an array object that uses a given memory block for its data space:
PyObject *
PyArray_FromDimsAndData(int n_dimensions,
                        int dimensions[n_dimensions]
                        int item_type
                        char *data);
The first three arguments are the same as for PyArray_FromDims(). The fourth argument is a pointer to the memory block that is to be used as the array's data space. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that this memory block is not freed before the array object is destroyed. With few exceptions (such as the creation of a temporary array object to which no reference is passed to other functions), this means that the memory block may never be freed, because the lifetime of Python objects are difficult to predict. Nevertheless, this function can be useful in special cases, for example for providing Python access to arrays in Fortran common blocks.

Returning arrays from C functions

Array objects can of course be passed out of a C function just like any other object. However, as has been mentioned before, care should be taken not to return zero-dimensional arrays unless the receiver is known to be prepared to handle them. An equivalent Python scalar object should be returned instead. To facilitate this step, NumPy provides a special function
PyObject *
PyArray_Return(PyArrayObject *array);
which returns the array unchanged if it has one or more dimensions, or the appropriate Python scalar object in case of a zero-dimensional array.

A less simple example

The function shown below performs a matrix-vector multiplication by calling the BLAS function DGEMV. It takes three arguments: a scalar prefactor, the matrix (a two-dimensional array), and the vector (a one-dimensional array). The return value is a one-dimensional array. The input values are checked for consistency. In addition to providing an illustration of the functions explained above, this example also demonstrates how a Fortran routine can be integrated into Python. Unfortunately, mixing Fortran and C code involves machine-specific peculiarities. In this example, two assumptions have been made: Also note that the libraries that this function must be linked to are system-dependent; on my Linux system (using gcc/g77), the libraries are blas and f2c. So here is the code:
static PyObject *
matrix_vector(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
  PyObject *input1, *input2;
  PyArrayObject *matrix, *vector, *result;
  int dimensions[1];
  double factor[1];
  double real_zero[1] = {0.};
  long int_one[1] = {1};
  long dim0[1], dim1[1];

  extern dgemv_(char *trans, long *m, long *n,
                double *alpha, double *a, long  *lda,
                double *x, long *incx,
                double *beta, double *Y, long *incy);

  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "dOO", factor, &input1;, &input2;))
    return NULL;
  matrix = (PyArrayObject *)
            PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input1, PyArray_DOUBLE, 2, 2);
  if (matrix == NULL)
    return NULL;
  vector = (PyArrayObject *)
            PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(input2, PyArray_DOUBLE, 1, 1);
  if (vector == NULL)
    return NULL;
  if (matrix->dimensions[1] != vector->dimensions[0]) {
                    "array dimensions are not compatible");
    return NULL;

  dimensions[0] = matrix->dimensions[0];
  result = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDims(1, dimensions, PyArray_DOUBLE);
  if (result == NULL)
    return NULL;

  dim0[0] = (long)matrix->dimensions[0];
  dim1[0] = (long)matrix->dimensions[1];
  dgemv_("T", dim1, dim0, factor, (double *)matrix->data, dim1,
         (double *)vector->data, int_one,
         real_zero, (double *)result->data, int_one);

  return PyArray_Return(result);
Note that PyArray_Return() is not really necessary in this case, since we know that the array being returned is one-dimensional. Nevertheless, it is a good habit to always use this function; its performance cost is practically zero.