Author Topic: Fruits & Falcons [PLOT-ish] (Read 860 times)
๖ۣValencia Tiao
Miss Fortune

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Now what?

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 Fruits & Falcons [PLOT-ish]
« Oct 4, 2009 2:54:36 GMT -6 »

((OOC: I'd like to RP with someone I haven't RP'd with yet, but I'm open to other folks who are crazy-active and want another thread on their plate. Yay for lots of ongoing threads!))

Balboa Park soon became one of Dagny's favorite places to hang out in San Diego. With its many botanical gardens and cultural exhibits, it made her feel at home and less like she had to be pretend to be someone else. As Valencia, her intellectual retreat in San Francisco was the Exploratorium with its artistic and scientific exhibits and more specifically, the around the main dome with its lake, swans, and Roman ruins. Balboa Park was a bunch of destinations in one. If she wanted to check out dangerous fly traps, she'd check out the greenhouse beside the lake with the beautiful lilies. If she wanted to get away from the large crowds attracted to said dangerous plants, she'd check out an art museum. If she wanted to get away from students doing their art or social studies homework, she'd seek refuge in the Japanese garden with its koi pond. If she wanted to get away from weeaboos Japanese culture enthusiasts, she'd probably be too tired to go anywhere else at that point, but the point was that there were a LOT of places to go to and she has yet to figure out how to work the tourist waves to her advantage.

After a sound while of wandering, Dagny managed to find herself a nondescript knoll to lie upon beside a little tree and a couple of bushes. Since it was really late in the afternoon, there was plenty of shade for her and the lost tourists that passed by her way became fewer and fewer in number. Once the Vietnamese woman felt like she had enough privacy, she removed her sunglasses, revealing her pale-gray eyes. Being out in the sun all day made wearing sunglasses uncomfortable as the day went on and she was glad that she could finally take them off for the time being. Lying on her side, she talked herself through the most recent predicament she got herself into...

“So... I have to steal an African Gray from a homosexual gangster tonight at a club... He's extremely strong, the same can be said about his posse, and he absolutely hates women with a passion... The reason why I'm doing this mission is because the other guys really don't like the idea of what may happen to them if they fail and I'm decent at retrieving things... That, and none of the guys are exactly the gangster's 'type'--Effeminate. My looks aren't amazing and I'm capable of being passed off as a guy... I used to live with lesbians... I'm not a homophobe... What the hell should I do to get ready...”

She sighed got into a thinking pose in the grass, clearly too deep in thought to notice anyone who may be nearby overhearing things.

“I really, really don't want to mess this up... It's one thing being in disguise and having a way with words, but another to steal a bird that never leaves a crazy-dangerous fruit's shoulder...”

Plus, how the FRACK am I going to put up with the inevitable TOUCHING... AUGH...

« Last Edit: Oct 4, 2009 3:10:28 GMT -6 by ๖ۣValencia Tiao » Back to Top  


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 Fruits & Falcons [PLOT-ish]
« Oct 6, 2009 13:55:53 GMT -6 »

||If you don't mind, here's a long post. :P||

So it's my turn to start telling stories...

Everyone knows how people want or love to take breaks from things, right? From working long hours at a job with a boss someone hates, or busy studying for exams they often neglect out of laziness, or just taking a break from the dull, everyday activities that people would kill to get out of. This was the case with Sylvia.

She had just finished a history test earlier in the week, and as a reward to herself, she wanted to take a trip out of the Collective with at least one person she knew - you can guess who that was. It was one of those things she decided on the fly without any real forethought or planning involved; just her usual spontaneous, random self. Someone had to take care of all the arrangements in less than an hour, and all of you can guess who did all that.

When she made it to Balboa Park, it was her mission - something she made up during the way there - to try and visit every single attraction at least once within the span of three hours. And when she arrived, including you-know-who, from the trolley in Chula Vista, she ran ahead, going to every restaurant, shop, and museum she could get into without paying for. There were the few times where she embarrassed herself, but she didn't take it seriously; she just went on, moving from one attraction to the next. If she had a large wad of cash on her, she'd be carrying around a few bags just from all the stuff she'd be expected to buy at impulse; luckily, she didn't have any.

You could say it's as if she has never been to a real park before, but she always asserted that she's been to several. She just doesn't remember much about them at all.

During her time there, about an hour into it, she decided to take a long, long, long walk around the park, just looking at trees, bushes, loads of grass, and water, as a way to pass the time. Whether or not she was tired was anyone's guess, but it could be one of those mini-breaks just to regain energy before going all-out again.

Along the way, she noticed someone, on the grass close to a tree and a couple of bushes, talking to themselves in a conversation about guys, birds, and...fruits. She wasn't sure what to think of it, being a spectator to that conversation, but out of curiosity she wanted to know what kind of problems that person was having, if there were any. So she decided to walk up to that person and ask what the conversation was about. By sneaking up from behind, trying not to make a noise would be rude to interrupt the conversation. With themselves.

I'm serious. Don't look at me like that.

When she was just behind that person, she tapped their shoulder a few times and in her usual cheery voice - which to most people would scare them, or at least freak them out somewhat if they didn't know her - asked, "Hi! I just overheard you talking about guys, birds, and fruits; and it sounds like a really interesting conversation! Mind if ask what you're talking about?"

She then sat down cross-legged, staring absentmindedly at her with a smile, which may be scary or amusing or normal. Depending on who she spoke to.

« Last Edit: Oct 6, 2009 14:08:12 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  
๖ۣValencia Tiao
Miss Fortune

๖ۣValencia Tiao Avatar

Now what?

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« Oct 7, 2009 3:29:20 GMT -6 »

You know those kinds of people who wouldn't wake up from their sleep, even if you hit them a few times with their pillow? Yep, Dagny was thinking that deeply aloud—She was still talking and muttering to herself as Sylvia tapped on her shoulder a couple times. In a way, the Vietnamese woman thought it was some drunk hummingbird flying low and bumping into her shoulder instead of a curious passersby and it was only when that “hummingbird” spoke that she flinched and turned her head to look over her shoulder at Sylvia. She froze like a statue for a full silent minute. She then put on her sunglasses in a rigid way that'd move as few muscles as possible. Another moment of silence. It must've been a sight to see an innocent teen sitting on the grass all smiles, making conversation with a stationary, seemingly inanimate being. So much awkward. There was so much going on in Dagny's mind that it'd be easier to skip all that and get to what how she responded to Sylvia... Or tried to, at least.


She sat upright, then turned around and made sure that her sunglasses were properly on her face and hoped that the stranger didn't see her freaky eyes or understood too much of what was said. Dagny is a bad liar. She can bend the truth even if it was made out of steel, but lying wasn't her strong suit. Sylvia looked like the sweet, gullible type though, so Dagny figured she might as well twist the truth the most she could.

“Hm... Well, I have this pet bird I'm trying to get back from a... Colleague who's in town tonight. The thing is, we're in a rather peculiar relationship and he's grown very, very attached to my feathered friend. I'm not really good at talking to guys and I'm very sure he forgot about me and that he has my bird, so I've been trying to figure out how to approach him. He's... Not interested in girls, see, and it's hard getting into the heads of guys at times. I'll bet you anything that girls make him uneasy enough that he'll do anything to get 'em away from him... It's sticky situation, as you may see.”

Oh how all this was quickly resembling an episode out of a cartoon...

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« Oct 7, 2009 12:23:29 GMT -6 »

And there you have it. The whole issue of the guys, birds, and fruits transformed itself into a tangible problem that Sylvia, as all of you can guess, would have been clueless about. It isn't clear what went through her mind; maybe she was thinking about how to get the stranger's bird back with a few weird ideas that wouldn't work, or it could have wandered off. Whatever it was, she paid attention to every word that person said, or looked like she did.

She blinked a few times, and crossed her arms, thinking hard - or looked like it - on the stranger's bird issues. The problem was how to get a bird back from a colleague who had a bird...fetish...or a very enthusiastic love for birds, and that he may have forgotten all about her, despite the fact that she trusted him enough for her to hand over said pet bird to him; a guy who clearly has bird issues. The second problem was that he was uneasy and uninterested with girls, despite the fact he had a peculiar relationship with her - someone who was of the opposite gender. She also didn't know how to approach him, even though they would have clearly met before, and she could, easily, do what worked last time. If they had met before.

If the whole statement was thought through carefully, there were obviously pieces that didn't link well, if at all, together. More prudent people would have asked for more information, or would have accused her of making up stuff, at least. I know I would.

Yet Sylvia, who clearly did not have all of that in mind, thought through it honestly, believing every detail the person said and may have made up. When she finally came up with a conclusion of her own, she clapped her hands together with a confident smile on her face.

"If you're not good at approaching guys, and he's uneasy around girls, maybe you should get a guy friend you know really well. Just have them talk for a while so that he's really, really comfortable, then he could ask about the bird. And maybe he'll hand it over, since it's yours, right?"

But she crossed her arms suddenly, while another idea came to mind.

She said, "But if he really loves birds, then he probably won't hand it over easily. Then, you could try negotiating with him for the bird, but since it's yours, it's not wrong to take it back, right?"

She then exclaimed, "You could steal it from him! Take it when he's busy with your friend and get out! It's the perfect plan!"

Whether or not anyone else heard that is anyone's guess.

I'm serious; Sylvia suggested theft. I doubt it would've worked, but it could have.

EDIT:||Posting on the 15th!!!! Just wait!||

« Last Edit: Oct 14, 2009 21:13:06 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  
๖ۣValencia Tiao
Miss Fortune

๖ۣValencia Tiao Avatar

Now what?

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 Fruits & Falcons [PLOT-ish]
« Oct 8, 2009 14:22:31 GMT -6 »

And you know what? Dagny is the sort of person who'd commit theft if it was “okay” and Sylvia clearly gave the go-ahead. Now it wasn't as though she was waiting for the suggestion to come up. She was technically trying to steal the dangerous homosexual's African Gray parrot since square one (more like retrieving a parrot for another dangerous individual but same difference), however couldn't quite figure out how to and still keep most of her limbs and organs intact. As Sylvia brainstormed alongside her, Dagny felt glad that she pulled the wool over Sylvia's eyes and turned her complication into an accomplice. Sharing her accomplice's enthusiasm, Dagny's features lit up in response to the ideas pitched her way.

“That sounds like a plan! Yes, I shall get a guy friend to speak in my stead! And while they're busy, I'll pry the bird off of his shoulder!”

It may've came off as blatant sarcasm due to Dagny's difficulty when it comes to lying, especially since she was quickly setting up for a modification of Sylvia's idea...

“Wait... Ah... Remember how I told you that we're in an awkward, peculiar relationship? We... Parted ways roughly. See, my guy friends don't like him too much and would rather not talk to or about him after all that... Would you... Happen to know of any good guy friends who could talk to him...?”

Then Dagny feigned concern...

“Oh, and I'll be needing a disguise... Don't wanna startle him by sneaking up on him when he has crazy 'OMGGIRLS' senses... I think several gift shops are still open around here...”

((OOC: If any dudes would like to get wrapped up in something stupid different, now's the time to get your character in before we nab an NPC. It goes without saying that your poor character will have plenty to do. [EDIT]: We have one taker~ [EDIT2]: We have another [see below]))

« Last Edit: Oct 8, 2009 23:33:25 GMT -6 by ๖ۣValencia Tiao » Back to Top  

Ari Karamzov

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He's back

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« Oct 10, 2009 23:10:57 GMT -6 »

OOC: Post Dagny's referring to disappeared because I deleted it to make room for this one, as I said I would. Pondered putting one of my others in, but one's profile isn't done and overall Ari fits this kind of thing best. Sorry if it's not terribly interesting, generally not my best, but I was mostly trying to get something up. Was sort of writing stream-of-consciousness and trying to get whatever ideas I had for the post out. Took a little while, I know, mostly due to computer issues; once I had an idea for a post it came pretty easily between fits of uselessness.

Boredom could make a man do odd things. Sometimes it made them do odd or even dangerous things, while other times their escapades were merely stupid. On the other hand, boredom could also be an excellent motivator to try things one has yet to experience or otherwise branch out. After all, while people often talked about how good it was to try new things, they didn't actually try those things, much of the time, and a lack of anything else to do tended to force their hands.

This latter fact was what brought Ari Karamzov to Balboa Park today; since he'd already done the day's training, and Tiao only needed his services as a bodyguard during school hours, he'd been left with nothing to do. Like any San Diego resident, current or former, Ari had heard of the park, but he'd never really had the chance to drop by. Every time he'd thought of it, something else had come up, or he'd talked himself out of it, or he honestly couldn't be arsed that day.

Today, however, Ari found himself utterly bored out of his skull. With no reason not to go, and overall pleasant weather, the giant had decided to see what the park had to offer. At first, he had been cynical, and was explicitly only around due to having nothing else to do, but it actually turned out to be fairly interesting. Sure, it was a bit odd spending so much time without hitting someone, but for once he really didn't mind; the place had an almost relaxing influence on him.

The gardens and museums had been particular favourites of his, even if he couldn't quite determine why. There was just something very interesting about them, to him, and the fact that his intimidating bulk made many of the more annoying visitors give him his space was always a plus. As such, what was originally going to be a quick visit until he thought of something he'd rather do turned into hours of wandering around the park while pondering on why he was just so drawn to it.

In the end, he supposed it wasn't important just why he found himself enjoying the atmosphere; he had come to relax himself, and the park had let him do just that. He could go back to worrying about his other affairs and the insanity of the Collective (such as the fact that the police weren't after him for beating three skinheads to within an inch of their lives) later, but he figured he deserved a bit of time off; after all, he'd already done the day's training.

On the other hand, as the afternoon dragged on, Ari started to get bored and a little restless. He had never given himself this much free time, before, and started to both run out of ideas for what to do with it and feel as if he were wasting his day, even as his thoughts drifted to making a schedule for tomorrow. At first, it had been a welcome change of pace, but spending so long relaxing and wandering around didn't feel right.

Eventually, he resolved that if nothing happened that was interesting enough to catch his attention within the next five minutes, he would leave and go work out again. As it happened, he thought this while he was going past a mostly unoccupied area of the park, not far from a mostly nondescript knoll, and he soon began to pick up traces of conversation nearby. This made him understandably curious, and he looked over to see two young women talking about getting a bird from someone, from the way it sounded. He honestly wasn't too sure, since he'd apparently missed the beginning of whatever they were talking about.

Maybe this is the 'something interesting' I asked for.

With that thought in mind, Ari began to approach the two, while part of him sized them up to see if they were anyone he knew. Seemingly unnoticed, he eventually concluded that, no, he didn't know them, and stopped when he was close enough that he could get a good idea of what was being discussed. Usually, eavesdropping was considered rude, but Ari'd never been one to care much what a person considered rude. As their little chat turned into getting a 'guy friend' to help out, half of the giant's mind wondered what deity had arranged this convenient little mashup, but he let a small grin appear on his face anyway. Today really could be interesting, he thought.

"Sounds like you ladies could use some muscle," he said, without bothering to hide that he'd heard much of what they just said. "Need someone broken?"

« Last Edit: Oct 10, 2009 23:14:08 GMT -6 by Ari Karamzov » Back to Top  

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« Oct 16, 2009 11:42:03 GMT -6 »

||Better late than never. :(||

Objection! Are you making this all up? I'm not.

Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted.

There were more explanations that, more than likely, put more obstacles into that idea of hers, or theirs. There were three. The first was finding a guy who would serve as their decoy for the "fruit" while her newfound partner would attempt to escape with the bird, "plucking" it out with his attention focused elsewhere. The second was to find a disguise for her partner that would hide all traces of her girly-ness or cooties - or femininity for the technically inclined - from a homosexual with peculiar hate toward the opposite gender.

The third? Well. That depends on how you ask.

Was a guy's opinion ever important enough to begin with?

To put matters in perspective, solving those two problems were cardinal to the success of their plan of snatching the bird under the eyes (or shoulder) of a homosexual bird lover. While Sylvia probably thought of a solution to this, entranced in thought too deep to notice anyone around her, something fell into their lap; two things, to be exact. The first was the imminent solution to finding a guy, nay manly enough, to actually be the target of affections of a homosexual and friend of Sylvia's partner.

The second would come later.

He came up from behind, catching them off-guard with a obviously manly response in his deep, and manly voice, showing up with his big, muscular, manly body. That was when-


...give me your DS...

Sylvia was surprised, but whether her partner was, was a different matter. Either way, the solution fell to their lap and Sylvia, ignoring her manners out of the excitement, grabbed his hand and directed him to her partner in crime. She said, precisely, forgetting he was right next to her, "Let's ask him! Maybe he wants to be the decoy! He looks really tough, so maybe he might scare your friend a little. But he looks like he could handle a lot of guys on his own! That's a plus, right?"

But she stopped suddenly, her thoughts ran through her mind at freeway speeds, and she let him go, dwelling briefly in a stream of thought. She, more than likely, connected the words, He's not interested in girls with That girls make him uneasy, and came up to a conclusion that would probably shock the receiver, if said recipient wasn't already weirded out by the hyperactive Sylvia.

She looked up at him, crossed her arms, examined his figure a few times, and asked him, "Just be really honest here. I'm not going to judge you or anything like that. Just answer truthfully; it's really, really important!"

"Are you gay?"

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๖ۣValencia Tiao
Miss Fortune

๖ۣValencia Tiao Avatar

Now what?

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 Fruits & Falcons [PLOT-ish]
« Oct 17, 2009 7:34:47 GMT -6 »

((OOC: >XD ::hi5's Sylvia:: ))

Dagny first freaked out when Ari showed up.

Who else and their mom heard me?!

Then, she just went along with it. After all, providence above sent her a cute nutcase and a lost giant to assist her in this unusual mission. Things would simply get more difficult and complicated if she was picky about how life treated her. Dagny nodded in agreement to Sylvia deciding to recruit Ari to their party and let her do the honor of asking him for help. He was huge, manly, and looked like he could easily throw both Dagny and Sylvia around if he had a reason to. Though “breaking” someone wasn't the first thing on the list to accomplish this mission, it may eventually come to that if things go wrong. Where they were going was anything but rainbows and flowers—Well, there may be some, but they won't be as happy and pleasant as you'd usually expect from gay people. Aaanndddd the first thing Sylvia asked Ari?

His sexuality.

Dagny did everything in her power to hold in a snicker. Yep, she was warming up to her partner in crime more and more since they seemed to think on the same wavelength to some extent. She had to quickly clarify, though. This wasn't the time to confuse the new arrival more than necessary.

“Ah—Yes! I don't know how much you overheard, but you see, we require the aid of a strong, strapping young man who understands or is at least tolerant to the ways of other homosexual men. To be more specific, my homosexual colleague will be at a gay bar sometime tonight, or in a few hours now that I think about it, and I bet you more than anything that you guys are better at guy talk than girls are. So if it won't trouble you too much to... Distract my colleague for a bit, you'll lend a hand, right?”

The more she spoke, the more she thought about how guys in general would think and how most of them would respond to all this. Why were most men afraid of homosexual men again? Oh... Oh dear.

“If it'll make you feel any better, you're not even his type!”

...And if Ari wasn't thinking it, that comment might make convincing him to help a bit more difficult. With the sun dipping closer to the horizon, Dagny checked what time it was.

“Ahh... And methinks if this discussion shall continue, it'll be while I'm shopping for things to make me look less like a girl if I want to be allowed into that bar. Ehh... My colleague is really good at pulling strings and I bet you more than anything that he managed to make the bar 'men only' for the evening, just for him.”

She turned to Sylvia, unsure of what to make of her if Ari agrees to assist. She felt bad lying to the genuinely friendly, happy person who helped her this much and didn't want “dispose” of her after getting what she needed. Dagny generally looked out for herself for the most part, but she has a conscience and a belief in karma. To have her come along would reveal these lies for what they were and put her in danger... Such a tough choice. A tough choice that she decided to put into Sylvia's hands since it'll be a while until Dagny was comfortable with deciding the fate of others.

“Ahh... I haven't quite got your name, but you may come along too if you want. If you do, you'll also be needing a disguise to get in, unless you want to stay outside. I can only imagine how... Different and unsettling things may be in the bar, so I fully understand if you prefer not to trouble yourself!”

[...a few hours later, after shopping for disguises; night]

Standing across the street from the club was Dagny in her new disguise. Thank goodness for plenty of money to spend since souvenir shops have this tendency to be a little pricey. She tied up her hair and tucked the ponytail under her hat. She always could pull off androgyny; That was one of the benefits to being an Asian with small-to-no boobs and not being drop dead, insanely noticeably gorgeous. And yet, even though it was still dark out, she still wore sunglasses... In fact, she even adjusted them to make sure she was still wearing them.

“Here we are... 'DIVO'. You can practically hear the pop, electro-dance music from here... Huh. 'LoveGame' is playing. The irony hurts my brain. If they must play Lady Gaga songs, I hope they play the ones I like... I wouldn't be surprised if he got some special guests to show up too... Anyways, shall we? My colleague, who's large and in charge tonight goes by 'Adonis'.”

And within would be a haze of red, magenta, and black lights, lots and lots of roses, a few candles here and there, a tons of birds and feathers, and a whole bunch of men, most of which shirtless, having a good time, and some of which drunk and clumsily grooving to the beat on the dance floor. Nowhere in immediate sight would be Adonis or the African Gray parrot Dagny is trying to steal, but sooner or later they'll show up and surrounded by an entourage of muscular men that look like they can easily take care of any troublemakers, especially of the female sort, who may show up.

((OOC: If Sylvia dresses up too, it'll come out of Dagny's wallet if Ari doesn't pay~))

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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 Fruits & Falcons [PLOT-ish]
« Oct 18, 2009 20:53:31 GMT -6 »

(ooc: With Ari taking place before I could I must now put myself in this in the most awkward way ever...)

Everyone gets short on money. Everyone. Of course most people have a job and just like Roth end up getting screwed over. And by screwed over it meant Roth's employer at the SDCFL decided not to pay him for the past month. So now here the young man was. On his way to a club called 'DIVO' to become eye candy for a bunch of fags as he would put it. F-U-N...

The party had already started by the time Roth got anywhere near it. The electro-pop was playing loud as hell. Luckily for Roth fighting in a packed arena got him used to tunning out loud noises. At first he stood in front of the main door waiting in the rather small line waiting to get his ass in and out as quick as he could. Roth came to the front of the line and looked to the street away from him seeing a group of three. A large brute with two much smaller guys.

"Hey bud! name."

The door security quickly snapped Roth out of his little trance. He quickly gave his name and directed their attention under the "VIP" listing. After all the SDCFL Wrestling Champion was serious business.

--- Earlier that day ---

"What the hell do you mean you ain't got the money!?"

Roth slammed both hands down on the dark mahogany desk, starring coldly at the small pudgy Mexican behind it. The smoke of Cuban cigars filled the room as the boss got out of his chair and leaned over his desk as well.

"I mean I don't got the money. I don't think you know how much these Blackout advertisements are costing me. Plus we got a shit-load going into the 'necessities' for Murder City. I'll get your money in a few weeks are so. But if you really need the cash that bad I got a buddy named 'Gay Tony'. He runs a club on the West-Side called 'DIVO. I recommend you as a special guest and their willing to pay ya for it. Just a warning, if ya do go, hide your ass..."

--- Present ---

Now Roth entered the club. Lights flashed everywhere as a truck load of gays danced the night away while getting drunk on a variety of fruity cocktails. The first thing Roth needed to survive the night, was booze. He waltzed up to the bar and eyed the shirtless bartender before ordering.

"Ey, What'dya got for Whiskey?"

Roth kept a cold stare on the man. The older and angrier the looked the less chance that the guy would card ya.

"Sorry mister man, but we don't have much for that."

An angry sigh blew over Roth as the bartender denied his drink of choice.

"Alright, how 'bout Sam Adams?"

"Sorry, this is Cali, not Boston."

Now Roth was getting pissed. Not having good drinks was one thing, but now this fag was insulting his home.

"Fuck it, whatever beer you got on tap."

The Boston wrestler didn't bother to look at what the guy poured. By this point Alcohol was Alcohol. Roth took his drink and walked around looking for whoever was running this place tonight. It wasn't long before his was pulled from behind to see a large figure and a posse with a random bird on his shoulder.

"Here he is guys, th current SDCFL champion. He ain't my type but I'm sure our guests will like him quiet a bit. Here's you pay for attending."

One by one the large but-pirate gangster dropped a few Benjamin's on the floor intending for Roth to bend over and pick them up. With anger and reluctance in his eye Roth did so anyways. From behind he felt a few pulls, eventually without realizing someone had taken off his trench coat and soon after working on his shirt.

Roth decided not to fight he needed whatever money he could and as long as nobody got too touchy feely Roth would wait until he found a chance to fuck everything up as soon as he could.

(ooc: This seems like fun...Just Dagny needs to recognize me and recruit me...that or I can start shit in my own way. =D )

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Ari Karamzov

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« Oct 19, 2009 0:27:43 GMT -6 »

OOC: Hokay! Trying this post again... I wonder if I should edit the post in Collapse to account for the fact that Ari'll likely run into Roth in this thread. Eh, we'll see how it goes. It's not long, sorry.

Note to self: be more careful next time you wish for "something interesting".

The problem with wishes, Ari thought, was that whatever forces governed them tended to be more literal-minded and specific than the bastard child of a lawyer and a bureaucrat. This was especially true if, by following your "exact words", the wish would end up with you being screwed over, blown up, attacked, given the wrong drink at the bar, or otherwise inconvenienced. Seeing as he wasn't in the mood for being inconvenienced, even if it didn't involve people trying to blow him up, his first instinct upon being approached and randomly interrogated about his sexuality was to back away slowly; it would usually be an appropriately enraged demand to know why he was being asked such a question, but the way it came completely out of the blue caught him off guard. Nevertheless, the girl started pulling at him before he could snap off a reply, and he ended up going along just from a mix of momentum and curiosity as to where this would take him.

A matter of seconds later, he had been led to another young woman, who promptly began to explain the situation. Judging by the fact that his eyebrow remained raised even after she had finished talking, this brought up more questions than it answered, but at least it was an explanation. He could easily take a few fairies down if he needed to, or just wanted to, so there wasn't much of a problem for him. It really didn't sound that much different from the kind of job Tiao would send him on, so in the end it was familiar territory.

Ari was about to say as much when the second woman decided to blurt out that he wasn't even this colleague's "type". The interruption made him scowl at her, but he continued regardless.

"First off, I'm no queer," he said, giving them both an even look. "I don't exactly have a problem with most of 'em, but I'm not one and I'm not good at pretending to be. So you're out of luck there." He let this hang in the air for a few seconds, then shrugged. "On the other hand, I wouldn't be standing here if I had anything better to do, and you two seem like you'd need the backup if anything goes wrong, so I'm in. What's the worst that can happen?"

The words weren't long out of his mouth before the second woman checked the time and declared that any further conversation would have to be while she was preparing her disguise, since the colleague/target wouldn't be allowing women into the club. She then turned to the one that'd dragged him over to begin with, and said she could tag along if she wanted. While the speaker looked like she could take care of herself, Ari wasn't as sure what to make of the second; she really didn't look like a fighter, to him. What would happen, would happen, though, so Ari contented himself with wondering if the woman with longer hair was under some kind of contract that forced her to say "ahh" every few sentences or so.

Once the ladies were finished, he followed them as they went off, and the trio subsequently spent the next few hours introducing themselves, getting clothes for the girls' disguises, and generally preparing until night fell. The giant had brought money with him when he came to the park to begin with, but Sylvia (as the first woman turned out to be named) had put all of the expenses on a card, so he just shrugged again and went with it. While on the way, he occupied himself with coming up with a cover story, though he more knew it'd come in handy than if the women would stick to it; if anyone asked, he was the straight friend of a friend, who had been sent to keep them out of trouble.

Not like that'll hold up long.

That was what found the three standing across the street from Club DIVO, all looking rather different than from how they'd started the day; for his part, Ari was now in boots, black sweatpants, a brown jacket, biker gloves, and a random black baseball cap he'd grabbed off a shelf. As Dagny brought them up to speed on just what they were looking at, he leaned against the wall and examined the line while he waited for her to finish, not quite suppressing a snicker at the name "Adonis". The speakers must've been at full blast, because the trio could hear the song even from their position, though Ari didn't recognise it; it just served as a reminder to him that he couldn't exactly stop now.

Still, even though he'd said he didn't exactly have a problem with homosexuality, he had to admit he felt a bit... uncomfortable. Maybe it was his somewhat old-fashioned upbringing, the feeling that there was something "off" about them, or maybe just that he couldn't see how a man could find pleasure from having something shoved up their arse, but it put the giant Armenian a bit out of his element. Still, that would have to come tertiary; the job was always first, then maybe smashing some punk's face to make him feel better. Besides, it was just a club; he'd worked in clubs before, and maybe he'd find a way to get DIVO in the Dragon Dynasty's pocket before the night was out.

"All right," he said, stepping forward from his spot against the wall. "So what can you tell me about this 'Adonis' guy? Other than that he's got a fucking stupid name and a bird you want? I'd prefer to know who and what I'm looking for in there, instead of having to improvise with a practical legion groping at me."

« Last Edit: Oct 19, 2009 0:35:03 GMT -6 by Ari Karamzov » Back to Top  

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« Oct 19, 2009 13:05:21 GMT -6 »

||If there's anything wrong, tell me! Posting without much sleep don't mix...||

Once Sylvia's partner-in-crime explained the ins and outs of their plan to the newcomer, it was decided that they move onto Phase 2, the grab-a-disguise-so-I-look-like-a-guy part of their plan; dressing like men in order to get closer to the target and his bird, known as the African Gray Parrot. That was their target, and for that, their newest addition to their little party had to distract or seduce the man Sylvia's partner named as Adonis.

They went to pricey souvenir shops, buying whatever they needed to complete their disguise and finish their little stunt. Her partner in crime went with clothes that hid her true gender, while making it hard to guess at it. The newcomer went for a set that didn't make him stand out too much, while allowing quite a bit of freedom just to fight. And Sylvia went on a shopping spree for a total of about three-hundred and sixty-two dollars, and 15 cents for three sets of clothes; two of which she bought on impulse, and one she used for her disguise. Oh, and a new duffel bag to bring them all with, including her old clothing. She left them with a certain person she met inside one of the shops, who keeps playing with her DS right now...


Well, it was decent, especially considering her "limitless" potential to spend without any consequences. She went with one thick sweater with long sleeves, a set of Levi jeans, a new pair of Converse shoes, a new set of undergarment, four hair clips with a denim beret to hide her long hair, and...a bottle of Pepsi. And that was only her disguise.

How did you know that? You weren't even there.

Oh, it's really easy to keep track of it, especially since it's on MY credit card statement. Understand? Good.

...Anyways, once the team was set with their disguises, they waited for nightfall before entering DIVO. Once there, Sylvia's partner explained the finer details of their plan before their entry, and all three entered, staring at the colorful dance lights with an...interesting decorum of feathers and roses. Mix that with a bunch of shirtless, drunk, dancing guys, and that's the gist of what DIVO was that day.

From there, Sylvia stayed closely to her crime partner and the newcomer, trying not to get lost while trying to avoid curious glances and unwelcome touching. She looked a little bewildered by the club's atmosphere, but she tried hard to stay focus on their goal, searching for the homosexual bird lover.

It wasn't too hard, however. All she had to do was look in the direction of a a guy, sitting in front of the bartender, who was a champion of the SDCFL, or the San Diego Championship Fighter's League. He was a fairly important figure there, but Sylvia didn't recognize him at all; instead, she focused on the guy next to him with the bird on his shoulder.

She thought she found him, but noticed a problem.

There were a bunch of muscular guys standing around him; his own entourage of bodyguards who may be gay, but they definitely looked like they could hold their own. Sylvia was obviously worried, so she went over to where her partner and the newcomer were, and tapped their shoulder, or arm in his case, and pointed at who she thought was Adonis.

Trying to break through the loud music, she said, "Is that him?"

She wasn't sure what to do or how to resolve this new obstacle, but she was sure her partner or their newly found decoy had an idea to get rid of them. She just didn't know what that was.


Okay. How do you know all this? Were you there, and if you were, how did you manage to get in without catching Sylvia's attention?

That's a secret. Yes. And it involved backdoor entrances and lots of disguises.[/i]

||Changed it to original idea.||

« Last Edit: Nov 5, 2009 10:33:31 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  
๖ۣValencia Tiao
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Now what?

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« Oct 24, 2009 4:43:26 GMT -6 »

((OOC: ::moves everyone into the club for continuity's sakes:: ))

Dagny's senses were bombarded by all kinds of hurt when she entered the club with Ari and Sylvia. Her face twitched in agony from sensory overload and she had trouble concentrating while trying to describe Adonis to Ari. Aside from muscle and brainpower, it seems everyone else in Team Dagny's Stupid Adventurers have a higher resistance to withstand this location (blame Dagny's much higher WIS rating; it's not always a good thing to be super sensitive). As she dodged and “grooved” to avoid stray hands from passing people, she made highly exaggerated gestures to describe Adonis. Yay for interpretive dance, charades, and yelling over “discosticks”.

“TALL.” [she stretched upwards and motioned with her hand that Adonis was around Ari's height]
“BLOND.” [she pointed at her and Ari's hair]
“BIG.” [she struck a pose usually associated to muscular men, which got a giggle out of onlookers]
“TANNED.” [she couldn't think of a way to describe it, so she made a “spraying” gesture which may be mistaken for something out of an AXE Body Spray commercial]
“FLAMINGO.” [she did her best impression of a flamingo by curving her body, fluffing herself up, and standing on one leg]

...Wait, what?

Thankfully, Sylvia assisted by pointing at Adonis with his entourage next to Roth. And yes, flamingo was probably the best word possible to describe the big fluffy feather jacket he wore, especially since it made his tanned legs look thinner and darker than they really were, further adding to the flamingo look. The primarily magenta lighting made it hard to see how pink it was, in all honesty, but his flamboyant outfit was hard to miss and climbing around all over his fluffy jacket was the African Gray Parrot, whose name was Georgina. Georgina was one heck of an intelligent and curious parrot. She was getting bored just sitting on Adonis's shoulder, so she climbed all over him until she hung off of the front of his jacket and eyed the very disgruntled Roth. She tried to talk to him... Loudly, of course, since it's the only volume parrots speak in and she could be heard from where Dagny and crew's location.


D'aaawwwww~ But Adonis was having none of that and pried Georgina off the front of his jacket, away from Roth, to cradle her in his arms.

[ADONIS]: “Awww~ I know you love me, baby! Georgina is my baby--”

[GEORGINA]: “Girly!”

[ADONIS]: “...You're my girly, right?”

[GEORGINA]: “No! Girly! 'Ruv yuu rong time! Kitty-kitty, meow! Shrimp!”

To most, Georgina made absolutely no sense at all. Adonis, on the other hand, was better off than most by understanding just 40% of everything Georgina said. Georgina was trying to tell her current owner that there were girls in the vicinity, one of them Asian, and the other with a sweet air to her (both of them smaller than Adonis)--The bird was the first to blow their cover. Luckily, thanks to Adonis's selective comprehension, he thought Georgina said “There's a girly-guy somewhere who's gonna give him some lovin'.” This greatly excited the gay flamingo man and he immediately began looking around, pushing aside some of his men to get a better view.

Dagny pantomimed the act of swimming the breaststroke in the direction of Adonis to suggest to Ari that she wanted to get past everyone in the way and nab the parrot while Adonis was looking for something unknown to her. Basically, clear the way. She looked back to Adonis's position and finally noticed Roth getting his money. YAY. A familiar fa—WAIT, WHAT IS ROTH DOING HERE.

I never knew he swung that way—OH. He doesn't look too happy and he's picking up money, uncomfortably. Hmmm...

She turned to Sylvia and continued her charades to tell her that she was going to get Roth to help and that she was more than welcome to come along instead of being left to fend for herself.

Oh great... Not only am I deaf tonight, but also mute... If only more people knew sign language...

Georgina climbed around on Adonis's jacket to keep investigating her new friend Roth.

[GEORGINA]: “Why is the rum gone?”

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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« Oct 24, 2009 16:10:28 GMT -6 »


Four hundred dollars.

and Parrot love...

Apparently to Roth, that was the price of coming down to a gay club and risk getting fondled and mentally scarred for the night. He imaged it to simply be himself passing out for what seemed like a life time, followed by waking up in a White Castle freezer room with a sore ass and tied up. Then being knocked out again waking up for about a minute finding himself in a plane's cargo hold. Finally he'd wake up in a dark shitty looking room, stretch out, walk out the crappy wooden door and looking out to a small village in Somalia with nothing but the sound of an annoying grey parrot.

For now Roth would have to try his best not to go ape-shit on the next thing that moved. Now shirtless and his crappy beer spilled over the floor. Roth picked up the glass along with his money and then looked up at the annoying bird.

[GEORGINA]: “Why is the rum gone?”

"Cute bird. Fitting for a man like you..A..Ad...Adonis! Couldn't remember the name for a sec. So is there anything you really want me to do, or..."

Roth made his tone very deep and sarcastic at the same time. It was the best way he figured that this 'Adonis' wouldn't try to get in his pants.

The big tanned man in the pink feathery jacket took a moment away from cuddling the annoying, Roth loving, bird and focuses on Roth's question.

[ADONIS]: “Yeah, there is. Get in one of those cages over there and start dancing when they start going up."

Roth's angered, sarcastic face turned into immense shock and discomfort of becoming a cage dancer. Quickly in his head Roth thought and prayed for anyway out of this. Or any way to get this Adonis prick in his place. A year ago Roth would have taken the fight to the pink feathery man, Now he was smarter, and now smart enough to by some time.

"Whatever you say big man, just let me get a drink first, eh."

With that notion Roth booked it straight for the bar. He needed something to clear his dry nervous throat. Alcohol was no longer needed, Roth would need every point of awareness to get out of here with his ass unpenetrated. Roth looked the same shirtless bartender in the eye and asked for the once imported juice he knew every gay bar would have.

"Yo, Can I get a Cranberry juice. Just that."

For once the bartender delivered. The bittersweet taste of the juice felt good as he chugged the juice down. Luckily he wasn't at a real bar, or somebody would have made a period joke and Roth would explode at that point.

The Boston native turned around watching the Lady Gaga scene unfold in front of him. Then he looked in the center of the dance floor. A small circular cage with a chain on top for it to be hoisted above the crowd. Roth made a heavy sigh, but then he noticed something. The large man and two smaller boys were now in the club, and now at least one of those boys seemed to be coming over to Roth.By this point he would take any distraction he could.

« Last Edit: Oct 24, 2009 18:07:19 GMT -6 by Andy Daws » Back to Top