Engine Exhaust Winterizing Port
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Media ID 20081116103509447 
Monday, April 22 2002 @ 09:19 PM EDT
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Media ID 20081116103509447  
Date Monday, April 22 2002 @ 09:19 PM EDT
Comments 3
Views 5685
Uploaded By Website Administrator
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wouldn't it be easier to just drain the muffler?
Drain the muffler?
Perhaps. But my muffler sits higher than other raw-water parts, like the raw-water pump and affiliated hoses, so there would still be freeze-able water inside the engine. I like the idea of having pink stuff throughout the system. And, yes, I've got a garden-hose T-fitting in front of my raw-water strainer. A one-time installation that makes subsequent winterizing easy. Works Great!
This modification makes winterizing the aqualift muffler and heat exchanger a snap.Just close the engine through-hull, hook up a 10\' garden hose to this port put the other end of the hose in a 5 gallon bucket of pink stuff on deck and start the engine. --- Jeffrey Hare
Jeffrey Hare