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There is but One God. By the True Guru's grace, He is obtained. Let some one come and make me meet my darling Beloved. I will sell myself to him, for the sake of seeing the Lord's sight. If the Lord shows mercy unto me, then He makes me meet with the True Guru and I contemplate the Lord Master's Name. Pause.

If Thou blesseth me with happiness, then meditate I on Thee. Even in pain I forget Thee not. If Thou givest me hunger, then even I am sated with it and feel happy in sorrow. I cut and tear my body and soul and dedicate them all to Thee, O my Lord. For Thee I burn myself in fire. I wave fan over and draw water for Thee. Whatever Thou givest me, that I eat. Poor Nanak has fallen at Thy door, It is to Thine glory to unite me with Thee, O my Lord.

Taking out mine eyes, I place them beneath Thy feet, O my Lord, Travelling the whole earth over, I have gained this under-standing. If Thou seatest me near Thee, then remember Thee I and if Thou strike me and drive me out, even then I meditate on Thee. If people praise me, then the praise is Thine, If they slander me, even then leaving Thee, I go nowhere else. If Thou art on my side, then let any one say whatever he likes. If I forget Thee, then breath I my last. A sacrifice, a sacrifice I am unto my Guru, Falling at his feet I propitiate the saint-Guru. Poor Nanak has gone mad for a vision of Thine, O God.

Even in violent storm and torrential rain-fall I go to catch a glimpse of my Guru. Even though the sea, ocean be exceedingly brine, crossing it, the Guru's Sikh goes to the Guru. As the mortal dies without water, so does the Sikh die without the Guru. As the earth looks beauteous, when the rain falls, so does the Sikh bloom on meeting with his Guru. O my Guru, I obey thee like the slave of thy Slave, I call on Thee in the mood of prayer. Nanak prays to the Lord, that meeting with the Guru, he may attain to the Guru's peace

Thou Thyself art the Guru and Thyself the disciple, Through the Guru, I reflect on Thee. They, who serve Thee, become like Thee, Thou preservest the honour of Thy servant. O God, Thine treasures are brimful with devotion. He whom Thou lovest, Thou blesseth him therewith. He whom Thou givest; That one alone receives them, Fruitless is all other cleverness. Remembering, remembering, remembering my own Guru I awaken my slumbering soul. Poor Nanak prays for the one boon: "My Master make me the serfs".

If the Guru rebukes me, even then he seems sweet unto me. If he forgives me, then it is to his glory. What the Guru's beloved utters, that is approved, and what an apostate says is approved not. Even if cold, frost and snow do fall, the Guru's Sikh still goes out to see the Guru. The whole day and night, see I my own Guru and within mine eyes. In enshrine the Guru's feet. I make efforts to please the Guru. The One, which pleases the Guru; that effort alone is accepted. Night and day, contemplate I the Guru's feet, Show Thou mercy unto me, O my Master. The Guru is Nanak's soul and body and meeting with him he is sated and satiated. Nanak's Lord is fully pervading all, Here, there and everywhere, he sees the Lord of the universe.

Now, Sit back and relax as you watch and listen to the video on the next page... enter your name and email below and click on Submit to feel Happy even in sorrow!
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