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« Oct 13, 2009 19:56:07 GMT -6 »

"Students of Fremont and O'Hare, and Soldiers of Knox, this is Staff Sergeant Fightmaster. In light of recent events, you are all to attend an impromptu assembly in the courtyard in front of John C. Fremont Hall. This is a required assembly, attendance will be taken and grave consequences will come upon those who skip out. The assembly shall begin as soon as everyone is present and accounted for."

The message resounded with Max Fightmaster's clear, crisp voice through all the PA Systems in the entire Collective. It mattered not if you were in the cafeteria, the auditoriums, or even the bathroom. The students heard the call, and, grumbling, they shuffled out into the courtyard. They remember all too unfondly what had gone down here last time; however, Fightmaster's assembly would prove to be quite different.

The chain of command had crumbled. With Director Navarro deathly ill and forced to resign, Victoria left to take care of her sick father, and now, the recent murder of Headmaster Johnson and hospitalization of Dr. Kussro, the Staff Sergeant, the man who had been contracted as nothing more than a military liaison, was now the highest ranked person in the Collective. Where once he was simply ensuring that the military cadets were receiving proper military training on top of their studies, he was now, without any kind of certification or advanced training, expected to be the Director of the Collective, at least until a suitable replacement was found.

Thus, Fightmaster would take steps to ensure that none would be.

Dressed much differently than one had come to expect from the Staff Sergeant, Max stood behind the podium, shuffling at some papers that, though they had a short speech written on, he would most likely not use. As he waited, he flipped open his cell phone, dialing in a number to make a quick phone call before the brunt of the student body arrived.

"Hello, yes... that's right, we're starting. ....okay, good. ....that's correct, we'll need your men here within-..... good. I trust you to see this through, Corporal. You were there in Iraq, you saw the things they wanted us to do. .... exactly. The money isn't bad either. Goodbye Corporal." Fightmaster flicked his phone closed and cracked a little smile. All was so far going well. Things would be collapsing soon, and rebuilding would begin right after.

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« Oct 14, 2009 18:43:13 GMT -6 »


>_>.. that was my first reaction to your PM =P


"C'mon... push, push... that's it."

I had just finished spotting an acquaintance during his last set on the bench-press, when I noticed a change of atmosphere in the fitness center. My headphones had kept me distracted, so it wasn't until I was in the middle of my own set that another person had stopped me. I wasn't the only one, however, as many others stopped what they were doing, and removed the piece from their ears. Curious glances were exchanged.

The physical education building cleared out within two minutes, many having already been outside on the fields. Those who were inside assumed the worst in terms of the announcement, therefore hastily gathering their stuffs to exit the facility. Some, like myself, were for the most part unaware of what was going on around the school, mostly because we commuted to the Collective on a daily basis. Few of us took it serious, and a handful were skeptical of the importance of the voice and its message. Inevitably, those who were skeptical were proven to have been doomed from the beginning.

A comfortable cool breeze swept various beads of sweat off my face. My blood burned; my muscles tightened. I stood calmly, but annoyed. Swarms of students were seen coming from various parts of the campus, and I was already amongst the early masses. I wasn't close with any of the students at the time, and my acquaintance went off on his own adventure. Hopeful, yet at the same time pitifully, I remember having kept a look out for various attractive girls from any of my classes, thinking I'd stand out wearing an all-black outfit that included an Under-Armour top, and Under-Armour sweats. I learned however, I should have kept an eye out for suspicious activity instead.

OOC: I dunno how the weather is there during this time of year, so I just assumed "not too cold."
And you know its bad if I'm the first one posting in here.

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Andy Daws
Swagger of a Cripple

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I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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« Oct 14, 2009 19:41:52 GMT -6 »

(OOC: First!...oh wait...)

"Well it looks like their finally getting something done."

A tall muscular Bostonian sat upon the gleaming statue of John C. Fremont. Both his legs on his shoulders and Roth's hands under his head rester on the statue's hair. Roth listened to the echoing and slightly screeching intercom for every member of this 'collective' to report to the campus grounds in front of Fremont high. Luckily for the new chief of staff Roth was pretty much already there.

With no more then a quick lift and jump the trench coated figure landed in front of the Statue and began to walk over to the assembly. He thought briefly of what would happen. Last time they had a school wide assembly it was about the most retarded thing and soon escalated into a mass riot. Staff Sergeant Max Fightmaster better be watching himself if he wanted to get this off with out complete panic, and mayhem. Two head faculty had been shot, one killed, and two highly respected faculty now out of commission. That and nobody knew of there even was a Fremont principal.

Roth arrived rather early to the scene. A few classes here and there, most seated on the sides with their respective teachers. Roth decided to tread a quick pace and take his favored seat. Front row center. Unfortunately Roth would already begin to be a dick. He watched the Staff Sergeant hang up his phone and began to shout out to him.

"Hey Sergeant! We all gunna get shot down again?"

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Tiao Lei Shen
The Tiger of Hircine

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« Oct 14, 2009 20:47:54 GMT -6 »

From Tiao Lei Shen's first day of school, things had been set in motion for the ex-pillar. Tiao, while not exactly starting the fight, had made his name the most recognizable among the collective, instantly gaining recognition. From there, Tiao had kept a low profile. He had planted eyes and ears all around the school. He knew Headmaster Johnson was up to something, and his father wanted part of that military project. Tiao Lei Shen had done everything he was supposed to and then some, only to have the MAPP building shut down and Johnson shot threw the heart.

Of course, whatever relationship he had been building with his father had imploded. Once again, Tiao Lei Shen was the good for nothing son, cut out of his father's life. It was no surprise that Tiao Lei Shen seemed more like his old self today. In other words, he was pissed off.

Tiao Lei Shen almost ignored the assembly call, too apathetic to care what direction the school would take now. All that work was now for nothing, and therefore, Tiao didn't care. Dragon Dynasty was dead, as was his father's respect. However, Tiao had never missed an assembly since middle school. While building up the good attendence while being a pillar, it was a habit that carried over and almost acted automatically for the Tiger of Hircine.

Mindlessly walking out to the courtyard with the rest of his class, Tiao's eyes narrowed even more in the sunlight. Unlike his usual choice of staying in the back for an exceptional view over the rest of the students, Tiao took a seat up front. He was going to sit without a word, until he heard someone else speak up. Typically, he wouldn't even recognize this person's presence, but today would be different. More than he already knew.

"Keep running your mouth and I'll make sure of that myself, O'Roak."

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« Oct 14, 2009 21:03:49 GMT -6 »

It started with a simple announcement.

It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, not like the last announcement, given out by the director, involving an incident that occurred with several students some time ago. This one seemed normal on the surface, but instead of the Director of the Collective making the call, it was a faculty member from Henry Knox Academy.

Gather on the courtyard; an impromptu assembly; in front of John C. Fremont; grave consequences for those who skip out. Those words didn't give away anything; only that it was a required assembly that was absolutely necessary for everyone to join and listen to. The only suspicious aspect was the fact that all three schools had to gather, on the command of a faculty member of Henry Knox Academy who many cadets recognized as Staff Sergeant Max Fightmaster. If protocol was remembered correctly, only the Director had that kind of authority.

Unless I was missing something.

It didn't seem to matter to those who it involved. It was treated as daily routine; a small pause in an endless array of classes; a brief moment that many probably wouldn't care unless it involved them directly. This assembly, however, would undoubtedly, be the most important out of any they've joined yet.

I was already out with Sylvia, sitting and waiting by the outskirts near a tree that bounded the edge of the courtyard, watching as more students poured onto the green and gray expanse. Many grumbled at the news, while others kept a solemn air about them. If memory served right, this was the first serious assembly that I attended, managing to skip the previous ones out of feigned sickness.

On the other hand, Sylvia just watched with a bored look, being one of the few who didn't care for what happened. She started pulling out grass out randomly, playing with the strands as she tied them together in some make-shift braid.

"Alicia, is Selena, that guy, here yet?" She asked, looking around the building crowd for them.

"Setsuna?" I said, remembering who she meant by, That Guy. I searched for them, unable to find anyone among the ocean of indigo, orange camouflage, or silver and dark blue uniforms. I didn't know then, but they were already at the front, both of them separated by at least several feet.

I shook my head.

She sighed, pulling out more grass until she glanced at me, with a rather clueless look on her face. She said,
"What was this for again? I don't remember."

"It's an assembly made by him," I pointed to Max Fightmaster, "I don't know what it's all about, so just sit and wait until things get going."

She replied, leaning back on the tree, bored out of her mind.

In reality, however, with all the rumors of a faculty member being killed with the other hospitalized, there was no doubt he was going to address that issue. The real question, which I'm sure Setsuna and Selena thought of, was how he was going to handle this. And whether that would be a blessing to this collective of schools, or its penultimate curse.

I only had to wait and see.

« Last Edit: Oct 14, 2009 22:49:13 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  
Absinthe Makaila

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« Oct 14, 2009 21:09:16 GMT -6 »

Curled up on a chair at the very front, one seat beside the very last, was none other than a very ill Mae-Lim. She'd picked this spot for the view, mainly, because half the time she couldn't see over everyone's heads. Secondly, it was the closest row her class had walked by and she was much too drained to keep walking. So here she was, seemingly alone for now because it seemed that sitting further back was the the cool thing, and the others in the front were closer to the middle. She didn't really mind the solitude, if anything, it was better to keep three chairs away from her since she was a living disease. One that coughed and sneezed freely with total disregard for contaminating the air others breathe.

She'd caught a bad case of the sniffles, jam-packed with extras like an irritated throat and watery eyes. So not only was she incapable of breathing from her nostrils (which means she lost the ability to smell too), but her vision was hampered too and so was her ability to speak (not that she did much of the latter).

She didn't do much looking, as was usual for her. Instead, she just kept herself curled up on the chair, miserably, looking down at her knees. She was freezing too, even with her boiling skin. Figuring that she was technically still wearing the uniform, Mae-Lim had slipped on her oversized, white, hooded sweater, and pulled the hood over her head in her attempt to keep warm.

Her emotions were all haywire too. Her bitchmeter always seemed to go down to "danger level of a docile kitten" when she was sick. Perhaps it was mostly due to the fact she was busier feeling sorry for herself, but, hey, this was a rare sight of the ice-queen.

While she half-waited for the Serge to begin, Mae-Lim would notice someone finally sitting next to her. Turning towards them slightly, her face obscured by her bangs and her hood, Mae-Lim would give a helpful warning of,

" 'Scuz be, awm sick. Might dot want ta sit too-"

And that's as helpful as it got because she'd proceed to sneeze right into that person. Of course, not really noticing how impolite and disrespectful that was, Mae-Lim would just mutter.

"Sowwy 'bout dat" before giving a few sniffles.

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« Oct 14, 2009 21:45:08 GMT -6 »

Aleece had been right in the middle of checkout out a book from the library, some reference material for an assignment due the next day in her literature class - somehow she had managed to pick a topic she couldn't fish up what she needed to know on the internet. So she was stuck with what the schools library offered. It was about then that the silent dead air was cut in with an unexpected announcement. She tried to listen while she pressed out a generic smile to the librarian, recognizing Fightmaster's voice coming through the speakers nestled somewhere in the corners of the area.

Just as the book she had waited on to be checked out to her was in her hands she paused before turning away hearing the order to gather for what seemed to be a mandatory assembly for all the schools. This place and mass gatherings never was a good idea but she supposed she couldn't get out of it either way. Gathering her things up from the table she had been sitting at, Aleece made her way out and to the designated spot in front of Fremont Hall.

Before she hit the door her cover was on her head and she was checking herself over quickly to make sure her uniform was squared away - no need to call undue attention to herself. Making her way to where everyone was supposed to be gathering she saw that already a sizable crowd had gathered and typical of her she stuck to the back of it all. But it didn’t keep her from noticing Roth at the front – the wrestler was always in the middle of something, a very hard individual to miss.

Still she wasn’t going to willingly put herself in the middle of a fiasco either, so she stayed where she was at, content to take the back row away from anyone in case things went sour again. You could never tell with these sort of things, it seemed. Taking the closest seat available on the edge in the back she settled in for the wait the familiar weight of her phone in the cargo pocket of her uniform pants and close at hand if it was needed. Of course there was always the hope that it wouldn’t be but…usually there was always an opportunity, something that needed to be recorded around here.

Just like the majority of the people arriving she didn’t know what was going on but she would just have to wait and find out.

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« Oct 14, 2009 21:55:57 GMT -6 »

Lain was late.

No, not for the assembly, numb nuts. In fact, she seemed to be one of the first figurative cattle swarming to the imaginary fodder. Since there were boundless seats for her to indulge in, she weaved her way through the rows and took one of the less-desired front row seats, her delicate fingers gripping the sides of the seat in which her bottom was now planted.

This morning, prior to the assembly, Lain had been having a splendid day. Her omelet came out juuuust brown enough for her taste buds and - one in a million chance - she’d managed to season it perfectly. The toothpaste on her tooth brush had made a picture perfect dollop and her drive to school was surprisingly devoid of shitty drivers. Her day just seemed to be clicking into place bit by bit like a puzzle that had always been meant to be.

But now that she was sitting here in a room with tooooons of other kids her age, it kinda seemed like… that was about to change. With a vengeance, haha. It was just something in the air. If she’d learned anything from Varron and Hircine it was that these kinds of schools weren’t too big on that whole au-thorr-ee-tay thing, so when an assembly was called it was probably because there was a meteor soaring towards the earth or some shit.

Being the ‘fresh meat’ that she was - as would be expected - she sat there with doe eyes, listening for fragments of conversations that would hopefully bleed why she was here, why the whole school was here. For all she knew the school had been blown up again (haha, Varron reference) by some new retard. Or maybe someone had kidnapped the principal’s kid and the dude was gonna EXPLODE onto the stage and start spewing death threats at the students?! Or maybe one of the students was banging one of the teachers? Or maybe there had been a fatal science experiment in the lab… anyway, it was obvious by looking at her that she was a confused little girly.

Whatever the reason for this assembly, though, she knew she probably wasn‘t gonna like it.

Shit? It was gonna go down.

« Last Edit: Oct 19, 2009 14:49:29 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  

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« Oct 14, 2009 22:43:41 GMT -6 »

(I'm getting Dejavu from Lain's avatar. It looks like Linalee and I thought Reira was back for a second.)


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    « Oct 14, 2009 22:56:33 GMT -6 »

    (Short, but when I got both Ryorin and Taku's to do, it's boring wiriting a lot of the same stuff twice.)


      The Wonderboy stopped and thought to himself as the announcement came. Even on the roof where Taku was exercising and practicing his parkour he could hear it loud and clear. The first thought that came to him was that either someone fucked up big time or the staff was going to change and fuck shit up. Either way, in a school like this, an assembly like this was NEVER good. There was no way that the students weren't going to walk away without an injury of some kind, physical or mental. It may not be now, but sometime in the near future it was going to happen.

      Taku cursed to himself. This was far from his first assembly and wouldn't be his last. He remembered his first in a school like this, with Dr. Xing at Mugen. That was a hell of an assembly. It was more strange than anything else. Xing had slides to show, talking about his past, some staff didn't seem too thrilled, shit went down like always, and then there was Alter Mann and R'azose. R'azose wasn't too bad as long as you didn't get on her bad side, but Alter Mann...yeah...there was someone Taku had feared in the past. Even his presence was threatening.

      Letting out a sigh, he utilized his parkour once more, jumping to a nearby tree and proceeded to climb down the trunk. Being so close, he was one of the first ones there and he chose his seat wisely, next to Roth of course.

      "Hope this isn't anything like Mugen, eh?"

      Taku paused for a moment for leaning toward Roth in a quiet yet still intense voice.

      "Are you Ready?!"[/font][/color][/ul]

      « Last Edit: Oct 14, 2009 22:57:07 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  
      Ari Karamzov

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      He's back

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      « Oct 14, 2009 23:51:44 GMT -6 »

      OOC: Not very long, sorry, but I was just trying to get a post up, didn't have much in mind. One with my other's coming up soon.

      While Ari was aware that Dragon Dynasty imploded after the incident with Johnson and Kussro, Tiao had neglected to inform the man that his duty as bodyguard had ended in his sudden apathy, so the giant had attended to his job as usual. While the two worked together, they still weren't close, so Ari had never thought to ask his old rival and employer what was wrong, under the impression that Tiao wouldn't tell him anyway. The closest they had come to speaking about it was just when the announcement came down, when the larger man half-seriously asked if Tiao was going to go or stay in class moping. Oddly, he hadn't got a response, so he just shrugged and followed his (ex?) employer to the courtyard for the assembly.

      Unlike Tiao, Ari wasn't much of a stickler for attendance when it came to assemblies, and skipped out on them about as often as he actually sat in. However, much like the previous one that'd been pulled, Ari decided it would be more trouble than it was worth to skip and try to get around whatever shit got stirred up because of it. In the end, he had to stick with Tiao anyway to make sure nobody decided to cause trouble, so he had even less of a choice than usual; if Tiao went, Ari had to, even if only to make sure the man didn't get beaten down before he could do it. Didn't mean he had to like it, but in the long run it was better to stick around and at least find out what the hell everyone wanted.

      Ari wasn't stupid, so he knew quite a few things about this whole deal didn't add up, but as he took the seat behind Tiao's and just to its right he figured there was nothing wrong with observing for now. If nothing else, as time went by he'd have more of an idea of what he was looking at. First all those "MAPP" rumours after the first assembly, people talking about that building, and then most of the Collective administration ending up dead or just vanishing after that tournament... there had to be more to it. No school had that much insanity going on by coincidence.

      Nobody said anything to him, so that left the giant to ponder all the little inconsistencies and things that didn't make sense on his own, while the courtyard slowly filled up. Ari was no Sherlock Holmes, and obviously wasn't able to add everything up, but it kept his mind occupied, and held boredom at bay while he waited for something to happen. After all, last time they tried this, it nearly started a riot; maybe he'd get to crack some heads today.

      The fates must have been feeling ironic, because as soon as he thought this, a particularly obnoxious student showed up and promptly shot his mouth off. The Boston accent, along with the student's frame and general demeanour, tipped Ari off as to this one's identity shortly before Tiao actually identified him: Roth O'Roak, so-called "baddest motherfucker alive" and probably the most annoying person in all of Fremont. Within moments of Tiao Lei Shen's reply to the braggart, Ari remembered that Roth was near the top of his list of people to break at some point in his time here, but the much larger man didn't speak up.

      Instead, he kept his eyes on the back of Roth's head; if the student turned around, he'd find a man who dwarfed even himself staring coldly at him, before offering a grin that was almost too polite and becoming stone-faced almost as soon as he'd offered the smile. The message would be clear: if Roth caused trouble, Ari would give him a free trip to the hospital before Fightmaster could (privately, Ari wondered just what the hell kind of name "Fightmaster" was).

      Despite the clearly implied threat, Ari wouldn't take any action or even move or speak, until another boy climbed down from... well, wherever he'd come from, Ari hadn't seen exactly where. Whoever it was, the student didn't waste any time making a nuisance of himself by sitting next to Roth and stirring up a conversation. Unfortunately for them, this was within earshot of Ari, who had never learned not to butt into the affairs of irritating people.

      "Oi," he said, intentionally cutting them off. "Cut the chatter before I smash your heads together." The giant laughed, but it was short and humourless, more like a bark. "Some of us are actually here for the show."

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      ๖ۣValencia Tiao
      Miss Fortune

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      Now what?

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      « Oct 15, 2009 2:15:59 GMT -6 »

      ((OOC: ::breaks time and space yet again:: ))

      Dagny was not amused. Though scamming was more her thing, she picked up a nasty habit of being a kleptomaniac whenever she was on the Collective grounds and this must be the first real time where she wish wasn't mistaken for a student. “Attendance will be taken and grave consequences will come upon those who skip out” and “The assembly shall begin as soon as everyone is present and accounted for" struck a bad, bad chord with her. She certainly ain't a student in any of the schools. If she sneaks out, odds were that she'll be caught due to the Knox uniform she was wearing—Conspicuous camo is conspicuous. If she stays, how would officials react to an extra, nonexistent student on the roster?

      Die if you do, die if you don't...

      Furthermore, she had a serious case of deja vu going again. At Hircine, she ended up in the middle of at least two getting-shot-at-like-fish-in-a-barrel-esque moments—One in a courtyard and another at an assembly. One led to a catapult into the world of connections and conspiracies, the other was just a very unpleasant experience involving noxious gas. Saying that she didn't want to deal with being “in the wrong place at the wrong time” again would be an understatement. When Roth spoke up though, she couldn't help but morbidly snicker to herself. It provided her some comfort knowing that she wasn't the only one who thought all this was too familiar. The dialogue that followed Roth's comment made her squirm... Not what was said, but who said what. Look, it's Tiao again! And Ari too, but he doesn't know that she's a dead person! Small world... She turned away and began coughing behind her swine flu mask, causing people around her to edge away anxiously. When she stopped, she adjusted her sunglasses looked at the dude onstage.

      I am SO tempted to record footage for the heck of it and later edit it into a techno remix to put onto YouTube. Hmmmmmm... But I don't want to be caught recording things and later subjected against my will to divulge my valuable information again...

      “DeeeeEEEeEEEeeEEE jaaaaAAaaaAAaaa vuuuUUuuuUuu...”

      People around her edged away even more to avoid catching what may be a contagious disease with insanity and horrendous caterwauling as its symptoms.

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      Andy Daws
      Swagger of a Cripple

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      I'm The Bomb. No, literally, I blow stuff up. With my mind and junk.

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      « Oct 15, 2009 12:51:31 GMT -6 »

      (ooc: I'm highly enjoying all the posts concerning me. =D )

      Within mere moments the day had gone from bland, to good, to great. The calling of the assembly was annoying at first. Roth knew in the back of his mind that this was a mass riot waiting to happen, Last time it was relatively small compared to others he had seen and been a part of. But there was just this feeling that at the end of the day nobody would be safe, and everybody would be lost in violence.

      Then came the many good parts. First came the Chinese gangster, Tiao Lei Shen. The man who had taken away Roth's ability to walk for about a week, blew the hell out of his boat, and started a Yakusa investigation on him. Roth knew they were quietly on his trail, but nothing big had happened yet. With a quick calming sigh Roth turned to face him and what he would for now call 'his giant gay lover'.

      "Well well well, if it ain't Tiao Lei Shen. It's been a while."

      Roth looked the shorter man in the eyes as Tiao sat. For now Roth didn't want to start anything with him, or the big man. It was pointless to start the violence now of all times. He knew that one day him and Tiao would face off again, but it would be in a different place and at a different time.

      Then came Taku. The co-founder of their group with the un-official name of Escutcheon-X. A group originally founded to inspire the masses, protect those who couldn't protect themselves, and have some fun. Roth hadn't seen Taku in a while and such the plans for EX slowly stopped.

      "It' doesn't matter if I'm ready!"

      The classic response to Taku's question. These two similar fighters and friends smiled and gave a quick laugh before being quickly interrupted by the Roth wasn't entirely sure where his blood came from but knew that such rudeness and intolerance wouldn't go unnoticed.

      "Hey we're all here for that. 'Til then I'm gunna try and have some fun."

      With that Roth turned his head around back to the stage where the Staff Sergeant stood. Long, tan, and handsome he stood there still waiting for the rest of the herd to settle into the watering hole.

      "So Sergeant! Are you ready!?"

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      « Oct 15, 2009 16:16:06 GMT -6 »

      Does the PA system have to be that loud?

      Connor knew it did, but it still didn't make the noise any more bearable. His class was dismissed immediately, and though some didn't head directly to the courtyard, Connor did. He did not want to be one to be shot at like those at the last assembly, and so he figured he would keep his head low, and stay out of trouble. Easy enough for him. He felt he was pretty forgettable. After all, the only ones who paid him much mind were the bullies who though they had an easy time picking a fight with the blind kid.

      Then, there were a few Connor connected with here. Berlin, who he hadn't seen in a while, Santiago, who was also around somewhere. Maybe. Roth, one of his closer friends, Nicole, and Sylvia. As he headed onto the courtyard, he heard a familiar voice, and a few new ones wishing that the wrestler would shut it.

      Connor chuckled. "Roth, sometimes it is just a good idea to keep quiet and let things play out. Mouthing off like that will only get you hurt." Connor greeted Roth with his friendly smile. His voice, though not booming, still hat the power behind it and the mannerism to cut through conversation. He spoke softly enough so that only those surrounding would hear.

      "Let the events play themselves out. If you manage to piss off enough people, I can guarantee that you'll regret it. You can't take them all." Even with Connor's help, he knew they'd stand little chance if Roth's mouth got them attacked. Connor could feel that here, there were those that knew how to fight. Something in the air was telling him.

      He managed to find a spot nearby Roth, and a figure who would be familiar to him should she speak or look up. Well, that would be if the girl remembered him. They had held a great conversation the other day, and he wouldn't even mind if she called him the 'Nice Blind Guy.' Maybe, just maybe, she would even recognize his voice.

      For the time being, Connor would listen, and find out what this was about. That, and maybe he'd manage to keep Roth from getting pummeled by everyone else around him.

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      « Oct 15, 2009 21:41:17 GMT -6 »

      Melysa had disappeared for a while. She wasn't fond of this place... yet it was the only school that would take her.
      Her first visit of the school grounds had ended with her hospitalization, yet once again. It seemed this girl spent more time in a hospital then anywhere else.

      To recap her first day, Melysa had walked around the school along side her kitty-cat Chouchoune, who ended up getting Mel in serious trouble. A jock tried to enforce the law of 'no pets allowed', which ended up deepening the fracture inside her right wrist. This had added a couple of weeks to the wearing of the cast..... Yet again struck by great luck....
      Mel's weakness were also revealed after getting beaten up on that day. She had known that her strengths weren't godlike, but hadn't figured out that her weaknesses were so.... well..... weak.

      Since that second injury, Melysa had spent even more time in solitude. The only person, or thing, she would allow around her was that o-so-loved gray cat. Following her recovery,the girl spent two weeks hitting the gym and running around town, getting to know the place a little better, at 5:00 am. Wasn't a lot of people around at this time, just as she liked it.

      Buffing up her muscles and acquiring more stamina now seemed vital to her. She wanted to become stronger... She had a thirst for power; yet would not gain these strength in hope of beating down people... She would buff up just to make sure that next time, she wouldn't get beaten down so easily...

      And now here she was, standing in front the main entrance, glaring at the scene that unfolded in front of her. Her first tightened, a quick smile flashed across her lips as she now held her cat's leash with her right hand, oh how she had missed using that hand.
      Hard headed, isn't she? Getting in trouble for walking her cat around the school once, and now she repeats the same thing. Hopefully no jerks would be around to bother her, and nothing special would happen.

      And since luck always seemed to turn on her, a voice echoed through the speakers hung all over the place. A few minutes later, people began rushing out of school and gathered in a large group. Melysa quickly bent down and picked up Chouchoune from the ground, who seemed overwhelmed by so many people. That cat was only used to being around Melysa.... Though moments later the cat began to feel comfertable again and purred in Melysa's arms. A girl actually stepped forward and commented on the kitty, then triedto pet it's head.
      Wrong move.
      Melysa took a few steps back, eyes staring through the girl's skull.

      The girl, in shock, simply sighed and turned to her group. Melysa caught her words as that blonde girl seemed to speak loud enough for Mel to hear clearly. "Why are there so many freaks here?..."

      Freak..... J'men calisse de ste tu pense! (((As if I care what you think....!)))

      Backing away from the crowd, Melysa overlooked the males that would smile at her and would ignore the glares given by their girlfriends. Melysa was very attractive, which weirdly enough she did not appreciate... Cause you know....

      It brought attention...

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      « Oct 15, 2009 22:38:42 GMT -6 »

      "Trithardt, Richard."


      "Good, we'll begin today's lesson with-"

      And that's when the P.A. system turned on and filled the class with a rather unknown voice for the Fremont freshmen. Much like himself they were all new to the school, and only a handful had actually heard of SSgt Fightermaster. Heh, Fightermaster, what a silly last name. Regardless the teacher, an elder gentlemen who'd been practicing far to long, put down his chalk and turned around with a few extra stutter steps as the kink in his back seemed to become all to apparent.

      "Alright. File out, no skipping class, and stay together. I'll be doing another attendance once I get out there."

      For the most part the students didn't seem to hear him, as they rushed from the room, some hooting and hollering, unknown to the rumors and actions that had previously fallen on the school. Richard knew nothing of them either, but he didn't understand why the school needed to gather for something that apparently could be told to them all at once through the P.A. It baffled his mind how adults seemed to take the simplest actions and make them complicated, but he also assumed they had their reason. If he was to introduce someone then it'd be better for everyone to see them, would it not?

      Nevertheless he made his way out of the classroom, his teacher just a few steps behind as he didn't make haste towards the exit everyone else was taking. Opening the door leading outside he held it for his teacher whom looked down at his list and put up another check besides his name for attendance. Being a bit of a snoop, as what boy wasn't at 15, Richard caught this and smirked to himself. He didn't have any new friends in that class, so he found it best to go out on his own rather then be annoyed by their high energy and... 'youthfulness.'

      By the time he arrived most of the chairs set up had already been taken. He sighed inwardly as he looked for the closest possible seat. He glanced from front to back, noticing more rows being opened the further back they got. Breaking off into a slight jog he made his way towards the first vacant seat that he saw, which sat along the edge roughly 5 in from the back. He was about ten feet away when he felt something give way on his left foot.

      Forcibly he stumbled, hopped, skipped, slide and SAFE! landed on the seat with a bit of a rocking motion, bumping shoulders with the student neck to him, which he quickly apologized for and looked back for what he tripped over. He saw a semi-thick, half box half circle shaped object casually laying on the ground. Lifting up his left shoe he glanced at the heel and scoffed to himself. The glue didn't seem to work as well as the label mentioned, leaving him heelless.

      Mustering the energy to get out of his seat he had only moved a few steps away to grab his piece of shoe, but when he turned back someone was already sitting down. Another inward sigh and he calmly walked back a few more rows, three from the back, and shuffled along a small group of people before sitting down four from the end.

      'Lots of murmuring, when's the announcement?'

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      « Oct 16, 2009 14:05:24 GMT -6 »

      Maria seriously did not want to go to this 'meeting' or any sort of meeting for that matter. So she had resolved not to go, that is until she saw the few people standing there or sitting down. It was quite uncomfortable not being there actually. So she took a deep breath, sighed, braced her shoulders for any shoving and walked into the area keeping an eye out for trouble makers.

      The courtyard was crammed with a grand total of... fifteen people whose names she might actually know. Might. How exciting. A man she took to be the Sergeant was standing at a sort of podium wearing a smile.

      At least somebody is happy, she thought to herself. She was sure she knew several of these people but didn't go and mingle. Instead she kept off to the side and sat down on the courtyard ground, brushing dirt off her clothes as they wrinkled.

      She glanced around yet again, from the looks of it a fight might break out if these people are kept waiting too long. As much as she enjoys a good show, this did not seem the place or time to get into it. She had a bad feeling about today but shrugged it off as nerves.

      What happens, happens.

      Slowly the tears streamed down her cheeks, and she didn't take notice until they seemed to caress her lips. Startled she wiped them away and gave a nervous giggle then suddenly stopped. She didn't understand the reason for her crying until she realized she was remembering her father who died a long time ago.

      She shook her head clearing her mind of the unnecessary thoughts and waited until the assembly began. She hoped it would soon or she might cry again, or fall asleep. Whichever came first.

      ((OOC: GAH! I feel so silly having such a short post!))

      « Last Edit: Oct 17, 2009 8:06:09 GMT -6 by hart » Back to Top  

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      « Oct 18, 2009 18:09:03 GMT -6 »

      "Twelve bucks!? You gotta be kidding me!"

      I looked in the near empty 5 gallon bucket of loose change. The small silver coins barley covered the bottom as I let out a long disappointed sigh. I was taking a few minutes extra of my piss break to examine the bucket for the Samoan Tsunami relief. I was pissed and annoyed at the small funds as the announcement rang throughout the school.

      "Students of Fremont and O'Hare, and Soldiers of Knox, this is Staff Sergeant Fightmaster. In light of recent events, you are all to attend an impromptu assembly in the courtyard in front of John C. Fremont Hall. This is a required assembly, attendance will be taken and grave consequences will come upon those who skip out. The assembly shall begin as soon as everyone is present and accounted for."

      At first I thought nothing of it. I just started to mumble under my breath and slowly walk my large body to the outter yards of the school.

      "When a Tsunami hits Indonesia everyone freaks out, but when the same thing happens in our own soil nobody gives two shits..."

      Thats when it all hit me. The memories from the last assembley. The girl I had tried to save, the boy who tried to smash me with a chair to little avail. Now it seemed like something worse would happen. A good chunk of teachers in the high-up were missing and now it seemed as if some omen were upon us all. Before I knew it I was at the assembly where something seemed to already be taking place.

      Roth, two of what he believed were his friends, a large white man with a smaller Chinese guy were already starting to go at it. Something told me that I didn't want to get into that...atleast not yet.

      At the very end of the front row was a small curled up girl. There was a seat at the very end where see was that I would end up taking. I looked at the stage, and then the girl when she began to speak. She had a raspy voice and then began to sneeze, and then apologize.

      "Don't worry it's not a problem. It's a nice seat to get away from the idiots in the middle over there."

      I then looked over at the commotion. I shook my head and then looked down at the girl trying to maybe start up some small talk before the show started up.

      "I'm Afano, it's Samoan. It's nice to meet you."

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      « Oct 18, 2009 18:29:37 GMT -6 »

      Aleece had just happened to be looking around as more and more students of the collective piled in to the meeting place, milling about and mingling. Of course she was relatively to herself at the moment but she didn't mind it any other way, her furtive glance landed on the center of the stage behind the podium, a man in a black suit and unmistakable, Fightmaster. It was just the get up that made her lips press down into a frown. Was he trying to take over and be another headmaster clone? Especially with the sunglasses and cell phone..

      She had the brief passing thought that it didn't suit him, at all - from a military stand point and what she had grown used to seeing any other time here or there. She supposed it was none of her concern what his personal fashion was though and she let her eyes start wondering again, her arms coming up to cross under her chest as she settled back more in her seat. It was the sight of a class coming in that caught her attention and the recognizable form of Richard. With a small breath of amusement she watched him stumble a little and lose...the heel of his shoe?

      Catching her bottom lip in between her teeth she watched him retrieve it and take a seat again, doing her best to keep her grin down before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a packet of gum. Unwrapping it she popped the winter green mint stick into her mouth and balled the small aluminum wrapper between her fingers. Leaning forward she chewed, seeing as how she had a clear shot to the back of his head she took aim right at her intended target.

      It was little different then shooting a basketball, so she tossed the small piece of trash at Richard and watched as it bounced off of him, if he felt it and turned around to look she would catch his attention by giving a small wave. If not...she was sure she could find something heavier, but she really didn't want to move up from her seat. Aleece found the back the safest place to be in these group settings.

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      « Oct 18, 2009 19:14:13 GMT -6 »

      Ari could barely contain his glee, in a vastly sarcastic sense, when he heard that he would be required to attend a collective assembly. He cared so little, but the sense of solitude he craved at the moment was already shattered as students flooded around him from either side of the hall, marching over to the assembly.

      Yawning he rubbed his eyes, having not slept well as he had spent the night attempting to quietly convince his handler that he needed the security recording from the past few nights. Of course convincing even his own flesh and blood would've been no easy task, and it was not much a surprise when the call ended with little more then a headache gained.

      As he approached the assembly his headache was trying hard to pull him from his drowsy state. Out of laziness or habit he decided to settle himself into one of the back seats. Ari shuffled to the left, bumping his hip into something when he thumped down into a seat, leaning to the side, his ear landing on a warm shoulder.

      Ari didn't bother to guess who he was resting on, although many would likely count themselves lucky that his head ended up on Aleece's shoulder. Wearing a heavy jacket and jeans he looked smaller then he should, as much of his mass was muscle hidden easily in the thick folds of cloth.

      "What's this all about?" He asked carelessly, fearing not the shoulder he rested on, or any other about him.

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      « Oct 19, 2009 1:35:58 GMT -6 »

      It was awkward as he tried to bring his left foot up to his right knee in order to look at the overall damage. It wasn’t enough that he knew the glue hadn’t sealed the two pieces together, it was as though by looking at both broken objects he’d magically conjure up an idea to fuse them back together then and there on the spot. But all he really did was bump legs with a few people and hunch over his lap while examining his shoe, turning it at weird angles considering it was still attached to his foot. He heard the girl next to him grimace at the sound of his ankle cracking, which he could only apologize for while he reluctantly put his foot back down.

      And that’s when it hit him.

      Literally, that’s when the small bundled up gum wrapper bounced off the back of his head. If this had been out of school then he wouldn’t have felt it due to his habit of wearing hats. But out in the collective campus where it was mandatory for him to wear his uniform along with the fact that his hair was buzz-cut short, yeah, he felt the tiny trash hit him and bring about mild confusion. That’s when he put on the look, a cross between ‘deer in the headlights’ and ‘ouch, I just bumped my head.’

      Turning in his seat he made an over exaggerated motion to look behind him, turning enough so that both hands grabbed hold of the chairs back as he stared by the row of heads behind him and saw the only face he recognized from re-occurring meetings. Aleece Fontecilla, the Knox Junior who’d helped him out on his first day. Seeing her small wave his mind melted and his body reacted with a wave of its own, a bit goofy looking as he seemed to lose control of his wrists, his hand flopping back and forth a couple of times before he stopped and, still clutching his heel, got up from his chair and made his way out of the aisle and around to the back of the back row. He didn’t need a seat anymore, so instead he walked up to Aleece’s shoulder – the one not being used as a headrest – and squatted down while smiling.

      “Hey, Long time huh?” Sarcasm: the lowest form of whit, but a fifteen year olds main source of jokes.

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      « Oct 19, 2009 7:41:08 GMT -6 »

      "Arrgghh, fucking assembly..."

      JT stumbled into the courtyard area, bare feet dragging and eyes even bloodier and blurrier than usual. His uniform pants were covered in dust and his jacket was lazily tossed over his shoulder. His wild, bleach blond hair was matted down in the back and sticking out like an anime character everywhere else. His dress shirt was unbuttoned and open, exposing a thickly muscled torso that also sported a brand new laceration, a broken bottle attack from the night before, the wound stretching from right chest to left ribcage, still weeping blood slightly. JT was late and, for once, quiet and reserved, keeping away from the main body of the crowd. His head pounded and his temper was on a knife's edge.

      Yup, the mad dog of The Collective was hungover and still half drunk.

      Normally JT was careful to be at least mildly sober before heading into school. Being drunk was fun and fighting drunk was fun, but kicking ass sober was much better. He could appreciate the blood splatters more. But this time was different. Late last night he had been contacted by his 'masters', the men who had kidnapped him and sent him to the Collective to act as an agent of destruction. He had been told that a serious shakeup was going on at the school, something that was making his masters very happy. So happy in fact that they had pulled a few strings and gotten JT elected as something, what that was they refused to explain. "Needless to say," they had quipped, "it's not something you'd ever get on your own. But if you play your cards right, you'll get all the blood and power and pussy you desire."

      Which soon afterwards led to copious, obscene amounts of alcohol consumption, roughly two entire tequila bottles' worth. This was cause for both celebration and depression: good news and bad news to JT. Good news that it sounded like he was going to have some more fun at the school's expense. Bad news because JT was being used again, and he hated to be used by anybody. But knowing he had no real say in the matter he drowned his fears in liquid courage the entire night, waking up in his campsite to the blaring assembly announcement earlier that morning and somehow making his way across campus.

      Now he was finally here, leaning heavily against a retaining wall next to him and trying to focus his eyes on the man at the front of the crowd. "Let's get this shit ooooovverr with already..."

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      « Oct 19, 2009 10:54:00 GMT -6 »

      Aleece nearly jumped out of her skin at the feel of someone plopping down next to her and pump into her hip and shoulder, followed promptly by the heavy weight of someones head. She had been paying attention to the youth in front of her and the small smile she had, had for Richard was replaced by mild shock. Her heart seemed to want to skid at an unnatural pace in her chest at the sudden appearance, but she breathed out probably a little more forcefully then needed when she heard Ari's voice. Uncrossing an arm Aleece touched a hand to her chest briefly, frowning to herself at the way she had reacted.

      Shaking her head Aleece looked to the side for a moment, glancing out of the corner of her eye almost awkwardly to see him resting there before looking forward to see Richard getting up. She took that moment to answer him, quietly, her light mood somewhat evaporating into something a little more somber, but on a subconscious level. "I have no idea...but I can guarantee its not going to be good news," she offered a little cynically, quietly seeing as how the space between them was...very little.

      When Richard popped up on her other side squatting down, the same small smile as before was replaced on her face, even surprising her how quick she was able to switch. With a small laugh at his sarcasm. "Oh yeah, its been a while," she returned, settling back against the chair and refolding her arms, jostling Ari's head in the process more then likely. It was then she really took notice he wasn't sitting properly in a seat and she turned to look at him, consequently now eye level. "Hey you want I can move down a seat?"

      She was completely prepared to bump the guy next to her down a seat or to to make room.

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      « Oct 19, 2009 14:33:05 GMT -6 »

      "Bless you."

      Standing on the opposite side of Mae-Lim from Afano, Seth Calloway would smile charmingly towards the sick girl, dressed in his formal attire as he was so often these days. He didn't expect a particularly happy reception from her, as really, she'd never acted particularly happy towards anyone. Nor did he expect any sort of positive behavior from "Afano", considering how Seth and Will had crashed his party a few months ago. If such things bothered him, however, Seth wouldn't show it, opting instead to reach inside his pocket and pull out a handkerchief, which he would proceed to offer to Mae-Lim.

      "Here you are, my dear. A small token of apology, since I'm sure you missed me."

      For the moment, it would seem Seth was ignoring Afano, opting instead to sit down next to Mae-Lim and drape his arm over her shoulders. Usually, the sick girl wouldn't allow him to get away with such behavior, but Seth was relying on her her subdued nature due to her illness to let him be reassuring in such a manner. Leaning forward slightly, Seth would extend his free arm towards Afano, a clear gesture that he was looking for a handshake, while remarking;

      "I'm Seth. It's universal for 'party pooper'. Nice to meet you."

      Regardless of whether Afano shook his hand or not, Seth would pull his hand back, sitting fully in his chair once more. He was positive both Will and Wolf were somewhere in the crowd, giving him something to work with if this assembly were to take an entertaining turn. Nero, of course, was likely sulking in his room, unhappy with the direction Seth had been taking things thus far. Not that it particularly mattered; eventually, he'd come around, Seth was sure.

      "So. Have I missed anything, yet?"

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      « Oct 19, 2009 15:09:23 GMT -6 »

      OOC: This come back is probably really going to suck. To I'm still sicky poo and I'm just trying to chime in here asap. So yea. *Sleeps after post*

        My first day back and already an assembly. How I hated school assembly. Hell I often hated going to meetings sometimes, I just rather be doing something else for the most part. But I decided to come regardless of how much I was displeased by it. There was so much more I needed to do today and I would hope this wouldn't up all the time. My father would probably kill me if I was late. Despite the fact that he wanted me to come here, using this assembly as an excuse would not be acceptable to him regardless of his love for me. Ironically my look was a lot more casual elegance than business, sexy or upper class. Then again anything I wore I felt sexy in, I think any woman that was comfortable with herself would. It's not about being conceded, it's really about being comfortable with who you are and your body; not many women have that confidence that they well deserve and should.

        I wore a unique Chinese character jacket, with a smile white tank top underneath. A pair of denim jeans and knee high boots completed the look. Yea I wasn't wearing the typical uniform for the simple fact I had just entered the grounds when I heard the announcement. Instead of having my curly locs out as I normally did, I kept it pushed back into a curly ponytail. I sighed to myself as I made my way through the crowd, considering about taking a seat in the back there was a very familiar face that brought a smile upon my lips. Tiao Lei Shen. And it was to him that I made my way toward, ironically an empty seat next to him. But I would approach him from behind before taking a seat. My hands being placed on his shoulders, he already seemed agitated from what I noticed with another male. Ah wait, I knew that male. Roth I believe his name was. Back to Tiao my voice would be playful as I dropped my head down towards his ear.

        "Is the kitty angry?"

        A soft chuckle left my lips. I could've said tiger as he told me he was called, but where was the fun in that? My lips pecked his temple playfully as I walked around to the front of him talking the empty seat by him. My natural blues looking at him with a smile, ignoring Roth's antics.

        "You shouldn't let someone like that get under your skin, darlin'... Or are you just frustrated because I've been MIA?"

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