Lace on Race Café: Chef's Table Self-Evaluation
Chef’s Table at Lace on Race is a forum for walkers who are ready to work deeper, harder, and faster in service to our North Star.
Many think of “Chef’s Table” as a privileged dining experience, but at Lace on Race Café, ours is a sturdy work table in the kitchen, under the supervision of "Executive Chef" Lace Watkins. At Chef's Table, we strengthen our skills at cooking up racial justice with such ingredients as praxis, relational ethics, kind candor, and more. We serve our fare in the Café Bistro, and at tables in our homes, workplaces, and communities; and we support and challenge each other to always improve and increase our skills in greater service to our goal.
Those accepted to Chef’s Table will have demonstrated relentless reliability; resilience with lumpy crossings; dedicated financial engagement (of any capacity); and high levels of community participation. Every walker interested in Chef’s Table will need to submit this self-evaluation, but most importantly, Lace needs to be satisfied that you are ready for this level of both work and community. She’ll never say no, but you may hear, “not yet”; if that’s the case, be assured that she’ll let you know what needs a bit more cooking.