Free humanist/atheist activist Abdel Aziz Mohamed Albaz

Free humanist/atheist activist Abdel Aziz Mohamed Albaz

January 16, 2013
Petition to
Government of Kuwait
This petition made change with 5,823 supporters!

Why this petition matters

Started by Najat Kessler

Who is BenBaz?

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Abdul Aziz Mohamed El Baz, aka BenBaz, Egyptian, living & working in Kuwait, Born on 1985 in Kuwait. Aziz holds a Bachelor Degree in commerce Division of the English language and worked as an accountant until his arrest.

What happened to BenBaz?

BenBaz has been thrown in jail by the Kuwaiti Government since December 31, 2012. On February 7, 2012, he was sentenced by the same Kuwaiti Government for one year in jail plus forced labor, plus a fine, plus deportation from Kuwait.

The Kuwaiti Government charged BenBaz with contempt of religions & attempting to spread atheism, they have sentenced BenBaz for peacefully writing his views in a blog where he explained the benefits of secular values.

Why was BenBaz arrested?

The Mirrors of the Gulf Company owner, where BenBaz worked, reported BenBaz to Kuwaiti Authorities as a blasphemer

Why did his employer report him for blasphemy? 

Because BenBaz planned to leave his company The Mirrors of the Gulf and join another firm. Aziz was not happy about the low wages he was paid, and he told his employer who informed the police about Aziz blog, accusing BenBaz of contempt of religions and blasphemy. All of which was retaliation against BenBaz for wanting to improve his income and advance his career.

What are the evidence against BenBaz?

  • Excerpts from articles by the Egyptian writer Alaa Al Aswany plublished on his blog
  • A graphic depicting Abraham about to slay his son, a current image in the Western media
  • Excerpts of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "All human beings are born free ......"

Here is a link to BenBaz's blog:

Why is this important?

Aziz is in prison simply because he holds atheistic, humanistic, and secular views.

Whether you are an Atheist or a Muslim or a Christian, nobody deserves to be jailed or punished for having atheistic views. He did not hurt anybody. He did not steal, he did not assault anyone, he did not vandalize someone's property. He is simply a well articulated gentle soft spoken Egyptian Atheist who speaks his mind. He expressed himself peacefully writing a rather gentle blog. We need your help to pressure the Kuwaiti government to release him from this unjust imprisonment.

What can you do to help?

We need your help to get the words out, gather support for this peaceful atheist humanist activist

  • Tweet hastag: #FreeBenBaz
  • If you can organize a protest in front of Kuwait Embassy or Consulate if there is one in your city let us know and we will help you. Join the FreeBenBazProtest community page on Facebook:
  • Please help us by making videos, writing in your blogs, writing articles, calling the media, calling your representatives, etc,

Help us free BenBaz!

In Arabic by Ahmed El-Dib [تم القبض على عبد العزيز محمد الباز يوم 31 ديسمبر 2012 ، بوشاية من صاحب الشركة التى كان يعم بها، حيث كان عبد العزيز يعتزم ترك العمل بشركة مرايا الخليج والإلتحاق بشركة أخرى، لتدنى المرتب، ولكن صاحب العمل نكاية فيه أبلغ الشرطة عن عبد العزيز وإتهمه بإزدراء الأديان لمعاقبته على تجرؤه على طلب ترك العمل ورغبته فى تحسين وضعه الوظيفى.الأدلة المقدمة ضد عبد العزيز بتهمة إزدراء الأديان هى:-مقتطفات من مقالات للكاتب المصرى الدكتور علاء الأسوانىصورة لسيد إبراهيم وهو يذبح أبنه وهى صورة متداولة فى الإعلام الغربىمقتطفات من الإعلان العالمى لحقوق الإنسان " جميع الناس يولدون أحرارا......"

الخلاصة أن عبد العزيز إتهم بإزدراء الأديان لدفاعه عن القيم العلمانية كاساس لتطور المجتمعات العربية.]

Thank YOU!


This petition made change with 5,823 supporters!

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Decision Makers

  • Government of Kuwait