Ansteorran Heraldic and Scribal Class Submission Form
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Class Title *
Teacher's SCA Name *
Teacher's Mundane Name *
Teacher's E-mail *
Teacher's Phone Number *
Local SCA Branch *
Is your class for the Heraldry Track or the Scribal Track? *
Class Description *
What is the subject of your class? What will you be covering? Note: If you feel your student should have basic knowledge or experience prior to this, what should they know?
Class Size Limit? *
If you have a limited attendance preference, please list that here. If you do not, say NO LIMIT.
Age Limitations? *
Class Length *
How long is your class?
Class Length - "Other" Explanation
If your class is longer than two hours, please explain why.
Supplies and Fees? *
Will you be providing supplies? If not, what supplies will students need to bring? Please note here also how much of a fee there will be if you plan to charge for supplies. If no supplies or fees are needed, please say NO SUPPLIES. NO FEES.
Needs? *
Please check any of the following you will need for your class.
Tables and Chairs?
If you said you needed table space, please indicate here how many tables you anticipate you will need.
Time Preferences *
Please note your time availability below (times are estimates at present to show range). There will be space on the next question to explain/elaborate. Please check all that apply.
Time Preference Elaboration
If you have a strong time preference, please explain here in more detail. Also, please include any time considerations that might effect availability (long morning drive, other classes, etc).
Any information you feel we need that is not asked for on this form? Please add it here!
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