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Maharishi the Demaon Mara

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Mar 7, 2005, 10:08:56 PM3/7/05
From: John Manning
Subject: Big Brother TM org
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2002-02-02 17:54:40 PST

I agree with Kirk in most of his perceptions, not only with his expose'
on Maharishi which I'm reposting here, but on the other stuff that he

Kirk is finding it 'for himself' after apparent horrendous experiences.
TMers, especially within the TM org, just 'follow orders'.

Your 'intellect', Judy will not carry you. And as you attempt to
condemn others for their sincere views 'intellectually' and with
'debating skills', you will be seen eventually as completely who you
are. The most horribly painful part will not be that others see you. It
will be that you see yourself.

John Manning

NOW Kirk's post:

Maharishi is Mara the demon of illusion.

When Maharishi crowned a king and started to press his own currency he
made a mockery of the dharma. He sheds a blinding blackness. Yes TM was
based on the techniques and bija mantras of Tripur Sundari which will
always transform the mind into the universal mother Shakti. They
cannot be abused because they will always take one to transcendence
because of the loving kindness of Devi. But that is all Maharishi ever
really knew from his only teacher Swami Brahmananda Saraswati.

Maharishi has shot towards the moon. He was only one degree off at the
start and now he is thousands of miles off from nearing the goal of
true enlightment for himself and you - his followers. There is only
deep space now in front of you and you must return to this world before
you are lost in black space.

By converting the seal of enlightenment - mahamudra, instead into a
stamp of currency he has shown his true design, to ensnare all those
who want to be enlightened and corrupt them away from liberation. By
equating every element of the TM Organization with money he is the
living mockery of the Holy Tradition.

He stands for everything perverted in the entire universe.

To go figure, why pay a million dollars for enlightenment when a
hundred or thousand or five thousand wasn't enough? Will a million
cover it yet? Or 108 million? The answer is still no!

Maharishi is blinding people with the darkness of his path by saying
that all is Brahman. If this is so then listen to me! I am also

I tell you you have been asleep while demon Mara has been making great
plans for you.

Waste no more money on lies and double dealings. You must now wake up
or go follow your master down the long slide into a very thick
blackness that will take you thousands of countless eons to escape. Did
you try so hard for enlightenment just to be thrust down at the final

Maharishi again, is Mara, the illusionist, his dreams are those of the
ego alone and not of a holy man. Reason, not superstition is a gift
from God, and a divinely human ability. Use your reason now and discern
the truth. Money is not God! That is a lie and a mortal lie. This
currency or stamp or seal or mudra is the stamp of Mara.

Mara tempted Shakyamuni Buddha but Shakyamuni overcame the will to
power. Jesus was tempted by Satan and said, "Get behind me!" Maharishi
has believed that he is above all other masters and able to control you
- the new Vatican which he has created. His ego is that strong. No
master will ever take a throne because the throne is the nest of Mara.

Your Guru Dev tried not to take the throne of Shankaracharya for many
many years in the way of true humility. Do you doubt that Maharishi has
a huge and vacuous ego as huge as Ravana's?

Look at any TM publication and see his name a hundred times on it.
Enough is enough, or is it?

Maharishi has fallen, and will continue to fall. Very near his end of
life you will observe him and wonder who this man really is. Because
too late you will know the truth of hubris. Near his end watch the act
crumble and watch his greed and clinging attachment to life and his
fiefdom come out.

You will see it on his face. Watch when the money you paid by the
barrel disappears and cannot be found. 40,000 pundits? Hahaha, that is
the biggest lie yet and if he got them he would never see them in this
life because he has been exiled from India and cannot ever set foot
back on Bharat's soil! Nor on America's!

Nor anywhere because he is universally wanted by the law. But he cannot
hide from his "Natural Law" and it has raised him very high to watch
him plummet fast and far down into the abyss. That is also a "natural

Maharishi easily could have accomplished Heaven on Earth through TM
alone! With groups of thousands of his early and forgotten meditators
he could have filled the skies with joy but instead he kept eluding you
all with new promises and crafty new plans to fill his wallet with your

And now what of the precious "purity of the teaching?" Many TM Govenors
are running from the TM Movement and teaching TM for a small price
because they see the crudeness of your ruler. Maharishi is scaring off
all the real spiritual types among you so that at the end only the most
blind and ego crusted will be left. Then Mara will have you. But
remember that even then you can open your eyes and see how utterly
wrong he is.

Don't ever lose faith in your higher power even though fifteen thousand
studies have been done by "science" to prove the deception that TM
isn't religion. It is a religion of confusion and deception.

Look within and see if you have any faith at all in Maharishi. Would he
reach out in loving compassion and save your soul if you were in dire
need? I'll let you answer that for yourselves. He didn't save Kurly
King, or Skip Alexander, or Doug Henning, or George Harrison, or
Charlie Lutes, or the Verrils or anyone. He never even thanked any of
these people for helping him.

And all the time he supposedly had the means - yagyas, ayurveda,
jyotish, and TM Sidhis and more. Or did he? He hasn't saved India
either which is on the brink of nuclear war. He hasn't saved anyone, or
anything except his own money. He is worth three to four billion
dollars. It's time he pays for his own group of 40,000 pundits instead
of pocketing your money.

Maharishi relishes his world victory - his "Global Government" and
mocks Krishna, Rama, and India and all it scriptures by making a new
King Rama which he has no right to do. Moreover, he has in his Raam
Mudra equated God with money. This is a blindingly obvious move of the
demon Mara. If you cannot see this then you are blind and do not
deserve to have your eyes opened in this lifetime.

Why can you all not see that the TM Movement has become a mockery to
humanity itself? Poor people in India feel even worse now when
confronted by Maharishi and his TM because it has been built up to be
so wonderful and they cannot afford it! In fact noone can afford it!

Maharishi has made his cash by turning the mantra OM into a negative to
peddle his stolen Tripur Sundari mantras and techniques. And this when
%95 of all mantras in all sadhanas begin with this divine word. He
therefore has deprived many householder sadhus of peace of mind.

Maharishi mocks democracy and freedom by trying to crown an emperor and
make a return to feudal rules of caste and creed. Are you not for the
US Constitution? The greatest document of human rights in recorded
history? Do you like British colonialism? Or worse, a Hitlerian
materialism of racial
"purity"? Take a look at the highest realm of the TM Movement, how many
women, how many blacks, jews, and other minorities are at the top
making the decisions?

Maharishi is an obvious tyrant. Have you ever seen him act from charity
and give something to someone downtrodden and poor? No! He has not! He
merely takes your money and gives you even more desires and dreams. The
TM techniques work because Maharishi didn't create them, but he has
used something great to snare you, and then built a huge tower of lies
upon that foundation. It all sounds so reasonable until you see the
equation with money and greed. That is the key.

He is Mara I tell you. Get out fast like the house is on fire. Before
it's too late!

- Kirk Bernhardt MIU Class of '87"

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