After the Storm

We had a first class storm last week. It was a ferocious storm with a lot of wind and hail damage.

I live on the 5th level of an apartment block in Applecross, Western Australia. It is the top floor with a lot of glass and when it hit I was genuinely concerned that a lot of my window glass would give way, but it held. I was so preoccupied with it’s ferocity that I didn’t even take any pictures.

The following day I went out into the bay in front of the apartment and a boat had dragged it’s mooring and ended up stranded on shore but the sky had those amazing after storm clouds.

This image is an HDR taken about 06:30am as the sun was rising. The water was clam but the sky showed some of the storm aftermath.

I took pictures of this boat for the next week until it was finally taken back to its mooring.

After the Storm

~ by Rob Lewis on April 6, 2010.

5 Responses to “After the Storm”

  1. Nice composition Rob

  2. wow. that sky looks wild

  3. Hi Rob,

    I love that sky, there is just so much drama happening in it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


  4. Rob,

    I stumbled across your blog while surfing on Google images. I am so happy I did! Your work is phenomenal. I think I sat here looking at this picture alone for a good 10 minutes. The depth, the lighting, the perfect reflection…. just awe inspiring!

    I have book marked you and will definitely be back to see more!

    Take care,

  5. Just stunning. What a sky! Have you posted the series of photos of the boat? I am looking for good painting subjects and my hunt is for storms, at the moment.

    The Photo you have posted here is just extraordinary and sent shivers up my spine. Congratulations on a beautiful work.


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