Audio From Aaron Walker / Brett Kimberlin Peace Order Hearing

This would be funnier if it weren’t so serious. Someone got the audio of Brett Kimberlin’s peace order hearing against Walker — the one that ending up getting Walker arrested for writing.

Amazing to listen to. Every journalist should be freaking out about this. Brett Kimberlin lies an awful lot, even for a convicted perjurer. The judge clearly doesn’t understand either Twitter or the First Amendment or even the basic facts of the case.


  1. Do you have a transcript, my Windows boxen are updatin, so no audio ftm i wanna get on this quickly. After Some Bidden bashing

  2. Since the judge clearly has no tech knowledge of how the Internet or social media works, he should recuse himself from the case.

  3. It goes beyond the judges ignorance of the internet. The judge has no interest in hearing the facts of
    the case or the backround leading up to it. First he asks Walker to tell him why he’s publicizing
    Kimberlin’s past but he doesn’t really want to hear, and get’s mad when Walker tries to tell him. The judge is arrogant.

    He get’s annoyed when the little people like Aaron Walker feel that the courts belong to the people and are
    our way to acheive justice in a civil society.

    Such petty lives we all live. We need to stop bothering the important judge with facts. He already
    knows the facts. In fact he already knew the “facts” when he walked into the courtroom. Court is
    just a forum for him to show his inferiors how much smarter he is than the rest of us. Which ever
    party that does more to throw him off that narrative is the party that’s going to loose in his court room.

  4. Is there no appeal? Where are, the USSR?



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