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‘Self-chilling’ drinks can launched, cooled by CO2

A US firm claims to have launched the world’s first ‘cool on demand’ beverage can, cooled by CO2

US technology firm the Joseph Company International has unveiled an energy drink in what it claims is the worlds first self-chilling can, featuring a heat exchanger and cooled using carbon dioxide. West Coast Chill is a new drink devised to be sold in a can which uses Joseph’s ChillCan technology, whereby a refrigerant is released from a separate compartment in the can at the press of a button.

The ChillCan concept was originaly released to rave reviews almost 20 years ago, using R134a as its refrigerant. Although it won a number of awards, including one from the US army, the ChillCan was eventually withdrawn on the verge of a supply deal with Pepsi, because of concerns at the HFC content. Now almost a decade of R&D later, Joseph says it has completed the approvals necessary for using the natural refrigerant.

Although the firm is keeping the precise technology under wraps, its patents are believed to include a novel heat exchanger and the vortex dissipation of the gas, which is kept under pressure in a compartment at the bottom of the can.

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