Democrats say Romney TV ad is misleading
Gingrich would teach online from White House

Palin said to have ticked off Fox News chief

By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY

Sarah Palin reportedly angered Fox News chief Roger Ailes by not announcing she wasn't going to run for president on the network that pays her to be a contributor.

New York magazine is reporting the dispute between the former 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee and the Fox News boss. Ailes was said to be "infuriated" and "livid" that Palin announced her decision on Oct. 5 against a 2012 White House bid on Mark Levin's radio show.

"I paid her for two years to make this announcement on my network," Ailes reportedly told Fox Executive Vice President Bill Shine, according to the magazine story.

Palin gave a follow-up interview to Greta Van Susteren of Fox. The story says "sources described the episode on condition of anonymity, given the sensitivity of the relationships."

Palin joined Fox in January 2010 as part of a multiyear deal to provide political commentary and analysis to the network's various news programs.

Democrats say Romney TV ad is misleading
Gingrich would teach online from White House
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