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Apple Readying 'Products That Will Blow Your Mind'

Updated Mar 1, 2012, 03:37pm EST
This article is more than 10 years old.

Apple's Tim Cook, addressing shareholders for the first time since he took over as CEO from Steve Jobs in August, said today the company will introduce mind-blowing products this year.

"You can be assured we are working as hard as ever this year to deliver an incredible year and some products that will blow your mind," said Cook, 51, speaking before investors at Apple's annual shareholder meeting at the company's headquarters in Cupertino, California.

He also paid homage to Jobs, who passed away in October. "There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss him," Cook said, describing the "great sadness" he and others experienced and thanking Apple fans for their condolences. But as the weeks passed, Cook said that "great sadness turned into an intense determination to continue the journey because that's what he would have wanted."

Cook, joined on stage by marketing chief Phil Schiller and CFO Peter Oppenheimer, fielded questions for about 30 minutes as Apple's board — including former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and Disney CEO Bob Iger — looked on from the front rows. On the street outside, a handful of protesters railed against labor and living conditions at Apple suppliers' facilities in China.

As usual, the hour-long meeting was not webcast and no transcript will be available from Apple. Reporters, also as usual, were not allowed to record the meeting, use computers or sit in the main meeting hall with Apple executives and the board. Instead, reporters watched the proceedings on video in a separate room.

Thinking About Cash

Cook addressed questions about the company's almost $100 billion in cash, and said Apple isn't convinced of the value of a stock split. Repeating comments he's made in recent weeks that he and the board are "thinking about cash very deeply," Cook told the packed auditorium that Apple has invested billions in its supply chain, in its retail stores, on expanding its operations and on acquisitions. "We've actually spent a lot but we still have a lot," he said. "And frankly speaking, that is more than we need to run the company."

On stock splits, he said that the company is constantly evaluating actions that would be in the best interests of shareholders and that the value of a stock split "isn't so clear."

Cook also spoke favorably about the company's relationship with Facebook, which he called a "friend" that Apple should be doing more with, and Twitter, which the company has integrated into the mobile version of its operating system.

When a shareholder asked if he should return his new 60-inch television set — in a nod to recent reports that Apple may be entering the TV business — Cook laughed, declined to comment and said everyone should consider buying an AppleTV set-top box for $99.

There seemed to be little complaint from shareholders, who took Apple's recommendations and voted down a proposal regarding say on director pay, and one that would have required the board to prepare an annual report detailing directors' personal investments that could be viewed as a financial conflict of interest.

They did approve another year of service for all eight Apple directors and a proposal, endorsed by the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS), that board members receive a majority to be reelected. Apple said that policy will go into effect next year, though it noted today that all the board members were approved by 80 percent or more of investors.

Apple's board includes Cook, Gore, Intuit Chairman Bill Campbell, J.Crew CEO Millard Drexler, Avon Products Chairman Andrea Jung, former Northrop Grumman CEO Ronald Sugar and former Genentech CEO Arthur Levinson, who replaced Jobs as chairman in November. Disney's Iger joined the board in November. Jobs was the biggest shareholder in Disney; his shares are now held in the Steven P. Jobs' trust, which is led by Jobs' wife, Laurene Powell Jobs.

Cook received the highest approval rating, with 98.15 percent of shareholders voting to approve his role as a director.

He introduced each of the directors at the outset of the meeting and thanked them for their "great service in a time of transition."

Highs and Lows

Since taking over in August, Cook, who was hired by Jobs in 1998 to run operations, has presided over a series of highs and lows. Apple reported record sales and profit in January on soaring holiday demand for iPad tablets and iPhones, with market researcher Gartner Inc. dubbing the iPhone the top-selling smartphone in the world in 2011.

The company shares are up about 36 percent since Jobs passed away in October, showing investor confidence in Cook and Apple's top management team — almost all of whom have been at the company for 10 years or more. Earlier this month, the shares topped $500 for the first time, making Apple the world's most valuable company with a market value of about $480 billion. (Exxon Mobile, at No. 2, is valued at $411 billion.)

On the downside, Cook has been pressured to help improve labor conditions at its suppliers' factories in China, notably the Foxconn "campuses" where more than a dozen unhappy workers committed suicide in 2010. Protesters stood on the street outside Apple's campus today, holding placards saying "Apple Make Ethical iPhones."

To quell critics, Apple last week sent the Fair Labor Association, a non-profit funded by companies including Apple, Nike and Adidas, on a tour of the facilities in China where it says 90 percent of its products are made. The FLA says it's conducting independent investigation and will report back in March on labor and living conditions at sites in Shenzhen and Chengdu.

Apple is also dealing with questions from Congress over how apps developers handle the privacy of iPhone users after social media developer Path was caught taking users' address book data without their knowledge. While Cook has until Feb. 29 to respond to questions, Apple said last week that its changing the way apps will work to require "explicit user approval" regarding their contact data.

And if that's not enough, Apple is continuing its two-year battle over iPad trademarks in China.

According to Apple's proxy statement, Cook earned $900,000 in salary in 2011 and was awarded options on 1 million shares, half of which vest in 2016 and the rest in 2021. The award, which was based in part on input from Jobs, was valued at $376.2 million and should be viewed as a "long-term retention incentive" since it vests in five and 10 years.

"For all of you who have hung in with us and believed in us all of these years, thank you," Cook said today.