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Last Updated: Monday, 15 May 2006, 14:25 GMT 15:25 UK
Mayor fined after election fraud
Councillor Pat Tyrell
Councillor Tyrell is the former Mayor of Halton
A former mayor has been fined £3,000 after an inquiry into postal voting fraud during the 2004 local elections.

Pat Tyrrell, who was Mayor of Halton in Cheshire, was arrested after asking relatives to illegally sign voting documents belonging to the electorate.

Knutsford Crown Court heard that Tyrell, 75, wanted to help people confused by the new procedures rather than trying to steal votes.

He admitted 10 counts of making false statements at an earlier hearing.

The former Labour councillor was absent from his sentencing on Monday because of ill-health brought on by the two-year case.

There is no question of any dishonesty in that way or any attempt to impersonate people so their votes are stolen from them
Judge Stephen Clarke

A police investigation was launched after it emerged he had asked members of his family to act as witnesses and sign forms verifying the identity of 10 local voters.

Judge Stephen Clarke said he was satisfied Tyrrell had not been attempting to "steal votes" and that those affected had intended to vote Labour.

He said: "There is no question of any dishonesty in that way or any attempt to impersonate people so their votes are stolen from them."

The judge said Tyrell had been guilty of a "breach of the rules" and paid a high price for it.

"For him this has been an appalling blot over the last two years and has clearly taken a toll on his health," the judge added.

"What he did wrong should not obscure the tremendous service this man and his wife have given to their local community."

Election integrity

Tyrrell resigned as a local councillor earlier this month, suffering from a heart condition and mental health problems.

His wife, daughter and grandson were fined a total of £2,300 at an earlier hearing for illegally signing the forms.

Speaking after the hearing, Mr Tyrrell's son Paul said the family were lodging a complaint with the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) about the handling of the case.

Det Insp Peter Shaw, of Cheshire Police, said: "Integrity of the election process is central to British democracy, and the allegations lodged with Halton Police were viewed seriously and investigated thoroughly and with professionalism."

Tyrrell was cleared of a further two charges of impersonation after the Crown Prosecution Service offered no further evidence.

Ex-mayor remanded over vote fraud
04 Jul 05 |  Merseyside
Mayor bailed in vote fraud probe
12 Aug 04 |  Merseyside

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