Bourbon Cowboy

The adventures of an urbane bar-hopping transplant to New York.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

I'm a storyteller in the New York area who is a regular on NPR's "This American Life" and at shows around the city. Moved to New York in 2006 and am working on selling a memoir of my years as a greeting card writer, and (as a personal, noncommercial obsession) a nonfiction book called "How to Love God Without Being a Jerk." My agent is Adam Chromy at Artists and Artisans. If you came here after hearing about my book on "This American Life" and Googling my name, the "How to Love God" book itself isn't in print yet, and may not even see print in its current form (I'm focusing on humorous memoir), but here's a sample I've posted in case you're curious anyway: Sample How To Love God Introduction, Pt. 1 of 3. Or just look through the archives for September 18, 2007.) The book you should be expecting is the greeting card book, about which more information is pending. Keep checking back!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Great Moments in Scrabulish History

While I have a number of other things to celebrate that I'm afraid I can't publicly go into, I thought it wouldn't be fair to let one particular moment go by without commenting. Printed above is my friend Tracy's and my latest game of Scrabulish. As you can see, this game has been unusually dense and, consequently, high-scoring. Even an 8-point word like UEPEIO--defined as, "In classical rhetoric, the term for an argument that says, 'I know you are but what am I?'"--scored 63 points here because it also formed EJEU, OUIE, PNNP, IOGE, VERI, and IDAO--which last is an adjective for "the posture of someone about to sit gingerly, as 'Dad posed idao above the wicker chair.'"

But even in this game, miracles can happen, and Tracy's latest move was breathtaking. If you look along the bottom you can see where she just played THUURKAX ("n. The clavicle.") on a triple-triple for a heart-stopping 248 points! By contrast, even GONURSEOPIVIASE (Which is a form of OPIVIA--that is, the delusion that just because you've finished writing a book, you're bulletproof--where the sufferer actually gets shot and refuses medical treatment; also called SURGEONOPVIASE) was worth a mere 116. Take a bow, Tracy! This is a great day for the world.

AFTERNOTE: I can't resist pointing out the beauty of Tracy's JUNOED ("v. and adj. Duped into thinking teen pregnancy is awesome") and my own UEPEIOI ("n. The bead on an abacus that represents the bazillions place"). Moments like these are what make the game worth playing.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait. I'm confused. Does UEPEIO mean "In classical rhetoric..." etc., or does it mean "the bead on an abacus..." etc.? (I tried to look it up, but for some reason, I couldn't find a definition anywhere. Strange, that.)

7/21/2008 10:01 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The words UEPEIO and UEPEIOI are etymologically unrelated -- an admittedly confusing coincidence.

7/24/2008 6:25 PM  

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