Friday, March 25, 2011

Sarah Palin to "Lamestream" Media: " I won’t spend any more precious, limited time responding to personal, vulgar, sexist venom spewed my way." So there!

The Mama Grizzly's very public nervous breakdown after her attempts to gain political credibility by playing tourist in India and Israel continues as she takes to, where else, Facebook to have RAM write out a hissy fit for her. ("Make me sound indignant, and long suffering, but make sure I don't sound like a venom spewing harpy bitch.  Oh, and make sure to put in lot's of that punctuation stuff!  I love it when you make me sound coherent!")

However apparently RAM's anger at her recent introduction into the harsh light of media scrutiny has made her just as thin skinned as her mistress, which means that her attempt to sound reasonable and justified in her frustration came out like this:

“Let’s keep pivoting around media bias, and not get distracted with the vulgar personal shots. Call out lies and set the record straight, but always keep the ball moving. No one ever won a game only playing defense.”

Upon my return from an outstanding and productive trip to India and Israel, (What? Did she go on ANOTHER trip to India and Israel that was not the embarrassing debacle we all reported on?) I’ve been inundated with requests to respond to petty comments made in the media the past few days, including one little fella’s comment which decent people would find degrading. (I won’t bother responding to it though, because it was made by he who reminds me of an annoying little mosquito found zipped up in your tent; he can’t do any harm, but buzzes around annoyingly until it’s time to give him the proverbial slap.) (For those who are interested, the "mosquito" referred to here is Bill Maher and this is what he said. For the record I laughed.  Every single time I've heard it.)

I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I’d like to share my thoughts on the never-ending issue of media bias. (And remember if you are playing at home kids, that "media bias" means the MSM reporting on any truths that Sarah Palin does not want her potential supporters to hear.)

When it comes to responding to the media, the standard warning is: Don’t pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel because calling out the media and holding them accountable is a risky endeavor. Too often the first instinct is to ignore blatant media bias, crudeness, and outright lies, and just hope the media instigator will grow up and provide fairer coverage if you bite your tongue and not challenge the false reporting of an openly hostile press. But I’ve never bought into that. That’s waving the white flag. I just can’t do it because I have too much respect for the importance of a free press as a cornerstone of our democracy, and I have great respect for the men and women in uniform who sacrifice so much to defend that First Amendment right. Media, with freedom comes responsibility. (In other words Sister Sarah simply MUST respond to EVERY negative thing said about her in the press or else our fighting men and women will have died in vain. Quick, somebody cue the Lee Greenwood music!)

Friends, too often conservatives or Republicans in general come across as having the fighting instinct of sheep. (Baahh'd Republicans, Baahh'd!) I don’t. I was raised to believe that you don’t retreat when you’re on solid ground; so even though it often seems like I’m armed with just a few stones and a sling against a media giant, (And an army of crazed winged monkeys prepared to send massive amounts of misspelled e-mails to my critics at the slightest provocation.) I’ll use those small resources to do what I can to set the record straight. The truth is always worth fighting for. Doing so isn’t whining or “playing the victim card”; it’s defending the truth in fairness to those who seek accurate information.

I’ll keep attempting to correct misinformation and falsehoods about myself and my record, and I will certainly never shy from defending others who are unfairly attacked. This is in the name of justice. (For example like the time I stood up for Dr. Laura who was simply practicing her First Amendment right to say the word "ni--er" 11 times on the public airwaves. I will always TOTALLY stand up for the right of people to use racist or homophobic language like Willow did, and to not have to watch what they say so as not to offend people who would never vote for me in an election anyhow.)

But two decades in politics have taught me that when it comes to picking battles, often it’s best to ignore the truly petty, ugly personal media shots because engaging in a counter argument with disreputable, intolerant people doesn’t vindicate me; it merely gives those people the attention they seek. It wastes my time and it distracts from what we should focus on. (Seriously, can you imagine how long Palin's enemies list would be if she went after EVERY person who said something she did not like? Um..yeah but...never mind.)

We must always remember the big picture. The media has always been biased. Conservatives – and especially conservative women – have always been held to a different standard and attacked. This is nothing new. Lincoln was mocked and ridiculed (Yes Abraham Lincoln, what a very appropriate example of a conservative woman who was held to a different standard and attac...wait what?). Reagan was called an amiable dunce, a dangerous warmonger, a rightwing fanatic, and the insult list goes on and on.  (And the fact that those things were true about Reagan is no reason not to take offense at them. Why is the truth so left-wing? Stupid truth!)(But somehow Reagan still managed to win two major electoral landslides, and this was in the days before the internet and talk radio when all he had were three biased network news channels spinning reports on him. If he could do so much with so little and still be such an optimistic and positive leader, then surely we can succeed with the new media tools at our disposal.) (Yeah Reagan was able to pull the wool over the eyes of Americans even BEFORE Fox News.  Imagine how much more effectively the Republicans can lie to the voters now!)

Let’s just acknowledge that commonsense conservatives must be stronger and work that much harder because of the obvious bias. And let’s be encouraged with a sense of poetic justice by knowing that the “mainstream” media isn’t mainstream anymore. That’s why I call it “lamestream,” and the LSM is becoming quite irrelevant, as it is no longer the sole gatekeeper of information. (The Grizzled One makes a valid point, information IS being disseminated outside of the now dried up media news teats.  However what Klondike Kardashian fails to realize is that these outlets are as a rule far MORE progressive and left leaning than their MSM precursors. Nice try though!)

Let’s keep pivoting around media bias, and not get distracted with the vulgar personal shots. Even with limited time we can try to call out lies and set the record straight, but always keep the ball moving. No one ever won a game only playing defense. (So we can take this as a promise from Palin to continue to be as offensive as she has always been in the past.  No change there.)

I’ll keep correcting false reporting, and I’ll defend others to the hilt; but I won’t spend any more precious, limited time responding to personal, vulgar, sexist venom spewed my way. (Okay, okay, hang on just a minute here.  "Venom spewing" is totally MY phrase!  I have been using that to describe Palin, and the lunatic fringe she calls supporters, for over two years now.  In other words, the bitch is stealing my best lines!  Can't RAM make up her OWN phraseology?)

(Oops, almost at the end, time to launch an attack on Obama before wrapping this thing up.)

Today, our country is faced with seemingly overwhelming challenges. We have an unsustainable and immoral $14 trillion debt problem which, combined with a self-inflicted energy crisis, could bring America to her knees. The President of the United States is manipulating an energy supply by refusing to develop our U.S. energy resources. Shouldn’t that be the media’s focus today? Wouldn’t you like more information on the deficit that for last month alone was the highest in our history at $223 billion? That single month’s deficit was more than the entire deficit for the year 2007! We still have a 16% real unemployment rate. We had 2.9 million home foreclosures last year alone, with this year predicted to be even worse. Americans who are struggling to make ends meet are now hit by rising food and energy prices – exacerbated by the Fed’s decision to drop that $600 billion money bomb known as QE2 on us. Gas has already hit $4 per gallon in some areas. And let’s not forget that our men and women in uniform are deployed far from home today. From Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, to who-knows-where tomorrow under a clouded, confused Obama Doctrine, our armed forces are in harm’s way, defending our interests and protecting our freedoms. (Is it just me. or did that seem a little "venom spewy" to you guys?)

Now these are the real concerns to Americans. These are times when real leadership is needed. We must never be distracted from these real concerns. (Like sending donations to SarahPAC so that Palin can hide in her hotel room with the lights off in exotic locations all over the world for instance.)

Petty comments from the small-minded are used to distract. Stay focused, America. Don’t wave any white flag. Simply put, let’s spend our precious time on causes that are worthy.

- Sarah Palin

Well all I have to say is thank goodness Palin/RAM wrote this long response to the personal, vulgar, sexist venom spewed her way, in order to let the world know that she is going to STOP responding to the personal, vulgar, sexist venom spewed her way.  I mean how else could we possibly have known?

Well of course we might have noticed that Palin had suddenly started to act like a grown up, and was no longer responding to the personal, vulgar, sexist venom spewed her way. But what if the "Lamestream" media did not pick up on that? 

Then Palin could not get credit for taking the high road.  And what good is taking the high road if nobody notices?

You know as I was reading this Facebook rant it dawned on me that this is not the first time that Palin has declared essentially that, "Sticks and stones, may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

Let's take a trip in the wayback machine to November 5th, 2008.  The day after Palin, and that old guy she was running with, were defeated in the election and she was sent scurrying back to Alaska.

Sarah Palin on "hurt feelings" from Dennis Zaki on Vimeo.

Boy that "thick skin" sure lasted a long time back then didn't it?  Let's see how long Snowdrift Snooki can keep her acid tongue in check THIS time.


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    In short, I'm going to keep whining about the media because that's my meal ticket. Hey, every time I bitch about them on Facebook, I get a few dunces to send money to SarahPAC!

  2. Molly8:52 AM

    OK I musta missed it: what exactly was she complaining about this time? Which "inaccuracies" did she wish to correct? What did the media get wrong?

    Don't make me read her FB if it's not even addressed in there.

    I'm guessing she didn't actually address anything substantive.


    And, hey, how do you know the little gnat she was referring to wasn't YOU Gryph?? Wouldn't you like that honor?

  3. laprofesora8:55 AM

    The childishness is stunning, isn't it?

    She did speak one morsel of truth:

    "Petty comments from the small-minded are used to distract."

    And you can't get more small-minded than Sarah Palin. (Do you think she knows we're laughing AT her and not WITH her?)

  4. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Is this Sarah Palin's very own "Checkers Speech"? What a dipshit.

  5. Anonymous8:56 AM

    All RAM and her fellow palinbots do anymore is damage control. Do you really want to burn with her?

    Note to palinbots: The Quitter always f's things up. You'll be spinning her disasters until you finally concede she's a fake. Don't worry though. There are lots of other crazy conservatives out there who'd love your adoration and hard-earned money.

  6. Anonymous8:57 AM

    World Domination by the Dominatrix

  7. WalterNeff8:58 AM

    1000 words about a 20-word joke Bill Maher told - If her thin skin was a condom it would be the best-selling condom in history.

  8. Anonymous8:59 AM

    You may never win the game playing defense, but you can sure put a hurtin' on the other team's statistics when you do.

  9. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Now she´s whining about whining.

    ¨I will not sit back and take their criticism.¨

    She said that as if she could do something about it.


    (Also, too, shame on you sarah. That was an absolutely shitty thing you did to Rebecca.)

  10. imnofred9:05 AM

    Doesn't make any sense. She says she is not going to respond to personal attacks but will respond in order to set the record straight. Every time anything is said about her she feels she has to set the record straight.

    Wonder why she wasted all of that time putting that Facebook word salad together when she simply could have said that she is going to continue what she has been doing all along.

    I know that she thinks that she is big news but her India/Israel trip was covered mostly by the blogs and only got minimal coverage on the MSM.

    Sorry Sarah, you are NOT front page news.

  11. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Paul Simon's "Still Whining After All These Years" comes to mind.

  12. Anonymous9:10 AM

    The problem with Sarah is that she has never been able to differentiate between the sources of her perceived criticism. She doesn't understand that no one else takes anything David Letterman, Kathy Griffin or Bill Maher *seriously*. They're entertainers, paid to entertain.

    She has this complex that she's picked on, and she is---but most of it, frankly, should be beneath her notice. Why should she care what Gryphen says? Why should it bother her that the Indian media said she decided not to buy a jacket?

    She keeps referencing lies, but if she really felt someone was telling an out and out LIE, she could sue for slander, libel or defamation of character. She never does, because she knows they're not lies. Maybe what they're saying is hurtful, maybe she doesn't like what they're saying, but she knows it's merely someones OPINION of her intellect and abilities or her appearance. The fact people think she's a attention-starved idiot doesn't mean these people are lying. They're simply commenting on what they see prominently displayed before them.

  13. lmao! loved your commentary, gryph. the abraham lincoln comment was gold. i hate it when today's gop claim him as their own, anyway.

    i seriously doubt that sarah will bite her tongue for more than one minute. she won't have anything to say if she doesn't go on the attack. she seems to take every issue personally anyway, or at least tries to make it seem like it affects her. the tsunami must have been really tough on sarah in wasilla! or was she in india in her room with the lights off then? lol!

  14. Anonymous9:14 AM

    She is mentally ill.

  15. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Did anyone see her on Greta's show a couple of days ago - on FOX? She started to go into how horrible the media was to her and other Republican woman upon which Greta pointed out to her that the press had also been pretty tough on Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. Yea, Greta! The statement caught sister Sarah by surprise and you could see that she didn't agree with her, but she kept her mouth shut as to the comment.

    She's such a toughy....yea, right! She's not going to stand up to that lamestream media anymore! We'll see how long that lasts. Especially if she decides to run for President...she won't be able to keep up with what will be printed about her....I just want so many things to come out that we know or suspect of her in Alaska.

  16. Anonymous9:14 AM

    At some future point, Becky Mansour is going to look back on this and wonder what the hell she was thinking.

  17. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Self introspection is a good thing. One must wonder why you enjoy or think it funny when women are referred to as bitches, twats, c...s, or any of the other various vulgar and misogynistic names you use. Again Gryphen, you're a father of a daughter, and this is just plain bad behavior. Bill Maher is incredibly funny and smart, but that doesn't excuse him either, and I don't car whether its Sarah Palin or Mother Theresa--no woman deserves this.

  18. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Just like saying that she wouldn't criticize the Pres on foreign soil and then in the same sentence criticizing the Pres. I was incredulous! How can people be sooooo stupid as to follow this idiot??

    Another thing that she's been saying every chance she gets lately (that drives me nuts) is her claim of "two decades" in politics. According to her wiki page:
    4 years city council
    6 years mayor
    11 months oil and gas comm.
    2 years 7 months gov.

  19. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Well, Well perhaps she encountered that buzzing mosquito while holed up in that room in India! Someone is desperately trying to stay relavent, as Michele Bachman steals her spotlight. What does she mean about correcting the lies, Hey Sarah, not lies, but they are your own words. Now that will be something, self correcting lies.

  20. Anonymous9:16 AM

    The man who said "Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel" (Mark Twain) also said "If you always tell the truth, you never have to remember what you said."
    Ben in SF

  21. Anonymous9:18 AM

    And all the time I thought she saw herself as Queen Esther, but now she is comparing herself to King David.

  22. Anonymous9:19 AM

    She just doesn't get that the 1st amendment rights our young men are dying for are the right of the MSM to report the truth about her. The 1st amendment is not about her shutting them up.

  23. Sarah/RAM, dears, I hate to tell you, but repeating something over and over doesn't make it true. You do not have thick skin, you have never had thick skin, you DO play the victim card, at least once a week, and you wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face. Oh, and we all know you haven' got a fucking clue about the First Amendment. You missed school that day.

  24. I loathe the woman that wrote this crap almost as much as I loathe Palin.

  25. Anonymous9:22 AM

    OMG, that is the funniest thing she has said yet.

    Hey Sarah, perhaps you could set the media straight if you
    1) let anyone other than Faux News talk to you (& by the way, they seem to come across the air as not caring too much for you either)
    2) stop tweeting useless garbage 3) stop writing such stupid things on your Facebook page
    4) didn't insist on getting all the questions in advance
    5) answer any question they give you (because you almost NEVER answer anyone's questions directly)
    6) let the media in to your events and stop blocking them out
    7) remember that there is a thing called videotaping - this is probably the thing that kills you because we can see that you actually did or said what the lamestream media reported (well I guess that is when we can figure out your word salad)
    8) stop repeating the same things over & over (I am sick of hearing about common sense solutions because if they were so common then for the love of god give us some examples)
    9) stop playing the victim card. Yeah, you & all republican woman are held to such high standards my butt. You republicans crucified Hillary Clinton but I guess you must have forgotten that.

    Only YOU cause your own problems. I as a woman would love to see a woman in office. You are NOT that woman. You are dumb and exploit your sex, which ticks the rest of us smart women off. You don't deserve anything! You actually have to WORK your way up the ladder. Winking & wearing your knock me down & f me shoes just doesn't cut it.

    Had you actually sat back after the election & even tried to study anything we might be able to give you a little break. The only thing is that you are too old to learn everything you need to know now. It takes years & years & years to get anywhere near the level President Obama is.

    Oh, and lastly you are the BIGGEST divider of people in this country & perhaps the world! I never thought just because I didn't buy in to your bullshit politics that I would be considered a non-American.

    End of my rant;)

  26. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Thick skin my arse, sarah . . . and what's goin' on with your mouth (which runs like diarrhea, btw)?

    Your mouth is beginning to look a bit like GVS's slurred mouth ~ or worse yet, the "OctoMouth!"


  27. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Impossible. Half her act is playing the victim card at every opportunity.

    I'm thinking her "blood libel" video was such a disaster of narcissistic self-pity that she is now trying to re-invent herself as someone who does not respond to every joke at her expense. Fail, Epic Fail.

    And since everything in PalinWorld is backwards, what this Facebook rant means to me is that Mrs. Todd Palin is obsessed with what the media is saying about her, and freaking out about it on a regular basis.

  28. Anonymous9:31 AM

    8:58 WalterNeff, you made me laugh.

  29. Anonymous9:33 AM

    To be filed under "I'll believe it when I see it."

  30. Anonymous9:33 AM

    And yet, $arah Palin expects others to sit back and STFU, while she spews her personal, vulgar, and bigoted venom their way.

    I can't stand her massive-sized ego, and her hypocrisy. Fuck that crazy bitch.

  31. Anonymous9:35 AM

    That Facebook post made my head hurt. I think she actually did write part of it, then gave it to Becky to clean up and extend for her. The ramblings just had that familiar, Crazy Sarah tinge.

    All that time whining about how she's picked on but she's not going to whine about being picked on any more. Why is it when Sarah complains she's picked on because she's a woman--despite the fact there are thousands of women in politics who get along just fine--it's okay, but when people call out the blatant racism directed toward our first black president, they're accused of "playing the race card"?

  32. Anonymous9:35 AM

    9:10 am, I loved this:

    "The fact people think she's a attention-starved idiot doesn't mean these people are lying. They're simply commenting on what they see prominently displayed before them."

  33. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Bill Maher is not the Media. He has a political entertainment show.

    If entertainment and all shows count, the President is called horrible things all day every day. She has NO IDEA what real ugliness is, none.

  34. Anonymous9:42 AM

    1) “Upon my return from an outstanding and productive trip to India and Israel”:

    “Upon my return” WTF, did Palin go by herself and what was productive about this trip? Was it her visit to the India mall and collecting $100,000 that was productive or was it Palin’s visit to Bethlehem productive? I don’t know Sarah, it seemed like you wasted gas going to the checkpoint and then turned around.

    2) “…it was made by he who reminds me of an annoying little mosquito found zipped up in your tent; he can’t do any harm, but buzzes around…”:

    He the mosquito must be bothering you for you to address the mosquito!

    3) “… could bring America to her knees…”:

    Sarah, are you talking about unemployed Tawd taking your money and paying women to get on their knees in front of him? Please clarify.

    4) “…I have great respect for the men and women in uniform who sacrifice so much to defend that First Amendment right…:

    Sarah, are you talking about your family friend Jeremy Morlock? Or are you talking about your combat veteran son who was never in combat, you know, the one who stayed in the protected area driving officers around?

    5) “I’ll keep attempting to correct misinformation and falsehoods about myself and my record, and I will certainly never shy from defending others who are unfairly attacked”

    Sarah, why are you so quiet about Tawd and Shailey Tripp? Are you quiet because it would be embarrassing to deny their relationship and then she comes out with her evidence?

    6) “… and the LSM is becoming quite irrelevant, as it is no longer the sole gatekeeper of information…”:

    LSM is not the gatekeeper of info. LOL are you telling me that facebook is the gatekeeper of info?

  35. Pat in MA9:45 AM

    "I was raised to believe that you don’t retreat when you’re on solid ground:

    Sarah honey, you're in quicksand and sinking fast.

    "I’ll keep attempting to correct misinformation and falsehoods about myself and my record"

    What misinformation? What falsehoods?

    Outstanding and productive trip where she holes herself up in a room and doesn't take advantage of visiting the Taj Mahal or Bethlehem. She must have been too busy reading anything and everything put in front of her.

    Intellectual midget.

  36. Anonymous9:45 AM

    9:14 I agree - Becky will look back at her 'no life' with Palin and wonder what the hell she was thinking. Much like Meg Staplemouth is probably doing today here in Anchorage!

  37. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Someone needs to speak to her like she's a child, and explain to her that first off, Sarah chose to pursue a political career (no one forced her). A politician's agenda is to build him/herself up, and tear down the opposition. Conscientious politicians with integrity and a thick skin are very rare these days. President Obama is one of these.

    Sarah chooses to belittle, even once belittling her daughter's boyfriend in public. Sarah CHOSE this career path and jumped into the snark, venom, and debatable accusations, lies, of her opposition first. Now, her opposition accuses her, and the child-Sarah is insulted and throwing a fit.

    The child-Sarah can't accept any bad words from those bullies. Child-Sarah wants to run to her mommy and daddy and get them to make the bad kid retract his words. But child-Sarah can bully and sass and say any bad word to anyone, anytime.

    Her fellow americans face challenges and this is all she can come up with? Sarah, go and visit the sick in hospitals, including veterans hospitals, visit the lonely, elderly, go to the prisons and encourage some there. Maybe see the bigger picture and thank God for your prosperous life, and your health.

  38. Anonymous9:51 AM

    shorter $arah Palin: "I'm not gonna whine about the LSM, I'm just gonna talk about how I'm not whining about the LSM"

  39. this from the woman who laughed when he kid suggested pulling an adults hair

  40. Thing thing that thing can sing.
    Song long, a long, long song.
    Goodbye thing you sing too long.

    That was all I could think about trying to read that RAM rant. Okay that and a few other thoughts such as good lord woman, STFU and it'd sure be nice if these two idgets would just crawl back under the rock from whence they came.

  41. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I think she wrote that post herself. She used words that she has uttered in daily life. (fella is part of her vernacular. Bristol's as well)

    Why are you criticizing her for calling out jerks like Maher? I wish every woman who has been demoralized would speak up like that. Maybe we'd be seen as equal and men would be knocked down a notch or two on the totem pole of inequality.

    But - I don't expect men or haters to see her post as a good thing, as you are pigs who like to drink koolaid.

  42. angela9:57 AM

    My stomach muscles are sore from laughing Gryphen.
    You are funny as hell . . . .

    Jeez, Sarah is a thin skinned nut. Good thing Chewbekky wrote that rant or I'd be dead on the floor laughing at all the exclamation marks and misspellings it would have had.

  43. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Palin is winding up for the great big announcement, "I shall not seek, and I will not accept...". Palin's advisors are looking at the poll numbers and steering the good ship Palin towards the nearest reef.

    Palin can drag her sociopath ego off the political stage, but it still won't keep the truth about Trig from making its way to MSM. Dirt will out.

  44. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Seems like the TWIT's in a panic because people are losing interest. Wait till she's forced to announce she's through as a candidate for any position.

  45. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Maybe she read one comment that is hilarious "Wading into Palin's deepest thoughts does not even get your feet wet"!!!LOL !.

  46. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Until the media ceases to report on trivial bullshit like hairstyle, clothing and STOPS twisting words to fit liberal/conservative agendas, Sarah needs to continue to speak up and call them out. As does everyone else.

    It will take awhile but I have faith that one day enough women will rise up and say fuck you to every boss who sexually harasses, every president who continually plays the race card, every wall street jackass who cheats his employees. The power is in women's hands and we collectively don't realize it.

    I think the scrotum twist should be instituted every time a man demeans his female employees. Grab, pull, and twist.

    Fuck you men who use Sarah Palin and pretty, successful women as a political punching bag. You just can't stand that you have no solutions for any of the country's problems and you resort to making the lesser sex look ignorant. Sarah is not stupid. Women are not stupid. May she/they always have power and continue to call you bastards out

  47. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Why are you such a harpish shrew Griffin

  48. Let me get this straight.
    Two ADULT women sat down and composed this statement.
    Then they re-read and determined that it made sense, and hit "Send".
    Which one's the smart one again?

  49. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Why don't you broadcast some of the hateful messages (albeit a year old) you "daughter" Mercede has posted via myspace. She makes Willow (who uses language like any typical teen uses) look like Mother Teresa. Would you like me to sell them to Star? Since that pub seems to be her goto pub of choice? I know Mercede if jealous that the Palin kids were raised by two loving parents and are part of a large loving family, but she needs to get a life.

  50. Anonymous10:14 AM

    So when the Fourth Estate abuses its responsibilities to the American people, it is a vulgar betrayal. Like allowing a novice backwater Mayor with baggage that would alarm the TSA in a puddle-jump to rise to a primary and statewide victory?

    But when a sitting Governor with the power of the State behind her uses her press office as a hit squad against private citizens and critics, it's 'correcting the record,' and thanking our service men and women?

    This woman is gratuitously and righteously psychotic. No doubt she uses disgusting and vile language against her 'enemies' in the presence of her children, which explain their world-view and verbose characters.

  51. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Just once, I wish she'd elaborate or spell out exactly what these perceived 'lies' are on her record and actions.

    Her executing decisions through generalities and cherry-picked attention may have worked in the Governor's office for a little over a year, but it is going to get stale and bitter in her titleless role as Obama's mosquito.

  52. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Sarah, get DOWN off of the cross!

  53. Anonymous10:20 AM

    This is about as useful a stunt as McCain 'suspending' his campaign to address the economic chaos during the 2008 campaign.

  54. You really can't see why Sarah justifiably hates people like you?

    Starting huge rumors that inevitably turn into lies (Bristol's pregnant being the big one) and allowing the degradation of a person by mocking her weight is far worse than calling a few teenagers fags. Especially because Willow isn't really homophobic, but only uses teenage slang. Is the slang a bad trend? of course but it's been around for 15 years AND attitudes toward gays have even gotten better.

    If you cannot see that, I hope you never leave the house because I'd hate for my decent children who accept everyone regardless of beliefs and pasts to meet you on the street.

    Grow up.

  55. Anonymous10:22 AM

    explain their world-view and verbose characters.


    um, ok. have you met them? Because all the Palin kids are pretty swell to be around, always positive, always complimentary in person. Their world view is that one should never expect anyone to pay their way, that the welfare attitude is what killed America decades ago.

    Most people disagree. I feel sorry for you if you judge them and haven't met them

  56. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Anon @ 9:15 - no woman deserves to be called a bad name? Do any of Sarah's critics who don't have access to the soapbox provided her via political office or as a paid television personality deserve her nasty and flippant character assassinations?

    As a woman, there are times I deserved to be called a bad name for doing something that earned it.

    There are dozens of women I've known that have done terrible, horrible things that deserve a negative word.

    Get over yourself. When people are pigs, they deserve to be called out on it.

  57. Anonymous10:29 AM

    10:02 Many, many women are not stupid, in fact, many are brilliant scientists, writers, doctors, researchers... but Sarah is stupid. It's not that she couldn't be ranked with women of high accomplishment, it's that she just didn't do the work, and doesn't want to do the work. The lack of curiosity and critical thinking is what makes her "stupid".

    - a successful woman engineer getting along quite well in a "man's world"

  58. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Hear, hear, 9:22 AM.

  59. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Anon @ 10:02 a.m.

    The power is in women's hands and we collectively don't realize it.

    Except when someone like Sarah Palin attains power, she uses it to take the 'power' out of a woman's hands.

  60. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Has anyone heard what's going on with Bailey's book? Will it be published? She's taken a bit of a beating lately and needs to be finished off, asap! She can't say the MSM is "makin things up" when confronted with her own emails.

  61. Anonymous10:34 AM

    LOVE at 10:20 a.m. - your name is LOVE and you post that crap? Really? LOL.

  62. Anonymous10:36 AM

    10:11 Your comment didn't even make sense!

  63. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Silly Gryphen, didn't you know that "venom spewing" is an old canard? : )

    I think Serror gets extra super pissed when something she thinks is going to work like a charm (big "foreign policy" vacation, blood libel video) blows up in her face. I also think she really hates it when people find out normal little details that don't sound very pioneer-ish, like eating Crunchwrap Supremes or holing up in a hotel during her whole trip to India. RAM is probably also furious that she was outed as Oswald Cobblepot. So, this was sure to be a perfect storm. Once they found something , anything to be outraged about, you knew it was going to be full of sound and fury.

  64. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Anon @ 10:22 a.m.

    Yes, I do know the Palin's btw. They are bored, boring, unimaginative and back-biting kids. What they've been called out on in public illustrates exactly the kind of youth they are, mini-Sarah's and Todd's - aka bullies.

    And they don't expect anyone to pay their way? Their quality of life has been subsidized since they were born - they've got Indian Health Services, State Dividends, City and Municipal subsidies, Party money and resources and untold wealth of private donations from citizens from around the world. They've lived off of other peoples money's practically their whole lives.

    Give me a break, none of them are self-made, and Todd's claim to blue-collar creds died when he became shadow-governor and long before he quit his job on the Slope.

  65. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Sarah has a love-hate relationship with the media. Reporting her every tweet keeps her name out there, but she doesn't like what is reported. She knows she needs attention but doesn't like the attention she gets. No one has anything nice to say, though, 'cause there isn't anything nice to report about. (Having only one news source that says nice things about you should indicate that they're the ones that are biased. BTW- I don't see too many unfavorable stories about Olympia Snowe. Doesn't she count? And when your dad goes around wearing a shirt saying how hot you are, what exactly is the image you are trying to promote, if it's not sex? Why do you think that this doesn't open the door to sexual remarks?)

    What is Sarah, actually? Former politician? Occasional commenter on FOX? Public speaker? What, exactly, is she?

  66. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Even the trolls are stupid and bringing the cray-cray.

  67. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Wow, 10:02 AM. Your hysteria sounds like you're awfully sour on men and would like to RAM them into extinction.

  68. A J BIllings10:43 AM

    Hey Ms Anonymous at 10:02---

    wtf, are you advocating violence?

    First off, let me tell you if you tried twisting men, you'd be in a lot of trouble. Most are far larger and tougher than you are. Capiche?

    Apart from that, this forum is not about advocating violence.

    Secondly, Sarah Palin is hardly "pretty" imho, even by conventional standards of this puerile culture we live in.
    I'm 60, and I wouldn't date her.
    That's my opinion, so you can't dispute it.

    Third and last, Sarah Palin is DEMONSTRABLY incoherent, incurious, and incapable of intelligent discourse as evidenced many times by her disastrous interviews and public appearances.
    She's also thin-skinned, and fuming that she lost the 2008 election for McCain.
    She's also on the record as hating
    her job as Governor
    She's obviously a narcissist, and she's neglecting her kids, particularly the young "Trig"

    Worst of all, she abandoned her responsibilities as Governor by quitting 1/2 way through the term.
    No amount of bloviation or horseshit thrown up by people like you can overcome that fact.

  69. angela10:47 AM

    Anon 10:02

    We don't hate Sarah because she's a woman, we just think she's a vile human being because of the things that come out of her mouth. I'd say she started getting called out in sexist ways because---yes---she started it. She just loved talking about cojones and limp impotent men. She never should have gone there. Does it make what is sometimes said about her from comedians ok? Who cares—she didn't when she was saying sexist shit about the president, other politicians and journalists who told the truth about her.

    I'm a woman and fuck Sarah Palin! She's thrown women's lib back fifty years. She winks, wears skirts up her ass, is ignorant, slutty and offensive and thinks she can say anything she wants about anyone without getting it back. She's a moron, with moronic supporters. She's a racist with racist supporters and has thrown everyone who has ever worked for her under the bus. Vile she is.

    And you seem to have some issues yourself with the twisting of male organs thing. Tammy, Becky?

  70. 10catsinMD10:47 AM

    You know, I would rather read about the gracious and gutsy life of Elizabeth Taylor. Boy did she have a lot of bad press thrown at her. But she kept on living and was waaaay to busy to even respond to it.

    There is no parallel between the two women, but what a difference in lives. I will truly miss Elizabeth Taylor. The other one not.

    What would be the name of Snowdrift's perfume be if it came out. Take a guess. Smells like hockey pucks and moose puckeys! So Alaskan! Maybe some bear and caraboo guts, also, too.

  71. Anonymous10:49 AM

    There is something big coming down the pike. She will make some petty excuse about the haters and knows she can count on the lsm not picking up the story.

  72. Anonymous10:49 AM

    lol. Pathetic Palin's cult followers are definately from the winged monkey brigade. From her picture in the ADN however, Becca appears to be a descendant of the missing link. Yeah, I know that's petty and mean but I hate both of those fucking mean and petty bitches.


  73. Global lack of "adequate protocol" is rampant for the Swag-Hag... Nobody outside of Wasilly seems to understand the self-induced importance of Swaggy's personal presence, which her ass-licker-in-chief, Andy Brightbart has now enshrined as all knowing, all seeing, and all controlling as the next Oprah...

    She and her band of flying witch-hags has about as much importance as a $3 contribution to the Wasilly park-and-rec department.

  74. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Game on!

  75. Anonymous10:51 AM

    us palin-bots is purdy mad. why not beautiful sarah be loved by all peoples? dem haters only cares about "exposing the truth" about her an such. why don dem just look da udder way like us?

  76. Anonymous10:53 AM

    If she thinks that RAM won't turn on her she's wrong. THAT will be a popcorn moment.

  77. Anonymous11:02 AM

    She has never grown up and never will.

    Hey Sarah, you retard, when are you going to stop dithering and decide whether or not you're going to run for Pres? ;-)

  78. Anonymous11:02 AM

    She and her handlers seem to have really ramped up this particular line of indignation/victimhood. What's about to be revealed?

  79. Anonymous11:04 AM

    You can always tell when a post it too close to the truth..the palinbot trolls come out in force.

    Bristol, Willow, Sarah, and RAM have been busier than normal today, typing all those seriously silly responses.

    I am a woman..and Sarah does NOT represent me in any way. She is not being treated badly because she is a woman. She is being treated honestly because she is a worthless stupid excuse of a human. She is an IDIOT!!!

    Her "decades" of political council and mayor of a town that is smaller than many many towns in the USA. In my state of Ohio, there are quite a few towns bigger than Wasilla..and most of them have part time mayor with no need for a city manager too. I am very proud to say that she never would have been elected down here anyway. Not because she is a woman, but because she is an IDIOT.

    Then she was 1/2 term governor for a state that, again, is smaller than many cities...yet it was too hard for her to handle. Not because she is a woman but because she is an IDIOT.

    And I won't even address her parenting skills...cause they are has NONE. No, her kids are not good honest people. They are rude, nasty, hooligans who in most states would be put in jail. ( the way...Bristol...if that new guy that Gov. Parnell has nominated gets's a good thing you have moved to Arizona....what would he think of a person who has had 3 children by 3 different boys?) case you haven't figured it out by now....she really is an IDIOT!

  80. Anonymous11:04 AM

    10:22 am...brisket, you poor sap, make sure and save some of your grifted "earnings" because very soon y'all are gonna be has beens

  81. Connie11:06 AM

    "Petty comments from the small-minded are used to distract".

    $arah, errrr ahhhh, do realized you just described the both of you perfectly, right?


    Excellent post as usual Gryphen :-)

  82. Anonymous11:13 AM

    @9:56 AM:

    "I think she wrote that post herself. She used words that she has uttered in daily life. (fella is part of her vernacular. Bristol's as well)

    Why are you criticizing her for calling out jerks like Maher? I wish every woman who has been demoralized would speak up like that. Maybe we'd be seen as equal and men would be knocked down a notch or two on the totem pole of inequality.

    But - I don't expect men or haters to see her post as a good thing, as you are pigs who like to drink koolaid."

    Why are you criticizing us for calling out jerks, like $arah Palin? It's bimbos like $arah Palin who make it hard for women to be taken serously. Too bad $arah Palin can't call out jerks like Bill Maher, without sounding like a whiny, immature mean-girl, teen-aged brat!

    There are numerous women who feel demoralized, who have already spoken up. Except when they do it, they don't embarrass other women, like Palin does! $arah Palin is a whiner, and is constantly playing the victim-card, which only makes her sound weak! Strong women, like Hillary Clinton don't need to play the victim-card. Hillary Clinton gets by on brains, whereas Palin gets by on winking, short skirts, and fuck-me pumps!

    $arah Palin is no feminist, so stop pretending she is. By the way, most of $arah Palin's silly fans are men, stupid.

    I'd rather be pig who drinks kool-aid, than a cousin-fucker who drinks tea!

  83. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Granny Palin gets pissed that she gets called a twat but had no problem calling journalists limp and impotent. She had no problem telling male politicians to man-up or put on their man pants. She had no problem referencing cajones when talking about our President.

    If Granny Palin was a man she would have used the word twat too. It fits in with her potty mouth. I hope Bill Maher makes the connection and blasts her hypocrisy tonight.

    The only difference is Bill M. is a comedian with an entertainment show, and $P is a wannabe politician and a has-been half term governor.

  84. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Anonymous 10:22 "Because all the Palin kids are pretty swell to be around, always positive, always complimentary in person."

    Bristol Palin express the hope of giving the great big middle finger on national television. She was not positive or swell to be around. She was an arrogant, offensive, unimaginative, distasteful, ungracious, young person with far more ego than brains.

    We are both fortunate, however, in that Bristol Palin's infection of general media will implode soon when her mother's assorted transgressions surface in those, oh so long, suppressed e-mails. Enjoy the pleasure of being in Bristol's company. And give her a great big middle finger from me.

  85. deebee11:21 AM

    Whoah! Looks as though Ram had a lot of time on her hands to be writing while the boots she is normally licking were out of town.

  86. Anonymous11:34 AM

    "Until the media ceases to report on trivial bullshit like hairstyle, clothing and STOPS twisting words to fit liberal/conservative agendas, Sarah needs to continue to speak up and call them out. As does everyone else.

    It will take awhile but I have faith that one day enough women will rise up and say fuck you to every boss who sexually harasses, every president who continually plays the race card, every wall street jackass who cheats his employees. The power is in women's hands and we collectively don't realize it.

    I think the scrotum twist should be instituted every time a man demeans his female employees. Grab, pull, and twist.

    Fuck you men who use Sarah Palin and pretty, successful women as a political punching bag. You just can't stand that you have no solutions for any of the country's problems and you resort to making the lesser sex look ignorant. Sarah is not stupid. Women are not stupid. May she/they always have power and continue to call you bastards out"

    10:02 AM:

    Stop prtending to be some populist, middle-of-the-road, femenist. You are not. You are a far-right Palin-bot. Or, $arah Palin, herself. You pretend to be a femenist, anti-Wall-Street, then make a predictable racist comment, about Barack Obama playing the race-card. Horse-shit!
    $arah Palin is NO damn feminist. You are a racist piece of shit! Barack Obama does not play the race-card. He says very little about race, if anything at all. It is his right-wing critics, like Palin who constantly play the race-card, by constantly talking about his race, and lies about his association with Black Panthers, blah, blah, blah...

    One day I hope this country will stand up, to stupid, racist, right-wing bimbos, like $arah Palin who play the gender-card to get sympathy. No one has to twist $arah Palin's stupid words around. She makes herself look stupid. Time to accept responsibilty $arah Palin, you FUCK-UP! $arah Palin does nothing but whore for attention, now she's tired of it! You asked for it, bitch! $arah Palin is a stupid-ass, and dumb as hell, and most of the world knows it! She will never be president, and she ain't going nowehere fast...Except down! We will continue to call out that harpy, and others like her. Fuck $arah Palin for using this counrty as her punching bag!

    Fuck you, and may transparent bastards like you soon become the minority!

  87. Anonymous11:39 AM

    HUH? Did she or RAM write this and what influence did her best friend "Bailey" have on this note?

  88. Anonymous11:39 AM

    “precious bodily fluids” Dr. Strangelove
    “the precious” Gollum
    “precious time” $quitty

  89. Anonymous11:40 AM

    "Why don't you broadcast some of the hateful messages (albeit a year old) you "daughter" Mercede has posted via myspace. She makes Willow (who uses language like any typical teen uses) look like Mother Teresa. Would you like me to sell them to Star? Since that pub seems to be her goto pub of choice? I know Mercede if jealous that the Palin kids were raised by two loving parents and are part of a large loving family, but she needs to get a life."

    @10:11 AM:

    Why don't you STFU and stop repeating the same shit, over and over, again? Repeating it doesn't make the Palins any less trashy. You are not going to change our minds. If this bloig is making you so upset, why don't YOU get a life, and stop reading, and posting on this blog, instead of telling us what "loving" parents the Palins are, over, and over, again?

  90. Anonymous11:41 AM

    What does she ever produce to address specific lies? For example, why doesn't she address the Trig stories? This is one she could so simply correct by simply proving she gave birth to this child.

  91. Anonymous11:48 AM

    She AND the media may be wrong in addressing Bill Maher's use of the word "twat". Per the dictionary:
    Related Words for : twat
    bozo, cuckoo, fathead, goof, goofball

    — n
    1. the female genitals
    2. a girl or woman considered sexually
    3. a foolish or despicable person

    Maybe Sarah AND the media should use their dictionary before jumping all over Bill Maher - he was correct in saying she is "a foolish or despicable person".

  92. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I think it is fair to criticize Sarah's choice of clothing when she expects to run for president and represent our country abroad. Wearing that puffy white sports vest to visit a holy religious site was inappropriate. The outfit belonged on her reality show, not at a place of worship. It would not have been appropriate at the Vatican, in a mosque or a Buddhist temple, either.

    It is not sexist to criticize Sarah for what she wore. Dick Cheney wore a duck hunting jacket to a solemn ceremony remember the dead at a concentration camp in Europe. He was also criticized. He was the Vice President, and he wore the wrong jacket to a memorial service.

    People have also criticized Obama for putting on a tribal costumem when visiting Kenya. So, criticizing Sarah for wearing inappropriate clothing, like a huge red jacket instead of a smart, tailored business suit is fair game. She chose it. She chose the hairdo. She chose the white sports vest. Her choices reflect on the image she wants to project of the United States.

  93. Anonymous11:48 AM

    If you really want to see Palin and Bachmann go down in flames politically, start encouraging them both to run for POTUS. They will go after each other with a vengeance that the male candidates can't match for fear of being labeled a "sexist".

    Trust me, these two women will drag all those moldering skeletons out of their respective closets and completely destroy one another.

  94. Anonymous11:49 AM

    "You really can't see why Sarah justifiably hates people like you?

    Starting huge rumors that inevitably turn into lies (Bristol's pregnant being the big one) and allowing the degradation of a person by mocking her weight is far worse than calling a few teenagers fags. Especially because Willow isn't really homophobic, but only uses teenage slang. Is the slang a bad trend? of course but it's been around for 15 years AND attitudes toward gays have even gotten better.

    If you cannot see that, I hope you never leave the house because I'd hate for my decent children who accept everyone regardless of beliefs and pasts to meet you on the street.

    Grow up."

    Love @10:20AM,

    Aw. Look at you trying to sound all mature, and above us. Oh, but we do understand why $arah Palin "justifiably hates" us? But unlike her, WE couldn't care less. It is $arah Palin who doesn't understand why most people "justifiably hate" her. If only $arah Palin would grow up, ans stop mocking, spreading lies and rumours about others. $arah Palin is not without sin. She is in no position to cast the first stone.

    Take your own advice, and grow up, darling.

  95. Anonymous11:49 AM

    anony @ 9:15, A.M. You say no women deserves the slutty language used about Sister Sarah. I beg to differ with you she deserves this and more.
    when has she ever, come forward to the defense of women? As Gov, SHE MADE WOMEN RAPED ,PAY FOR THEIR OWN Rape kits, to use in a court case. This is the women,(question mark) you believe deserves better treatment? She used every woman she ever came into contact with to her advantage. Ask a few Alaskan women about that. Have you even read a thing about this so called beauty? she is nothing like it is perceived. I have never found a suitable adjective to describe Sister Sarah, none on their own are bad enough.

  96. eyeflowerful11:56 AM

    Daughter Purie's turn to probe Sarah Palin while in India

  97. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Oh SNAP!

    "Since Sarah prides herself on being a frontier woman and the daughter of a biology teacher, you would think that she knows that only female mosquitoes bite."

    (unable to log in)

  98. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Oh, STFU, 10:22 AM

    You are repeating the same thing. We don't have to meet those children to know something ain't right. The Palins are grifters, and have people pay their way, all the time. We remember that massive Palin shopping spree in 2008, on someone else's dime. Did Palin give all the clothes back? The Palins are famous for their grifting.

    Welfare did not ruin the country. You people just repeat right-wing talking-points without any proof to back up what you're saying. Most Americans like these programs you call "welfare," and are not going to give them up. That includes the idiot tea-baggers who carry signs saying,"Keep your hands off my Medicare!" Those dick-head republicans in congress are sure enjoying their tax-payer funded health benefits, that they don't want anyone else to have. Typical hypcrite republicans.
    It is rich, greedy, robber barons, who have brought this country to it's knees. And, most Americans agree.

    And, most of the country doesn't give a fuck about the Palin children.

  99. Virginia Voter12:05 PM

    Ha, 10:22 and "Love:...please sing this song with your fingers in your ears:

    Shiny, happy, people holding hands, shiny happy people holding hands...
    (old REM song that applies to you Palin fairy tale trolls)

    The fucktard has outdone herself with this epic facebook rant. Only Sarah could go off and how she's not going to whine, yet in the same post, WHINE ABOUT THE MEDIA!

    God, I know RAM is actually an intelligent person, so either she's completely blinded by infatuation with Sarah or she has brilliantly created the most insane political figure of modern times. RAM may have finally written her screenplay that will turn into a blockbuster. If not, both RAM and Sarah need to be permanent guest at the Rubber Room Hotel

  100. Anonymous12:07 PM

    The only person I know who uses the word"swell" is Saeah Palin.Of course,Becky has to use it ,too,when penning Sarah's scripts for her.So one of them is really upset today.

    Are the emails coming out soon?Something is to be expected.

  101. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Among the sports where playing good defense wins, hockey, football, soccer, and basket ball,and baseball.

    In fact North Carolina out played Houston and the Twin towers so well on defense and free throws that they beat Houston and the Twin Towers for the NCAA Championship. And did it so well the NCAA changed the rules so that good team play would never again defeat the slam dunk.
    That is the best basket ballgame I have ever watched (and I am a Texan.) I hate the shot clock.

    Sarah is not athlete or she would know that good defense is necessary for a consistent winner.

  102. Anonymous12:08 PM

    A person regarded as stupid or obnoxious.
    Now, what does Sarah Palin, the martyr to end all martyrs,do? She chooses to focus on the OTHER meaning: a woman's genitals. Something tells me it's HER mind that's in the gutter.

  103. Anonymous12:14 PM

    So...does she mean to say she is NOT a dumb twat? I didn't really hear her settin' the record straight.

    And how do we know she's not talking about Leno's lobotomy joke. Wasn't that sexist (about women!) and vulgar (oh gross, a lobotomy!?) I'm just saying, there's more than Maher to choose from.

    I hate this bitch, and I love her stupid waste of time rant. Classic Palin. Should contribute to a loss of a few more points in her "favorables." Melly

  104. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Someone in the office just quoted aloud Anon@9:20´s ¨Winking & wearing your knock me down and f me shoes just doesn´t cut it¨ remark. There was, literally, applause from every woman in the room.

    There is no doubt that RAM owns sarah. C4P is the equalizer. All it would take is a few honest posts. But the window of opportunity is small.

    The world would read. Maybe even the White House would read.

  105. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Sarah Palin is a traitor to this country when she keeps trying to undermine it the way she does.
    M from MD

  106. Anonymous12:25 PM

    "Is the slang a bad trend? of course but it's been around for 15 years AND attitudes toward gays have even gotten better."

    Words fail.

  107. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Hmm, a fit of 1,000 words attempting to call out Bill Maher... 0 words to 'set the record straight' about Trig's origin.


  108. Anonymous12:43 PM

    10:20am, Bristol could have been pregnant as that Jeremy Morlock now has a baby daughter and we've heard nothing regarding who the mother is.

  109. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Sarah dear...sometimes it just makes more sense to RETREAT.
    Wake up and smell the coffee, sweetie.

  110. Anonymous1:02 PM

    @Anon 12:07

    I use the word "swell" regularly. I have a predilection for nostalgic words. I use "comestibles" too. :D

    What the Bots and Palin do not understand is Palin traded her bid for "serious" coverage when she traded her job for money and celebrity. You don't resign from an elected office, tweet and Facebook like a teenager, plaster your face on a giant bus, star in a reality series, sell stories to gossip magazines, get into pissing matches with comedians, go to Oscar swag parties, dance on DWTS and expect to get treated any better than any other celebrity.

    Sarah needs to face up to the fact that she (and Bristol) are no different than Angelina Jolie, or Jennifer Aniston or The Bachelor or anyone else whose face is on "US Weekly" today. They signed up for this. Sarah made a trade. Now, it's clear she didn't realize she was trading any credibility she ever had when she decided to go "Hollywood", but she did.

    It's merely a mark of her ignorance that she didn't realize this is what happens to celebrities. I guess she never read the front covers of the tabloids at the checkout.

    Sarah, you've been downgraded to lightweight. You need to stop trying to fight outside your weight class. No one is going to cover you like a heavyweight. You're not a heavyweight. You'll be a lot happier and more successful if you accept your reclassification to lightweight.

  111. Anonymous1:04 PM

    2nd anon @10:11 am.....there ya go briskit, this post of yours has that wannabe "gangsta" tone that your punk ass had when you were talking down to the school teacher down in Homer, you should've had your ass kicked for that too BTW. Thankfully ou and your miserable family are almost done, think about that, eh

  112. Anonymous1:05 PM

    You have got to see this video. There are two parts. Palin is asked what she likes about India and she has no answer.

    "Speaking exclusively to Koel Purie Rinchet on the show On the Couch with Koel, former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin shares her views on India."

  113. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign1:08 PM

    If RAM seems a little grouchy lately, it's because she's been outed and found. Her career is just beginning...

  114. Anonymous1:12 PM

    As a woman who has never found the latest fashions to be of much personal interest, I CAN see why Snowbank Snooki's "fashion choices" are held up to ridicule. Inappropriate, is inappropriate in any language.

    When one wears "peep-toed, sling-backed, do-me-like-a-dog pumps" at times when sophisticated business wear is more appropriate, $ahara needs to be told that her choices are inappropriate. Her performances are demeaning to women and to the US.

    Maybe she is intent on only sending out signals that she knows she is a media whore and nothing more?

  115. Anonymous1:22 PM

    hahaha! I just love seeing her get all rattled and in a snit! It is hilarious to watch! "I'm not mad, or a victim or or or whining! No, I'm just settin' the record straight which is to say that also too if someone tells the world that I turned tail and ran from the checkpoint because I didn't make arrangements also to go in that there occupied territory of Palestine, that I have an obligation to set the record straight by sayin' it was my intention all along to move up beside the enemy and take a look at it, call an audible, take my ball and run to the other side! You see they just don't understand my logic in it, that doesn't mean I'm scared or ill prepared, just being all Mama Grizzly and givin' them the fake cause we all know that lamestream media and their lame ways are followin' me and tryin to report on my every move because they are obsessed also with me and that's why I couldn't go to the Taj and enforce my love for Tawd cause they were all swarmin' on me and tryin' to touch me and they just need to all man up and get their man pants on and stop being so limp and impotent about it also."

  116. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Full on NARCISSISTIC PANIC on display here folks. She is OBSESSED with people being OBSESSED with her. She is one sick fucking bitch.

  117. Anonymous1:27 PM

    It wastes my time and it distracts from what we should focus on.

    Seems to me she wasted a lot of her time saying she wasn't going to waste her time.

  118. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I think she is going to pound away at the lsm through April trying to discredit it as much as possible before her emails are released.

  119. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Thanks poster above for reminding everyone what these Palins truly are:

    Professional Grifters.

    Sarah strong-armed her way into local AK politics and then was picked up by Oil interests up there and God knows who else - she didn't earn anything by merit and hard work! It was her sassy mouth, pretty face and fit body that got her where she is today - and the main reason the GOP picked her for the McCain ticket.

    Ironically, Bill Kristol himself, one of the people we have to thank for the Palin plague we have on our hands today, said that she is no longer a viable potential candidate as she clearly did not spend the intervening period since '08 studying and learning about the world and its history - something she absolutely needed to do to become even remotely qualified for a run.

    She knows no more than she did then, she spews the same superficial talking points they gave her for that campaign. In other words, she DIDN'T DO THE WORK NECESSARY.

    So, she'll keep manipulating those who would help her rake in money she doesn't deserve to have, until everyone wises up and stops letting her do that.

    Her oldest daughter has, sadly, become a mirror image of her mother (on the inside). Same grifting, entitled ways. Disgusting.

  120. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Ah...who is the real sexist here? Bill Maher is one of the very, very few celebrities who called out Roman Polanski for the pedophile rapist he is. Yep, when push came to shove, Bill Maher vilified a rapist when few of his peers would. But Sarah Palin? AS MAYOR OF WASILLA, SHE MADE RAPE VICTIMS PAY FOR THEIR OWN RAPE KITS.

    So sit down and shut up you awful woman! Your words and actions NEVER match up - and that's why most of this country is disgusted by your extended fifteen minutes. Speaking of which, you should be grateful to the media for your fame and the fortune that goes with it. Without the media, you would still be reduced to finding creative ways to grift from Alaska tax payers, instead of charging for speeches on your "I Hate The Media" tour.

  121. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Gryphen, head over to Palingates - you have got to see the video of an interview she did in India...

  122. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Some idiot said: "Because all the Palin kids are pretty swell to be around, always positive, always complimentary in person. Their world view is that one should never expect anyone to pay their way, that the welfare attitude is what killed America decades ago."

    Is this a fucking joke? Until she quit her job, she was practically a ward of the state! Most of her working life she's collected a government paycheck. She charged Alaska to spend the night in her own home. At least one member of her family gets free government health care for being about 5% Native Alaskan. Palin's lawyer rationalized her defense fund by saying it was a "public debt." Hell, she's a millionaire and she's STILL got her defense fund website up...when does THAT begging for a handout end?

    I seriously hope you send her your money, you deserve being taken for a ride if you're so stupid to believe Palin isn't one of the most handout dependent people in this country.

  123. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I doubt that Sarah wrote that face book post. It sounds more like Rebecca Mansour, and it also sounds as if Rebecca still hasn't gotten over the way that the LA Times wrote about her. No wonder we haven't seen pictures of Rebecca. Now wonder that she trots out the same story about her father being shot and forgiveness. If Rebecca had learned anything from the professor, it should have been that she shouldn't be wasting her time writes long long notes about not wasting her time and getting even.

  124. Anonymous1:57 PM

    First Sarah was all gun ho (I know it's gung-ho, but I liked the sound of "gun ho") on fighting Libya. Now she's against it. Kinda like the bridge to nowhere.

    Or is RAM going rogue?

  125. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Great Facebook post, Sarah. You really made your point! (What was it?) Keep going, it REALLY helps get yourself out there and let people see the real Sarah... (wink!).

    She just can't help herself, can she? She continues to be her own worst enemy. I'm curious what her idea of MSM is because the ones that I go to on a regular basis (NYT, NBC News, Time magazine, Newsweek) haven't had a story on her in months. She's so 2008. And why did she open her family up to the world with her book and reality tv show if she doesn't want people to be interested in them? It seems that if you let people in, they're going to take a look around and discuss what they see.

  126. Anonymous1:58 PM

    "Let’s just acknowledge that commonsense conservatives must be stronger..."

    "There she goes again" giving us the "commonsense" word. When, where or how has this shrill shrew ever demonstrated ANY commonsense about anything, her speeches, her rants, her attacks on anyone she chooses, particularly the president, her idiotic political views and statements and even where her own family is concerned. If there has EVER been a shred of commonsense displayed by this antagonistic agitator I have NEVER seen or heard it.

    And does she really want to "go there" and say "petty comments from the small-minded are used to distract" when she, the countess of castigation and reproach does nothing but throw petty comments about anyone and anything she dislikes or that does not suit her narrow insular views. Distract? She is one of the greatest negative distractions politics has ever experienced!!

    Commonsense? HA! More like common dollars and cents!

  127. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Anon@1:32 PM

    "She knows no more than she did then..."

    Let's not sell SP short here. She knows a lot more now. For instance, she NOW knows that Africa is a continent AND that the VP is part of the Executive Branch.

    Give her another 3 years and she should be ready for world domination.


  128. Anonymous2:10 PM

    When Palin apologizes for using demeaning sexual imagery for her political opponents like "limp" and "impotent", Maher can apologize for using "twat". Of course in Palin World no one has the right to be outraged and play victim except her.

  129. Anonymous2:10 PM

    RAM is making appearances at Malia's site and also PG today...using some awful venom spewing name calling of the President. They must be really worried about the tanking poll numbers at SARAHPAC. Poor babies.

  130. Anonymous2:11 PM

    "She had no problem referencing cajones when talking about our President."

    Thanks for the reminder. You know what they say about karma.

  131. Anonymous2:11 PM

    She is such a NUT and also she is boring!!
    When I sit and watch the news, she is a laughing stock! And it's everywhere!! There are very few people out there who stand up for her-- left or right. She is a laughing stock and it's not the medias fault. It's hers.

    She also has a lot of nerve. Like Obama is never attacked?? He is attacked nonstop by her and everyone. There are many lies told by her. She is one sick puppy.
    She's off her rocker nuts!! Wanting to be treated like a diplomat in India? Why is that? Who the F does she think she is!

    Bill Mahr will be hysterical tonight. She screwed with the wrong person!!

  132. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Funny, but on the mark.

  133. Dinty2:16 PM

    @Anonymous 1:32

    Why would she bother to go to the trouble to learn all that stuff when she truly believes God has chosen her to be President? It's much easier and more profitable to do speeches than bone up on economic and political theory.

    Her self-delusion is her biggest asset and her greatest failing.

  134. Anonymous2:20 PM

    "I won’t spend any more precious, limited time responding to personal, vulgar, sexist venom spewed my way."

    Yeah, but that's all you're good for! And oh, does your abhorrance of sexist venom hold for the likes of Limbaugh and Beck? If not, you deserve every ounce of it, you anueplodic wretch.

  135. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Popcorn days keep rolling in, one after another. These comments, though, have been some of the best.

  136. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Whoa! How long did it take RAM to compose this, and has $carah actually read it?

  137. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Give it a little time; soon Michele Bachmann will be campaigning for President, and being a woman who tells it like she sees it, won't retreat from Sarah's jealous snark. Yes, Sarah no doubt will be spewing her venom at Michele who is stealing Sarah's crown and thunder. We KNOW Sarah can't be anything but jealous when those bots switch to Michele's stage and say, "Sarah WHO?"

    Get the mud vats out cause Sarah and Michele are going to be in a fling match - step right up!!

  138. Anonymous3:13 PM

    "These are times when real leadership is needed." Is they?

  139. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Sarah and her daughters just love to use their social media outlets to spew all kinds of grievances. I have a facebook page with 120 friends and I haven't seen any one of those 120 people use Facebook to rant, insult or complain as the likes of the Palins. I can see why people in Alaska fear the wrath of SP. Also, if this is what she does in public, imagine her behavior in private.

    RAM will one day be discarded by the queen. She will unknowingly insult SP one day and be kicked out of the fold so fast her head will spin.

  140. Anonymous3:19 PM

    the most common usage of the word "twat" is to describe an imbecile...

    the word fits. What a stupid twat...

    and that's being kind.

  141. Anonymous3:30 PM

    SP slept her way into office - that set back the feminist movement big time. She continues to try to be sexy and it isn't working. I have never seen a woman wiggle her ass so much when sitting in an interview (India). Either she was going for an orgasm or the crabs were biting harder than usual. Maybe the monthly outbreak of herpes struck again because the trip was so stressful.

  142. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Limited time really? Bitch quit her job for pete's sake. Besides what else does she have to do in between her Juvaderm and Botox injections.

  143. Anonymous3:36 PM

    If the U.S. didn't have such long elections, I'm sure the Rethugs would attempt to take a page out of the playbook of Canada. I can hear them now trying to cook up something!!

    A vote in the Canadian Parliament today "Canada Government Toppled After Opposition Pressure". Election date to be May 2 or 9th when announced on Saturday. Election/Campaign length - approx. 5 weeks!!! WOW!!!! No 'diddling' there! Canada last elected their Prime Minister to a minority government about a month before the Presidential election. It's the 4th federal election in 7 or 8 years, each putting Harper in a minority government. Elections are normally every 4 years. The other minority parties are trying to form a coalition to hopefully win a majority. Sounds like Canadians have to consider that but then it sounds like they are going down the road of possibility forming a 2 party system. I think there are 5 parties in Canada - one of which is in Quebec only but sits on Parliament and votes on the whole country. That sounds unfair. Another is called the Green Party, who from what I've read, any votes are just spoiler votes as they don't win seats - Perot comes to mind. There are 3 main parties.

    "Canadian opposition parties brought down the Conservative government in a no confidence vote Friday, triggering an election that polls show the Conservatives will win.

    The opposition parties held Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government in contempt of Parliament in a 156-145 vote for failing to disclose the full financial details of his tougher crime legislation, corporate tax cuts and plans to purchase stealth fighter jets."

    I hope their politicians are not taking any tips from any of the U.S. elections. I don't quite see Canadians tolerating it, especially the Rethug shit!! I'm sure too they won't be inviting Scarah back up to talk!! She'd have no idea how to cope with a 5 week election -- her head would spin!

  144. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Anon 9:15

    Why do many women get called bitches, etc. - Because they earned it.


    And I'm being kind saying that.

  145. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Forget which MSM network this morning had a bit on the GOP potential POTUS candidate field. They listed about 8 possibilities (including Bachmann of course), posted all their pictures, and Sarah was conspicuously absent. They did make mention of the fact that now it is looking unlikely she'd run. Can't remember the reasoning given, even.

    How far the "mighty" have fallen!

  146. Anonymous3:49 PM

    If you haven't watched the interview she did in India, do!

    Around the 2 minute mark when she is asked what she has seen in India, all she can refer to is the drive from the airport to the hotel, the drivers on the road and the view from her hotel window.
    What a fricking joke!

  147. Anonymous3:54 PM

    10:02 am - RAM, that you dummy?

    10:11 am - Bristol - go take care of your kids and quit your bitching.

  148. linda3:57 PM

    she certainly thinks she has the market cornered on "smarts" doesn't she? and that the world revolves around her. i think there is a psychiatric term for that!

  149. Anonymous3:58 PM

    10:20 am _Love

    Bristol was pregnant on dwts, was Willow pregnant too?

    Why don't you 2 kids grow up and quit stirring up trouble and trashing houses?

  150. Anonymous4:04 PM

    10:22 am

    Palin older daughters are learning to grift just like Mommy Dearest Sarah and have their hands out for a dollar, no work habits.

    They should get real jobs and quit getting rich off other people. You 3 really want everyone to spread their wealth around to you losers.

    Brisket made money by being pregnant again and again.

    Yeah, we know you guys real well, so we know exactly how you roll.

  151. Anonymous4:14 PM

    As if she wasn't reading about herself from her hotel room. Please with the bullshit, clown.

    She is still petty (which she calls reload. HA) still vindictive (which she calls calm) still narcissist (which she calls commonsense) still bashing Pres Obama and the US (which she calls facts) and is more of a liar (which she calls truth.)

    Yep her return from the Holy Land has made her a mature woman.



  152. Anonymous4:20 PM

    A few stones and a sling? So now she's David to the lamestream media's Goliath? I'm so confused.

  153. FEDUP!!!4:21 PM

    Boy, Gryphen: You surely hit a nerve here with replicating the venomous whining of the Grifter-par-excellence! The trolls are out in force like I have seldom seen lately - even RAM and Bri$tol and most likely Lou-$arah...

  154. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Now we know why Sarah Palin does not do interviews. Too many gotcha question. Palin looks like a fish being clubbed. The funny parts are when Palin babbles on with her word salad while the India tv host’s master of the English language makes Palin looks like an uneducated trailer park hill billy.

    Palin goes all the way to another country and does not look comfortable communicating in English with a person whose second language is English.

    India interviewer: What have you seen?
    Palin: We saw uh uh wonderful scenery from our hotel window.

    (WTF? Palin could of stayed at home and bought a book with pictures or a DVD of India sites instead of looking out the window to see their sites. Can’t visit the sites, but the dip shit made time to visit their malls)

    (Part two video clip, Palin looks like a babbling idiot and then she threw the India President under the bus.
    Also Palin says she does not have a temper.
    There are two video clips)

  155. Anonymous4:24 PM

    1:22 PM, just add a screechy voice and maniacal eyes and that's sooooo her.

  156. Anonymous4:34 PM

    9:56, Sarah Palin is a liar and a pig and that's why she is criticized.

  157. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Don't forget, Sarah is a TWAT. Be sure to tell everyone that Sarah is a twat. She is a lame-brain twat.

    Gryphen, have yourself a wonderful week-end and stay away from the crazy bots.

  158. Anonymous4:50 PM

    10:02, now you've got sarah palin hiding behind women who really have been the victims of actual sexism and abuse??

    seriously? sarah palin who uses sex to further her political agenda and career?? sarah palin who wore her push up bra to make sure she got her way with the city council?

    oh my god. that is patently obscene. will you palin fans stop at nothing?

  159. Anonymous5:00 PM

    10:22, I'm sorry, I just can't buy your sympathy for the palin kids. I've still got Bristles big fat middle finger poking in my eye.

  160. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Oh god- PLEASE write one of your brilliant posts about this video!! When they ask her what's she's seen in India, she literally could say NOTHING!! OMG it's fucking priceless. She is a complete moron. This is NOT the mean girl she is on a daily basis while home in Amurika. She's fake as shit with this chick!

  161. Anonymous5:10 PM

    MSM is the only reason she is well off today. Had the media she whines about reported the facts about her three years ago, the public would have been spared all the lies she spews. It is not too late MSM.

  162. Anonymous5:13 PM

    You have a point 9:10. She seems to react the strongest against the entertainers who attack her than anyone else. She doesn't go after pundits who criticize- just the comedians. Whats that all about?

  163. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I know that this is going to hurt but I have to say this. Michelle Bachman is prettier than Sarah Palin.

  164. Anonymous5:37 PM

    $p claims she will not shy away from defending others who are unfairly attacked by MSM. Does that mean she will now defend the President against 24/7 unfair attacks? Especially since she is the old bird who started these attacks.

  165. Anonymous5:39 PM

    1:12p, a Harriet Korn fan!

  166. Ratfish5:42 PM

    I will not call Palin and Ram knuckle-dragging Neanderthals. I’ll let his Todd call them that instead.”

  167. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Sarah Palin is a twat. She's also a dick. Glenn Beck is similarly both a twat and a dick. Now, someone, try and call me sexist.

  168. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Kathy Griffin has a new special out. Don't know if any of you've seen it but here's her Palin material:

    It starts immediately. We later learn that Palin checked out of her hotel room upon learning that Kathy was staying there! That's so Presidential. ;)

  169. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Angela, way to go. A must read.

  170. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Bingo! 1:31, discredit the Media before it discredits her.

  171. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I am an Alaskan woman. I thought at first you had some brains way back when you went after Randy Ruedrich; but after that it was all downhill. Please put your heels up at your compound on Lake Louise and give it a rest. Like forever.

    Oh yes, you are hardly a woman I would call a feminist in any shape or form. In fact, you embarrass women like me who have achieved a career through real effort. Again, take your grifting money and give it a rest. You are becoming a parody of yourself.

  172. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Just go away. Please.

  173. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Maher has it right.

    She's a "twat." a treacherous twat.

  174. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Anon @ 7:08,

    Great comment! I, too worked my way up the ladder by hard work. IMO Pathetic Palin bought into the old saying, "it's not who you know, it's who you blow". That's the only reason someone as dense as Pathetic Palin got as far as she did., someone knew a good stooge when they saw one. I still think Pathetic Palin is just the monkey on a leash, dancing to the monkey grinder's tune.


  175. Anonymous2:00 AM

    All those words from Rambling-RAM trying to say Palin was not a stupid twat and still she failed.


  176. FireHorse668:51 PM

    (Okay, okay, hang on just a minute here. "Venom spewing" is totally MY phrase! I have been using that to describe Palin, and the lunatic fringe she calls supporters, for over two years now. In other words, the bitch is stealing my best lines! Can't RAM make up her OWN phraseology?)

    Ummm, no. Because whilst her writing acumen far succeeds SP's (just listen to the brainiac speak), it does not mean she has the global intelligence required for creativity. Ba-dum-dum.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.